
0.1.1 • Public • Published


no-kafka-slim is Apache Kafka 0.9 client for Node.js with new unified consumer API support. This module is a direct fork of oleksiyk/kafka, but with removed depency for Snappy (due to various problems on Windows).

All methods will return a promise

Using --zookeeper --create --topic kafka-test-topic --partitions 3 --replication-factor 1
  • install no-kafka-slim
npm install no-kafka-slim



var Kafka = require('no-kafka-slim');
var producer = new Kafka.Producer();
return producer.init().then(function(){
  return producer.send({
      topic: 'kafka-test-topic',
      partition: 0,
      message: {
          value: 'Hello!'
.then(function (result) {
  [ { topic: 'kafka-test-topic', partition: 0, offset: 353 } ]

Send and retry if failed 2 times with 100ms delay:

return producer.send(messages, {
  retries: {
    attempts: 2,
    delay: 100

Accumulate messages into single batch until their total size is >= 1024 bytes or 100ms timeout expires (overwrite Producer constructor options):

producer.send(messages, {
  batch: {
    size: 1024,
    maxWait: 100
producer.send(messages, {
  batch: {
    size: 1024,
    maxWait: 100

Please note, that if you pass different options to the send() method then these messages will be grouped into separate batches:

// will be sent in batch 1
producer.send(messages, {
  batch: {
    size: 1024,
    maxWait: 100

Producer options:

  • requiredAcks - require acknoledgments for produce request. If it is 0 the server will not send any response. If it is 1 (default), the server will wait the data is written to the local log before sending a response. If it is -1 the server will block until the message is committed by all in sync replicas before sending a response. For any number > 1 the server will block waiting for this number of acknowledgements to occur (but the server will never wait for more acknowledgements than there are in-sync replicas).
  • timeout - timeout in ms for produce request
  • clientId - ID of this client, defaults to 'no-kafka-client'
  • connectionString - comma delimited list of initial brokers list, defaults to ''
  • partitioner - function used to determine topic partition for message. If message already specifies a partition, the partitioner won't be used. The partitioner function receives 3 arguments: the topic name, an array with topic partitions, and the message (useful to partition by key, etc.). partitioner can be sync or async (return a Promise).
  • retries - controls number of attempts at delay between them when produce request fails
    • attempts - number of total attempts to send the message, defaults to 3
    • delay - delay in ms between retries, defaults to 1000
  • codec - compression codec, one of Kafka.COMPRESSION_NONE, Kafka.COMPRESSION_GZIP
  • batch - control batching (grouping) of requests
    • size - group messages together into single batch until their total size exceeds this value, defaults to 16384 bytes. Set to 0 to disable batching.
    • maxWait - send grouped messages after this amount of milliseconds expire even if their total size doesn't exceed batch.size yet, defaults to 10ms. Set to 0 to disable batching.
  • asyncCompression - boolean, use asynchronouse compression instead of synchronous, defaults to false


Manually specify topic, partition and offset when subscribing. Suitable for simple use cases.


var consumer = new Kafka.SimpleConsumer();
// data handler function can return a Promise
var dataHandler = function (messageSet, topic, partition) {
    messageSet.forEach(function (m) {
        console.log(topic, partition, m.offset, m.message.value.toString('utf8'));
return consumer.init().then(function () {
    // Subscribe partitons 0 and 1 in a topic:
    return consumer.subscribe('kafka-test-topic', [0, 1], dataHandler);

Subscribe (or change subscription) to specific offset and limit maximum received MessageSet size:

consumer.subscribe('kafka-test-topic', 0, {offset: 20, maxBytes: 30}, dataHandler)

Subscribe to latest or earliest offsets in the topic/parition:

consumer.subscribe('kafka-test-topic', 0, {time: Kafka.LATEST_OFFSET}, dataHandler)
consumer.subscribe('kafka-test-topic', 0, {time: Kafka.EARLIEST_OFFSET}, dataHandler)

Subscribe to all partitions in a topic:

consumer.subscribe('kafka-test-topic', dataHandler)

