rabbit-rpc - rabbit nodes for node-red
mqpt nodes to send and receive messages from rabbit with rpc functionality
Table of Contents
General Info
This is a simple http payload validator function. Function takes in request payload and request map (see below) and outputs an array of validation results for each field present in the map.
To install package run in terminal: Through node-red interface or npm
$ <path/to/node-red>$ npm install node-red-contrib-rabbit-rpc
To use the function in your app.js file Module provides 2 nodes for connecting to rabbit
rabbit-rpc-req - subscribes to a queue and sends messages to rabbit if msg.replyTo property is not set will wait for 30 seconds for a reply if msg.replyTo is set, will simply send a message to msg.replyTo queue and not wait for reply
rabbit-rpc-server - subscribes to a queue and and reads messages from it