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1.0.10 • Public • Published


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nif-dni-nie-cif-validation is a JS and TS library that makes everything related with NIF (spanish identifiers) easier.

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Example usage

Import and use as follow with ES6 syntax:

import { isValidNif } from "nif-dni-nie-cif-validation";

console.log(isValidNif("36698729K")) // true
console.log(isValidNif("9332057M")) // false

For previous versions use require as follows:

const { isValidNif } = require("nif-dni-nie-cif-validation")

console.log(isValidNif("36698729K")) // true
console.log(isValidNif("9332057M")) // false

The following sections cover all the features and utilities of this package.

Main functions

Function Description Expects inputs Valid examples
isValidNif Checks if the given nif (legal entity NIF or natural person NIF (DNI, DNI K, DNI L, DNI M, or NIE)) is valid. /^([KLMXYZ][\d]{7}|[\d]{8})[TRWAGMYFPDXBNJZSQVHLCKE]$/i or /^[ABCDEFGHJNPQRSUVW][\d]{7}[\dA-J]$/i 57655929N K0867756N Z9332057L A07727886
isValidNaturalPersonNif Checks if the given naturalPersonNif is whether a valid DNI (including DNI K, L and M) or a valid NIE. /^([KLMXYZ][\d]{7}|[\d]{8})[TRWAGMYFPDXBNJZSQVHLCKE]$/i 57655929N K0867756N Z9332057L
isValidDni Checks if the given dni is valid. It does include checks for DNI K, L and M. /^([KLM][\d]{7}|[\d]{8})[TRWAGMYFPDXBNJZSQVHLCKE]$/i 57655929N K0867756N
isValidNie Checks if the given nie is valid. /^[XYZ][\d]{7}[TRWAGMYFPDXBNJZSQVHLCKET]$/i Z9332057L X9864761S Y2541026T
isValidLegalEntityNif Checks if the legalEntityNif (old known as CIF) provided is valid. It does not include old K, L and M formats. /^[ABCDEFGHJNPQRSUVW][\d]{7}[\dA-J]$/i A07727886 E05070164 J34790493
isValidCif Same as isValidLegalEntityNif Same as isValidLegalEntityNif Same as isValidLegalEntityNif

Utility functions

Function Description Expected inputs Valid examples
isValidDniLetter Checks if the dni control code (letter) provided is valid. It does include checks for DNI K, L and M. (WARNING!: It does not check the DNI_REGEX.) /^([KLM][\d]{7}|[\d]{8})[TRWAGMYFPDXBNJZSQVHLCKE]$/i 57655929N K0867756N
replaceNieLetter Returns a new string with the nie letter (XYZ) replaced. However it will throw an error if the first character is not X, Y or Z. /^[XYZ][\d]{7}[TRWAGMYFPDXBNJZSQVHLCKET]$/i Z9332057L X9864761S Y2541026T
isValidLegalEntityNifControlCode Checks if the legal entity nif (old known as CIF) control code (letter or number) provided is valid. (WARNING!: It does not check the LEGAL_ENITY_NIF_REGEX.) /^[ABCDEFGHJNPQRSUVW][\d]{7}[\dA-J]$/i A07727886 E05070164 J34790493
isValidCifControlCode Same as isValidLegalEntityNifControlCode Same as isValidLegalEntityNifControlCode Same as isValidLegalEntityNifControlCode

Other utilities

Name Type Description
DNI_CONTROL_LETTERS string Contains all the control letters available for a valid DNI.
DNI_REGEX RegExp Pattern that must match a valid DNI, however it does not includes control letter validation. Use isValidDni instead for full validation.
NIE_REGEX RegExp Pattern that must match a valid NIE, however it does not includes control letter validation. Use isValidNie instead for full validation.
LEGAL_ENTITY_CONTROL_LETTERS string Contains all the control letters available for a valid legal entity NIF (old known as CIF). Remember that may include numbers for the control characters, so this does not cover all posibilities.
LEGAL_ENTITY_NIF_REGEX RegExp Pattern that must match a valid legal entity NIF, however it does not includes control character validation. Use isValidLegalEntityNif instead for full validation.

What about the CIF?

CIF was a legal entity id used in Spain up to 2008. However, nowadays it's renamed to legal entity NIF, and some old formats like those who starts with L, K and M letters are not described by legal authorities (at least what I found, if you find more information about it, please feel free to comment, make a pull or open an issue).

Nevertheless, this library also exports isValidLegalEntityNif renamed to isValidCif, and all related terms with it to make easier to those who need it.

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