Commit offset(s) (V0, Kafka saves these commits to Zookeeper)

      topic: 'kafka-test-topic',
      partition: 0,
      offset: 1
      topic: 'kafka-test-topic',
      partition: 1,
      offset: 2

Fetch commited offset(s)

      topic: 'kafka-test-topic',
      partition: 0
      topic: 'kafka-test-topic',
      partition: 1
]).then(function (result) {
[ { topic: 'kafka-test-topic',
    partition: 1,
    offset: 2,
    metadata: null,
    error: null },
  { topic: 'kafka-test-topic',
    partition: 0,
    offset: 1,
    metadata: null,
    error: null } ]

SimpleConsumer options

  • groupId - group ID for comitting and fetching offsets. Defaults to 'no-kafka-group-v0'
  • timeout - timeout for fetch requests, defaults to 100ms
  • idleTimeout - timeout between fetch calls, defaults to 1000ms
  • minBytes - minimum number of bytes to wait from Kafka before returning the fetch call, defaults to 1 byte
  • maxBytes - maximum size of messages in a fetch response
  • clientId - ID of this client, defaults to 'no-kafka-client'
  • connectionString - comma delimited list of initial brokers list, defaults to ''
  • recoveryOffset - recovery position (time) which will used to recover subscription in case of OffsetOutOfRange error, defaults to Kafka.LATEST_OFFSET
  • asyncCompression - boolean, use asynchronouse decompression instead of synchronous, defaults to false

GroupConsumer (new unified consumer API)

Specify an assignment strategy (or use no-kafka built-in consistent or round robin assignment strategy) and subscribe by specifying only topics. Elected group leader will automatically assign partitions between all group members.


var Promise = require('bluebird');
var consumer = new Kafka.GroupConsumer();
var dataHandler = function (messageSet, topic, partition) {
    return, function (m){
        console.log(topic, partition, m.offset, m.message.value.toString('utf8'));
        // commit offset
        return consumer.commitOffset({topic: topic, partition: partition, offset: m.offset, metadata: 'optional'});
var strategies = [{
    strategy: 'TestStrategy',
    subscriptions: ['kafka-test-topic'],
    handler: dataHandler
consumer.init(strategies); // all done, now wait for messages in dataHandler

Assignment strategies

no-kafka provides three built-in strategies:

  • Kafka.WeightedRoundRobinAssignment weighted round robin assignment (based on wrr-pool).
  • Kafka.ConsistentAssignment which is based on a consistent hash ring and so provides consistent assignment across consumers in a group based on supplied and metadata.weight options.
  • Kafka.RoundRobinAssignment simple assignment strategy (default).

Using Kafka.WeightedRoundRobinAssignment:

var strategies = {
    strategy: 'TestStrategy',
    subscriptions: ['kafka-test-topic'],
    metadata: {
        weight: 4
    fn: Kafka.WeightedRoundRobinAssignment,
    handler: dataHandler
// consumer.init(strategies)....

Using Kafka.ConsistentAssignment:

var strategies = {
    strategy: 'TestStrategy',
    subscriptions: ['kafka-test-topic'],
    metadata: {
        id: process.argv[2] || 'consumer_1',
        weight: 50
    fn: Kafka.ConsistentAssignment,
    handler: dataHandler
// consumer.init(strategies)....

Note that each consumer in a group should have its own and consistent

Using Kafka.RoundRobinAssignment (default in no-kafka):

var strategies = {
    strategy: 'TestStrategy',
    subscriptions: ['kafka-test-topic'],
    handler: dataHandler
// consumer.init(strategies)....

You can also write your own assignment strategy function and provide it as fn option of the strategy item.

