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1.3.2 • Public • Published


Modern library for create simple discord bots based on DiscordJS

English | Русский

CLI (Creating new project from a template)

# install nicord.js globally
npm i nicord.js -g
# run this command in the project directory and
# follow the instructions to create a new project
nicord init

Installing in project

# using npm
npm i nicord.js --save
# using yarn
yarn add nicord.js
# using pnpm
pnpm add nicord.js

Simple Example

// Create client
const client = new NicordClient([
  // Set Intents for interacting with messages and guilds

// Enable logging
// Set bot token
// Set guild id for local slash commands
client.defaultGuild = '9362818051********'
// Declares that all slash commands must be registered locally for the above guild.
// Start client (can be awaited)
client.start(() => {
  // Here you can perform any action at the start of the client

// Declares the class as a listener of slash commands
class SlashCommands {
  // Declares a method as a command handler
  // Command name (required)
  // Command description (required)
  @Description('Sum of two numbers :)')
  // Optional options
  // From top to bottom order
    name: 'a',
    description: 'a',
    name: 'b',
    description: 'b',
  // handler method
  private async sum(cmd: NicordSlashCommand) {
    const a = cmd.getOption<number>('a')
    const b = cmd.getOption<number>('b')
    if (a && b) {
      await cmd.ephemeral(a + b)
    } else {
      await cmd.ephemeral('Неверные аргументы')



NicordJS replaces the event system with its own for some reason, but it works the same way as before

client.nion('messageCreate', msg => {

Legacy commands

Ordinary, text commands that begin with the prefix

class LegacyCommands {
  private ping(cmd: NicordLegacyCommand) {

You may have seen that I specified a prefix for the command over a class, not a method. Some handler decorators can be placed over a class, so they will apply to all handlers in the class, but the decorators over a method will overwrite the decorators over the class.

Restricted commands and guards

These decorators allow or disallow the use of commands for certain roles or users with special permissions

@AdminOnly // only for admins
@WhitelistedRoles // only for specified roles
@BlacklistedRoles // only for unspecified roles
@RequiredPermissions // Only for users with special permissions (Ex. SPEAK, STREAM ...)

The UseGuard decorator allows you to check the input or catch an error. Must return a boolean value. (true - allow command execution, false - deny)

@UseGuard(async (cmd: NicordSlashCommand, err: NicordCommandError) => {
  if (err) {
    if (err.unpermitted) {
      await cmd.ephemeral('You are not permitted')
    return false
  if (cmd.getOption<string>('text').toLowerCase() === 'книга'.substring(1)) {
    await cmd.reply('BAN!')
    return false
  return true


class MySubcommands {
  @Description('action A')
  private a() {/* TODO */

  @Description('action B')
  private b() {/* TODO */

class SlashCommands {
  @Description('Some actions')
  private actions() {

// then register SlashCommands; Subcommands register automatically


NicordJS has simplified the buttons a bit, here's how it works now

  content: 'buttons',
  components: [
    new ButtonRowComponent(
      new NicordButton('saydm', 'Say hello to DM', 'PRIMARY')

client.registerButton('saydm', (interaction) => {


Intermediate layers are executed one after another before the execution of the listeners of the specified event, they are executed even for events declared inside NicordJS

client.useMiddleware('messageCreate', async (msg) => {
  if (msg.attachments.length > 2) {
    await msg.delete()
    msg.replyToDM('Too many attachments')
    // Return 'REJECT' to prevent subsequent layers and
    // the final event handler from triggering
    return 'REJECT'


client.start(() => {
  // Create presence after client startup
  const presence = new NicordPresence()
    // Make presence refreshable, so that status and activity updates automatically
    // Sets the status to Do Not Disturb
    // Adds activity
    .addActivity(new NicordActivity()
      // playing, streaming, etc...
      // Activity name
  // Apply presence
  // We update the status after 10 seconds, thanks to `refreshable`, we do not need to update manually
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 10000)


You can create a webhook exactly like the user you specify, which makes it possible to do very interesting things. Configure Firebase to synchronize webhooks in more detail and prevent duplication

const shadowUser = new ShadowUser(client, {user, channel})
const webhook = await shadowUser.get()

Shadowing example

Set up message shading on your server to be able to send embeds

client.useMiddleware<NicordMessage>('message', async (msg) => {
  const embeds = EmbedParser(msg.content)
  if (embeds.length > 0) {
    await msg.delete()
    if(!( instanceof TextChannel)) return msg
    const webhook = await new ShadowUser(client, { user:, channel: }).get()
    await webhook.send({ embeds })

Channel Proxying

You can send messages on behalf of your bot and broadcast messages from other channels

// We will need Firebase. It's not necessary,
// but if you want to be able to edit proxied messages and 
// have more accurate webhook synchronization, 
// we need to plug it into the project

// Place your firebase private key in the project
// You can get it here:
import creds from './firebase-adminsdk.json'

export const client = new NicordClient([

const firebaseConfig = {
    // Firebase app config

// Connecting firebase to the client
client.setFirebase(firebaseConfig, creds)

// Define the capture channel
// (From here, your messages will be redirected to the destination channel on behalf of the botа)
const captureChannel = '955901635895394324'
// Define the destination channel
// From here, messages from other users will be forwarded to the interception channel on behalf of webhooks
const destinationChannel = '786861708487557163'

client.start(async () => {
  console.log('Bot started!')
  // Create and run a proxy.
  client.useProxy(new ChannelProxy(captureChannel, destinationChannel))

Other features

Since NicordJS is a wrapper over DiscordJS, if NicordJS functionality is not enough for you, you can import DiscordJS classes and types from NicordJS, since NicordJS inherits DiscordJS.


discord.js - is a powerful Node.js module that allows you to easily interact with the Discord API.

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  • limpix31