This package provides nodes to connect to Cumulocity IoT Platform. They can be used inside the Node-Red Cumulocity Micorservice or standalone.
All nodes can be configured with Cumulocity IoT credentials either via a configuration node or environment variables. In case of running inside of Cumulocity as a microservice the environment variables are automatically injected on runtime and enabeling the Use Env checkbox in the configuration dialog will use those values.
C8Y_APPLICATION_KEY=optional (when set requests are not treated as a device call)
Blocks are designed to handle most authentiction and configuration for Cumulocity IoT. The intention of those nodes is not to cover all Cumulocity API Most requests can be done using the call-endpoint node. Please look at the examples how to prepare requests using a function node and execute them using the call-endpoint node. In addition Realtime (UI-like) and Notificaiton (Notification 2.0) nodes enable you to get realtime events from cumulocity. For more information have a look at the node-help inside node-red.
You can install the package after checkout like that:
cd ~.node-red
npm install <full path to git repo>/cumulocity-node-red/@c8y/node-red-client
This will create a link in the node-red node-modules dir. To test and restart node-red on file changes in development you can use nodemon in the node-red-client dir of the repo like that:
nodemon --watch ./ -e js,html,json --exec "node-red"
To test Use Env switch you can edit env.list.default to your values and source the file like . ./env.list.default