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1.0.8 • Public • Published

🌟 node-downloader-manager

📥 DownloadManager

node-downloader-manager is a lightweight and efficient file download manager for Node.js applications. It allows you to download files either sequentially or using a queue-based approach, providing features like retry mechanisms, concurrency control, stream, and custom file naming.

📚 Table of Contents

✨ Features

  • Supports both simple and queue-based download methods.
  • Handles multiple concurrent downloads with customizable concurrency limits.
  • Supports pausing, resuming, and canceling downloads.
  • Provides detailed progress and error reporting.
  • Allows custom file naming and pre/post-download hooks.
  • Supports streaming downloads for large files.

📦 Installation

You can install node-download-manager using your favorite package manager:


npm install node-download-manager


yarn add node-download-manager


pnpm add node-download-manager


bun add node-download-manager

🚀 Usage

Here's how you can use node-download-manager in your project:


More Examples

Queue Download

import { DownloadManager } from "node-download-manager";
// const { DownloadManager } = require("node-download-manager"); for cjs

const urls = [

// Initialize the DownloadManager with console logging enabled
const downloadManager = new DownloadManager({ consoleLog: true }); // By default method is 'queue'

// Start the download;

Stream Download

import { DownloadManager } from "node-download-manager";

const url =
const createFileName = () => "code.deb";

const downloadManager = new DownloadManager({
  stream: true,
  overWriteFile: true,
  getFileName: createFileName,

downloadManager.on("start", (data) => {
  console.log(`Download started: ${data?.url}`);

Simple Download

import { DownloadManager } from "node-download-manager";

const urls = [

const downloadManager = new DownloadManager({
  consoleLog: true,
  overWriteFile: true,
  method: "simple",

Pause, Resume, and Cancel Download

import { DownloadManager } from "node-download-manager";

const url =
const createFileName = () => "code.deb";

const downloadManager = new DownloadManager({
  stream: true,
  overWriteFile: true,
  getFileName: createFileName,

downloadManager.on("start", (data) => {
  console.log(`Download started: ${data?.url}`);

setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);

setTimeout(() => {
}, 8000);

setTimeout(() => {
}, 10000);;

Thread Download (Beta)

import { DownloadManager } from "node-download-manager";

const urls = [

const downloadManager = new DownloadManager({
  consoleLog: true,
  method: "thread",
  maxWorkers: 5,

📖 API Reference

DownloadManager Options

  • method: "simple" | "queue" - The download method to use.
  • concurrencyLimit: number - Maximum number of concurrent downloads.
  • retries: number - Maximum number of retries for failed downloads.
  • consoleLog: boolean - Enable or disable console logging.
  • downloadFolder: string - Folder to save downloaded files.
  • getFileName: (url: string) => string - Function to generate file names.
  • onBeforeDownload: (url: string, fileName: string) => Promise<void> - Hook before download starts.
  • onAfterDownload: (url: string, fileName: string) => Promise<void> - Hook after download completes.
  • overWriteFile: boolean - Overwrite existing files.
  • requestOptions: RequestInit - Options for the fetch request.
  • stream: boolean - Enable streaming downloads.
  • backOff: boolean - Enable exponential backoff for retries.
  • timeout: number - Timeout for download requests.


  • download(urls: string | string[]): Start downloading the specified URLs.
  • pauseDownload(url?: string): Pause the download for a specific URL or the current download.
  • resumeDownload(url?: string): Resume the download for a specific URL or the current download.
  • cancelDownload(url?: string): Cancel the download for a specific URL or the current download.
  • pauseAll(): Pause all active downloads.
  • resumeAll(): Resume all paused downloads.
  • cancelAll(): Cancel all active downloads.


  • start: Emitted when a download starts.
  • progress: Emitted periodically with download progress.
  • complete: Emitted when a download completes.
  • error: Emitted when a download fails.
  • cancel: Emitted when a download is canceled.
  • paused: Emitted when a download is paused.
  • resumed: Emitted when a download is resumed.
  • exists: Emitted if the file already exists.
  • finished: Emitted when all downloads are finished.

🤔 Why Use DownloadManager?

node-download-manager is designed to simplify the process of downloading files in Node.js applications. It provides a robust and flexible API for handling downloads, with support for advanced features like streaming, concurrency control, and event-driven progress reporting. Whether you're building a CLI tool, a server-side application, or a desktop app, DownloadManager can help you manage downloads efficiently and effectively.

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue.

📝 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

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npm i node-downloader-manager

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  • nextyfine-dev