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NGXS loading Plugin

The plugin is created for adding action (dispatch, complete, error) status to UI elements such as the submit button NGXS.

Reasons to Use This Plugin

Most of the time we are importing so many things to show loader, disable the Ui element and like the common one is creating a boolean state in component to check for action status, due to this plugin, we can easily handle by using angular custom directive, we can do the following things:

  • watch action.
  • watch state(like creating a boolean flag in-state).
  • can directly dispatch and watch the action.

We adding CSS class to the UI element to define the status of the action.

  • on action dispatch we adding active class.
  • on action success we adding success class.
  • on action throw error we adding error class.

Disable the UI element.

when action is dispatch the UI element is disabled so plugin prevents a double click on the UI element and enables once action status becomes success or error..

Note: you need to adding CSS against these classes.


Run the following code in your terminal:

yarn add ngxs-loading-plugin

or if you are using npm:

npm install ngxs-loading-plugin


Setup Before Initial Use

Import NgxsLoadingPluginModule into your root module like:

import { NgxsModule } from '@ngxs/store';
import { NgxsLoadingPluginModule } from 'ngxs-loading-plugin';
  imports: [
    NgxsModule.forRoot([ /* Your states here */ ]),
export class AppModule {}

we can pass config object to forRoot to change css class name.

    cssClassName: {
      active: 'dispatch',
      success: 'done',
      error: 'error'


export class FetchingBooksAction {
  static readonly type = 'FetchingBooksAction.type';
export class FetchingTeachersAction {
  static readonly type = 'FetchingTeachersAction.type';


  selector: 'loading',
  templateUrl: './loading.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./loading.component.css']
export class LoadingComponent implements OnInit {
  fechingBookAction = new FetchingBooksAction();
  fetchingTeacherAction = new FetchingTeachersAction();
  constructor(private store: Store) {}
  ngOnInit() {}
  fetchingBooks() {;
  fetchingTeachers() {;

Watch state.

using ngxsStateWatchLoading directive and pass the path as string.


Important Note: here we just adding two CSS class active ( when the state becomes true) and success (when the state becomes false) because of boolean nature. we will try to move it to three states like

  • 0 => active.
  • 1 => success.
  • -1 => error.

Watch the action

Passing the instance or class reference of action to [ngxsActionWatchLoading] directive.


or passing action type as a string ngxsActionWatchLoading="FetchingBooksAction.type".


Watch and dispatch the action.

Passing instance of action [ngxsDispatchLoading]="fetchingTeacherAction".

<button type="button [ngxsDispatchLoading]="fetchingTeacherAction">Submit</button>

or passing action as the string ngxsStateWatchLoading="loading.loadingTeacher"


Call client function.

In call function we passing a function to the directive. the function should return observable. you can see the following example.


export class LoadingComponent {
  constructor(private store: Store) {}
  fetchingBooks(): Observable<any> {
    return FetchingBooksAction()).pipe(tap((resp) => {
      /* here your code on success */
    }), catchError((error) => {
      /* here your code on error */
      return error;
  fetchingTeachers(): Observable<any> {
    return FetchingTeachersAction()).pipe(tap((resp) => {
      /* here your code on success */
    }), catchError((error) => {
      /* here your code on error */
      throw error;

here fetchingBooks and fetchingTeachers returning obserable and than we pass these function to directive in the current class context.

<button type="button" [ngxsSubmitLoading]="fetchingBooks.bind(this)">

here 'bind' reserve the context of the current class. and send copy of function to the directive.

ngxsInValid (input)

To add the error class to the form manually you can try this. like some time may you need to add error class when form invalid

 <input type="submit" value="Submit" class="button" [ngxsInValid]="(form.invalid && !form.pristine)" [ngxsSubmitLoading="fetchingBooks.bind(this)">

Navigate by url once action is success

Most of the time when action succeeded we need to redirect to another page, for this purpose you can use ngxsSuccessUrl by passing url.


Output on Success, Error and Dispatch actions.

If you want to do some thing, when action is dispatch, successed and on Error. following outputs from directive.

  • ngxsOnDispatch
  • ngxsOnSuccess
  • ngxsOnError


<button [ngxsDispatchLoading]="fetchingTeacherAction" (ngxsOnDispatch)="onDispatch()">Submit</button>


<button [ngxsDispatchLoading]="fetchingTeacherAction" (ngxsOnSuccess)="onSuccess()">Submit</button>


<button [ngxsDispatchLoading]="fetchingTeacherAction" (ngxsOnError)="onError()">Submit</button>

License and copy right

© Shahid Ahmad

License under the MIT License.

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