
1.1.1 • Public • Published


getConsoleGridInterfaceInput (horizontalBorder, verticalBorder, spacer, marker, startX, startY, borderWidth, borderHeight, showCoords, showIntructions, deleteOnCompletion)

Basic Overview

Will display a grid for the user to move around a marker with WASD keys in order to select a pair of co-ordinates.

  • horizontalBorder refers to the top and bottom border characters.
  • verticalBorder refers to the left and right border characters.
  • spacer refers to the characters inside the grid. ([Space] is recommended)
  • marker refers to the marker character that will be put at the selected co-ordinates.
  • startX and startY refers to where the marker character will start on the grid.
  • borderWidth and borderHeight refers to the width and height of the grid.
  • If showCoords is true, the user will see their X and Y position at the bottom of the console window.
  • If showInstructions is true, the user will see instructions on how to use the interface at the top of the console window.
  • If deleteOnCompletion is true, the grid will be deleted once the user selects their co-ordinates.



const conif = require('node-console-interface');

var coords = conif.getConsoleGridInterfaceInput('-', '|', ' ', 'O', 25, 12, 50, 25, true, true, true);
console.log('PosX: ' + coords.x);
console.log('PosY: ' + coords.y);


Grid Example GIF

getConsoleSliderInterfaceInput (leftEndChar, rightEndChar, spacer, marker, startValue, sliderWidth, showValue, showIntructions, deleteOnCompletion)

Basic Overview

Will display a slider for the user to move around a marker with A and D keys in order to select a value.

  • leftEndChar refers to the character that will be on the left of the slider.
  • rightEndChar refers to the character that will be on the right of the slider.
  • spacer refers to the characters inside the slider. ('-' is recommended)
  • marker refers to the marker character that will be put at the selected value.
  • startValue refers to where the marker character will start on the slider.
  • sliderWidth refers to the width and height of the slider.
  • If showValue is true, the user will see the value at the right of the slider.
  • If showInstructions is true, the user will see instructions on how to use the interface at the top of the console window.
  • If deleteOnCompletion is true, the slider will be deleted once the user selects their co-ordinates.



const conif = require('node-console-interface');

var value = conif.getConsoleSliderInterfaceInput('<', '> ', '-', 'O', 25, 50, true, true, true);
console.log('Value: ' + value + '\n');


Slider Example GIF

getConsoleSelectionListInterfaceInput (marker, selectedMarker, startPosition, items, showIntructions, deleteOnCompletion)

Basic Overview

Will display a list in which the user and move a marker up and down in order to select a particular item.

  • marker refers to the marker put next to each item on the list.
  • selectedMarker refers to the marker put next to an item on the list when it is selected.
  • startPosition refers to the start position of the selection.
  • items refers to the array of items in the list.
  • If showInstructions is true, the user will see instructions on how to use the interface at the top of the console window.
  • If deleteOnCompletion is true, the list will be deleted once the user selects their item.



const conif = require('node-console-interface');

var items = new Array();
var selection = conif.getConsoleSelectionListInterfaceInput('| ', 'O ', 1, items, true, true);
console.log('Selection: ' + selection + '\n');


Grid Example GIF

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  • ruthacury