GroupConsumer options

  • groupId - group ID for comitting and fetching offsets. Defaults to 'no-kafka-group-v0.9'
  • timeout - timeout for fetch requests, defaults to 100ms
  • idleTimeout - timeout between fetch calls, defaults to 1000ms
  • minBytes - minimum number of bytes to wait from Kafka before returning the fetch call, defaults to 1 byte
  • maxBytes - maximum size of messages in a fetch response
  • clientId - ID of this client, defaults to 'no-kafka-client'
  • connectionString - comma delimited list of initial brokers list, defaults to ''
  • sessionTimeout - session timeout in ms, min 6000, max 30000, defaults to 15000
  • heartbeatTimeout - delay between heartbeat requests in ms, defaults to 1000
  • retentionTime - offset retention time in ms, defaults to 1 day (24 * 3600 * 1000)
  • startingOffset - starting position (time) when there is no commited offset, defaults to Kafka.LATEST_OFFSET
  • recoveryOffset - recovery position (time) which will used to recover subscription in case of OffsetOutOfRange error, defaults to Kafka.LATEST_OFFSET
  • asyncCompression - boolean, use asynchronouse decompression instead of synchronous, defaults to false

GroupAdmin (consumer groups API)

Offes two methods:

  • listGroups - list existing consumer groups
  • describeGroup - describe existing group by its id


var admin = new Kafka.GroupAdmin();
return admin.init().then(function(){
    return admin.listGroups().then(function(groups){
        // [ { groupId: 'no-kafka-admin-test-group', protocolType: 'consumer' } ]
        return admin.describeGroup('no-kafka-admin-test-group').then(function(group){
            { error: null,
              groupId: 'no-kafka-admin-test-group',
              state: 'Stable',
              protocolType: 'consumer',
              protocol: 'TestStrategy',
               [ { memberId: 'group-consumer-82646843-b4b8-4e91-94c9-b4708c8b05e8',
                   clientId: 'group-consumer',
                   clientHost: '/',
                   version: 0,
                   subscriptions: [ 'kafka-test-topic'],
                   metadata: <Buffer 63 6f 6e 73 75 6d 65 72 2d 6d 65 74 61 64 61 74 61>,
                    { _blength: 44,
                      version: 0,
                       [ { topic: 'kafka-test-topic',
                           partitions: [ 0, 1, 2 ] },
                      metadata: null } },
                  ] }


no-kafka supports Gzip compression.

Enable compression in Producer:

var Kafka = require('no-kafka');
var producer = new Kafka.Producer({
    clientId: 'producer',

Alternatively just send some messages with specified compression codec (overwrites codec set in contructor):

return producer.send({
    topic: 'kafka-test-topic',
    partition: 0,
    message: { value: 'p00' }
}, { codec: Kafka.COMPRESSION_GZIP })

By default no-kafka will use synchronous compression and decompression (synchronous Gzip is not availble in node < 0.11). Enable async compression/decompression with asyncCompression options:


var producer = new Kafka.Producer({
    clientId: 'producer',
    asyncCompression: true,
    codec: Kafka.COMPRESSION_GZIP


var consumer = new Kafka.SimpleConsumer({
    idleTimeout: 100,
    clientId: 'simple-consumer',
    asyncCompression: true


You can differentiate messages from several instances of producer/consumer by providing unique clientId in options:

var consumer1 = new Kafka.GroupConsumer({
    clientId: 'group-consumer-1'
var consumer2 = new Kafka.GroupConsumer({
    clientId: 'group-consumer-2'


2016-01-12T07:41:57.884Z INFO group-consumer-1 ....
2016-01-12T07:41:57.884Z INFO group-consumer-2 ....

Change the logging level:

var consumer = new Kafka.GroupConsumer({
    clientId: 'group-consumer',
    logger: {
        logLevel: 1 // 0 - nothing, 1 - just errors, 2 - +warnings, 3 - +info, 4 - +debug, 5 - +trace

Send log messages to Logstash server(s) via UDP:

var consumer = new Kafka.GroupConsumer({
    clientId: 'group-consumer',
    logger: {
        logstash: {
            enabled: true,
            connectionString: ',',
            app: 'myApp-kafka-consumer'

You can overwrite the function that outputs messages to stdout/stderr:

var consumer = new Kafka.GroupConsumer({
    clientId: 'group-consumer',
    logger: {
        logFunction: console.log

License: MIT



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