TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.0.7 • Public • Published

Ninja Form Kit

Elevate your form development with Ninja Form Kit, a powerful TypeScript library that seamlessly integrates with your theme. This robust toolkit unifies UI generation and form validation into a single configuration object, streamlining your workflow. Leverage type-safe components to create polished, responsive forms with minimal effort. From basic inputs to complex layouts, Ninja Form Kit empowers developers to build professional, user-friendly forms while maintaining code consistency across projects. Simplify your form creation process and enhance productivity with our comprehensive, TypeScript-first solution.

Table of Contents


To install Ninja Form Kit, use npm or yarn:

npm install ninjaformkit
# or
yarn add ninjaformkit

Quick Start

To configure your form, define a formConfig object in your +page.server.ts file. This object allows you to specify form properties such as method, action, fields, and validation rules. For optimal type safety, ensure your formConfig adheres to the FormConfig interface. Important: Define formConfig outside the load function to guarantee accessibility within actions.

Define the config in loader

import { type FormConfig } from 'ninjaformkit'

const formConfig = {
	method: 'post',
	fields: {
		email: {
			type: 'text',
			variant: 'email',
			placeholder: 'Enter your email...',
			label: 'Email',
			validate: {
				required: true,
				isEmail: true
		message: {
			type: 'textarea',
			placeholder: 'Enter your message...',
			label: 'Message',
			validate: {
				required: true,
				minLength: 10,
				maxLength: 500
		submit: {
			type: 'submit',
			label: 'Submit'
} satisfies FormConfig;

export const load: PageServerLoad = async () => {
	return { formConfig };

Use the Form in your template/component

<script lang="ts">
    import { Form } from 'ninjaformkit'
    export let data;

<Form config={data.formConfig} />

Validate the form with actions

import { validate } from 'ninjaformkit'

export const actions = {
	default: async ({ request }) => {
		const { errors, hasErrors, values } = await validate(request, formConfig);

		if (hasErrors) {
                        // Errors will appears under each input that validation fails
			return fail(400, { errors });

	// Process the type safe form values 
        await sendEmail({
            email:, // string
            message: values.message // string
        return redirect(301, '/');
} satisfies Actions;

Form Config Options

The formConfig object allows you to configure various aspects of your form. Below is a table explaining each option:

Option Type Description
action string The URL to which the form data will be submitted. Optional.
encType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' | 'multipart/form-data' | 'text/plain' The encoding type for the form. Optional.
method 'get' | 'post' The HTTP method to use when submitting the form. Required.
fields Record<string, FormField> An object where each key is a field name and the value is a FormField object. Required.
runLoader boolean Denotes weather to run sveltekits invalidateAll hook. Optional

FormField Options

Each field in the fields object is a FormField with the following options:

Option Type Description
type 'text' | 'textarea' | 'submit' | 'checkbox' | 'radio' | 'toggle' | 'select' | 'file' The type of the form field. Required.
label string The label for the form field. Required.
defaultValue string | number | null The default value for the form field. Optional.
defaultChecked boolean The default checked state for checkbox, radio, or toggle fields. Optional.
width 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 The width of the form field, used for fieldset grid layout. Optional. Defaults to 12.
variant 'password' | 'email' | 'text' | 'color' | 'number' The variant of the form field, specifying a more specific type. Works with the "text" input type. Defaults to "text". Optional.
placeholder string The placeholder text for the form field. Optional.
multiple boolean Whether the field allows multiple values (e.g., for file and select inputs). Optional.
break boolean Weather to break into a new row in grid. Optional.
icon string An icon to display with the form field. This relies on @iconify library (e.g. material-symbols:verified-user) Optional.
options { value: string | number; label: string; }[] An array of options for select and radio fields. Each option has a value and a label. Optional. Note Select and Radio inputs will throw an error if these values are not set.
disabled boolean Whether the form field is disabled. Optional.
before string Content to display before the form field. Optional.
after string Content to display after the form field. Optional.
validate object Validation rules for the form field. Optional.


Ninja Form Kit currently has 19 validate options.

