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1.1.4 • Public • Published



⚠️ Important note: starting with version 1.0.0, the library has been completely rewritten to use standalone components and introduce breaking changes. As the section "Requirements" states, the library now requires Angular 14 or above.

What is this?

This is a simple Angular library that allows you to create an OTP (One Time Password) form by providing a set of options. The library is designed to be easy to use and highly customizable, allowing you to configure the form to suit your needs. If you like the library, please consider giving it a star on GitHub.

Demo page


To use this library, your project must be running Angular 14 or above. This requirement stems from our adoption of standalone components, which are an integral feature in Angular's modern development approach. Standalone components offer a more streamlined and modular way to manage your components and simplify the dependency management, positioning them as the future of Angular development.


To install this library, run:

npm install ngx-otp-input --save

Example Usage

Since the library uses standalone components, you can directly import and use them in your Angular application without needing to declare them in any module. For more configuration options, refer to the Configuration options section.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { NgxOtpInputComponent, NgxOtpInputComponentOptions } from 'ngx-otp-input';

  selector: 'app-root',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [NgxOtpInputComponent],
  template: `
    <h1>Welcome to My Angular App</h1>
    <ngx-otp-input [options]="otpOptions"></ngx-otp-input>
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'],
export class AppComponent {
  otpOptions: NgxOtpInputComponentOptions = {...};


options: NgxOtpInputComponentOptions

The options input is an object that allows you to configure the OTP form. For a list of available options, refer to the Configuration options section.

otp: string | null | undefined

The otp input is a string that allows you to set the OTP value of the form. This input is useful when you want to pre-fill the form with an OTP value. If the otp input is set to null or undefined, the form will be empty. The library will match the length of the OTP value with the otpLength option and fill the input fields accordingly, in case the OTP value is shorter than the otpLength option, the remaining fields will be empty. If the given value will not match the regexp option, the library will throw an error.

status: NgxOtpStatus | null | undefined

The status input is a string that allows you to set the status of the OTP form. The status can be one of the following values: null, undefined, 'success' or 'failed'. This status is only used to visually indicate the result of the OTP verification process.

For type safety, you can use the NgxOtpStatus enum:

import { NgxOtpStatus } from 'ngx-otp-input';

  selector: 'app-root',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [NgxOtpInputComponent],
  template: ` <ngx-otp-input [status]="otpStatusEnum.SUCCESS"></ngx-otp-input> `,
export class AppComponent {
  status = NgxOtpStatus;

disabled: boolean

The disabled input is a boolean that allows you to disable the OTP form. When set to true, the form will be disabled and the user will not be able to interact with it.


otpChange: string[]

The otpChange output is an event that is emitted whenever the OTP value changes. The event payload is an array of strings, where each string represents a value in the OTP form.

otpComplete: string

The otpComplete output is an event that is emitted whenever the OTP form is completed. The event payload is string, which represents the complete OTP value.

Configuration options

The NgxOtpInputComponentOptions interface allows you to configure the OTP form. The following options are available:

Option Type Default value Description
otpLength number 6 The number of inputs in the OTP form
autoFocus boolean true Whether the first input should be focused automatically
autoBlur boolean true Whether the form should be blurred on complete
hideInputValues boolean false Whether the input values should be shown as password fields
regexp RegExp /^[0-9]+$/ The regular expression that the input values should match
showBlinkingCursor boolean true Whether the input fields should have a blinking cursor
ariaLabels string[] [] An array of strings that represent the aria-labels for each input field. For more information, please refer to the More on aria-labels section.


The library provides a set of CSS classes that you can use to style the OTP form. The following classes are available:

Class name Description
ngx-otp-input-form The main container of the OTP form
ngx-otp-input-box The input field of the OTP form
ngx-blinking-cursor The blinking cursor of the input field
ngx-otp-input-disabled The disabled state of the form
ngx-otp-input-filled The filled state of an input field
ngx-otp-input-success The success state of the form
nngx-otp-input-failed The failed state of the form

How to use the classes

Styling is quite simple, but you have to use the classes directly in root style file, otherwise it will not work:

ngx-otp-input {
  .ngx-otp-input-form {
  .ngx-otp-input-box {

Reset the form

In order to reset the form, you can use the reset method of the NgxOtpInputComponent:

First, get a reference to the component in your template:


Then, get a reference to the component in your component class:

import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { NgxOtpInputComponent } from 'ngx-otp-input';

  selector: 'app-root',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [NgxOtpInputComponent],
  template: `
export class AppComponent {
  @ViewChild('otpInput') otpInput: NgxOtpInputComponent;

  resetForm() {

Under the hood, the reset method will clear all the input values and reset the form to its initial state. For more information, refer to the Angular FormArray reset documentation.

More on aria-labels

The ariaLabels option allows you to provide a set of strings that represent the aria-labels for each input field. This option is useful for making the form more accessible to users who rely on screen readers. The aria-label attribute provides a way to specify a string that labels the current element, which can be read by screen readers to provide additional context to the user. The library will automatically assign the aria-label attribute to each input with a default value of One Time Password Input Number followed by the input index. However, you can override this default value by providing your own set of labels in the ariaLabels option.

If you provide an array of strings in the ariaLabels option, the library will use the values in the array to assign the aria-label attribute to each input field. The array should contain the same number of strings as the otpLength option, with each string representing the label for the corresponding input field. If the array contains fewer strings than the otpLength option, the library will use the default value for the remaining input fields.

HTML inputmode attribute

The inputMode option allows you to set the inputmode attribute of the input fields. The inputmode attribute provides a hint to the browser about the type of data that is expected to be entered by the user. This hint can help the browser provide a more appropriate virtual keyboard layout for the input field, making it easier for the user to enter the correct data. The inputMode option accepts a string value that represents the input mode of the input fields. For more details, check out this documentation.

Please note, that regexp option should be set to support the inputmode attribute. For example, if you set the inputMode option to text and the regexp option to /^[a-zA-Z]+$/, the browser will provide a virtual keyboard layout that is optimized for entering text data, but if the inputMode option is set to numeric and the regexp is still /^[a-zA-Z]+$/, the browser may provide a numeric keyboard layout, which may not be suitable for entering text data.

Default options for inputMode and regexp are set to 'numeric' and /^[0-9]+$/ respectively, as these are the most common values for one time password inputs.

Side notes

If hideInputValues is set to true, the input values will be hidden by default, using the password input type. However certain password managers may place their browser extension icon on the input field, which may interfere with the input field's appearance.


If you would like to contribute to this project, please refer to the CONTRIBUTING file for more information.

Code of Conduct

Please read the CODE OF CONDUCT file for more information.


See the CHANGELOG file for details.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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