Validation Options

The validate object allows you to specify validation rules for the form field. Below is a table explaining each option:

Option Type Description
required boolean Whether the field is required.
minLength number The minimum length of the field value.
maxLength number The maximum length of the field value.
min number The minimum value for numeric fields.
max number The maximum value for numeric fields.
isEmail boolean Whether the field value should be a valid email address.
isUrl boolean Whether the field value should be a valid URL.
isNumber boolean Whether the field value should be a valid number.
isFloat boolean Whether the field value should be a valid float.
isAlpha boolean Whether the field value should contain only alphabetic characters.
isAlphanumeric boolean Whether the field value should contain only alphanumeric characters.
isDate boolean Whether the field value should be a valid date.
isTime boolean Whether the field value should be a valid time.
isDateTime boolean Whether the field value should be a valid date-time.
mimeTypes Array<string> An array of acceptable MIME types for file inputs.
maxSize number The maximum file size for file inputs, in bytes.
matches string A regex pattern that the field value should match.
badPasswordCheck boolean Whether to check the field value against a list of common bad passwords. Utilises pwned passwords API.


Ninja Form Kit offers a wide array of customizable CSS variables. Simply import the CSS file into your +layout.svelte and tailor the variables to perfectly match your theme.

:root {
    --nfk-font: ui-sans-serif, system-ui, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji";
    --nfk-default: #005f8b; // Button, radio and toggle colours
    --nfk-default-hover: #0a5171; // Button, radio and toggle colours hover
    --nfk-text: #000000; // text colour for labels
    --nkf-input-bg: #f3f4f6; // Back ground colour for form inputs
    --nkf-input-bg-file-hover: #f3f4f6; // Hover state for file input
    --nfk-button-text: #ffffff; // Text colout for buttons and radio
    --nkf-placeholder: #a0aec0; // Placeholder text colour
    --nfk-border: #e2e8f0; // Input border
    --nkf-error: #e53e3e; // Error color for border and error text
    --nkf-required: #e84949; // Required asterix on inouts with validation rules
    --nfk-outline: #0073aa; // Outline for inout focused
    --nfk-gap-x: 14px; // Gap between inputs row
    --nfk-gap-y: 14px; // Gap between inputs colun

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    :root {
        --nfk-default: #005f8b;
        --nfk-text: #FFFFFF;
        --nkf-input-bg: #35383c;
        --nkf-input-bg-file-hover: #595c61;
        --nfk-button-text: #ffffff;
        --nkf-placeholder: #dfe3e7;
        --nfk-border: #e2e8f0;
        --nkf-error: #e53e3e;
        --nkf-required: #e84949;
        --nfk-outline: #0073aa;
        --nkf-btn-text: #ffffff;

More examples

Register Form

const formConfig = {
	method: 'post',
	fields: {
		username: {
			type: 'text',
			label: 'Username',
			placeholder: 'Enter your username...',
			width: 5,
			validate: {
				required: true,
				minLength: 3,
				maxLength: 20
		email: {
			type: 'text',
			variant: 'email',
			label: 'Email',
			placeholder: 'Enter your email...',
			width: 7,
			validate: {
				required: true,
				isEmail: true
		referer: {
			type: 'select',
			label: 'Referer',
			placeholder: 'Select an option...',
			width: 4,
			options: [
				{ label: 'Google', value: 'google' },
				{ label: 'Friend', value: 'friend' },
				{ label: 'Other', value: 'other' }
			break: true,
			validate: {
				required: true
		accountType: {
			type: 'radio',
			label: 'Account Type',
			width: 8,
			options: [
				{ label: 'Personal', value: 'personal' },
				{ label: 'Business', value: 'business' }
			validate: {
				required: true
		password: {
			type: 'text',
			variant: 'password',
			label: 'Password',
			placeholder: 'Enter your password...',
			width: 6,
			validate: {
				required: true,
				minLength: 8,
				badPasswordCheck: true
		confirmPassword: {
			type: 'text',
			variant: 'password',
			label: 'Confirm Password',
			placeholder: 'Confirm your password...',
			width: 6,
			validate: {
				required: true,
				matches: 'password'
		newsletter: {
			type: 'checkbox',
			label: 'Subscribe to newsletter',
			defaultChecked: true
		submit: {
			type: 'submit',
			label: 'Submit'
} satisfies FormConfig;

Login Form

const formConfig = {
	method: 'post',
	fields: {
		email: {
			type: 'text',
			variant: 'email',
			placeholder: 'Enter your email...',
			label: 'Email',
			validate: {
				required: true,
				isEmail: true
                        after: `<a href="/reset-password" class="text-sm mt-3 text-right">Forgot Password</a>`
		password: {
			type: 'text',
			variant: 'password',
			placeholder: 'Enter your password...',
			label: 'Password',
			validate: {
				required: true
		rememberMe: {
			type: 'checkbox',
			label: 'Remember me'
		submit: {
			type: 'submit',
			label: 'Submit'
} satisfies FormConfig;


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

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