
1.1.6 • Public • Published


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A NodeJs wrapper for the svnlook utility. Contains all the methods exposed by the command line svnlook tool.

npm install node-svnlook --save

Example usage

var svnlook = require('node-svnlook');

	{	// optional options object - can be passed to any command not just changed
		shell: "sh", 			// override shell used to execute command
		cwd: process.cwd(),		// override working directory command is executed
		revision: 33050,		// provide --revision to commands that accept it
		transaction: ax9,		// provide --transaction to commands that accept it
		params: [ '--copy-info' ] // extra parameters to pass
    function(err, output) {


author(repoPath, [options], [callback])

Print the author of a revision or transaction in the repository.

cat(repoPath, target, [options], [callback])

Print the contents of a file.

changed(repoPath, [options], [callback])

Print the paths that were changed in a particular revision or transaction.

date(repoPath, [options], [callback])

Print the datestamp of a revision or transaction in a repository.

diff(repoPath, [options], [callback])

Print GNU-style differences of changed files and properties in a repository.

dirsChanged(repoPath, [options], [callback])

Print the directories that were themselves changed (property edits) or whose file children were changed.

filesize(repoPath, target, [options], [callback])

Print the size (in bytes) of a versioned file.

history(repoPath, target, [options], [callback])

Print information about the history of a path in the repository (or the root directory if no path is supplied).

info(repoPath, [options], [callback])

Returns object with the author, date, log message size, and log message.

lock(repoPath, target, [options], [callback])

If a lock exists on a path in the repository, describe it.

log(repoPath, [options], [callback])

Print the log message.

propget(propName, repoPath, target, [options], [callback])

List the value of a property on a path in the repository.

proplist(repoPath, target, [options], [callback])

List the properties of a path in the repository.

tree(repoPath, target, [options], [callback])

Print the tree.

uuid(repoPath, [options], [callback])

Print the repository's UUID.

youngest(repoPath, [options], [callback])

Print the youngest revision number.

author(repoPath, [options], [callback])

Print the author of a revision or transaction in the repository.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
repoPath string Path to repository
[options] object Options object
[callback] function Complete callback

cat(repoPath, target, [options], [callback])

Print the contents of a file.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
repoPath string Path to repository
target string Path in repo to target
[options] object Options object
[callback] function Complete callback

changed(repoPath, [options], [callback])

Print the paths that were changed in a particular revision or transaction.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
repoPath string Path to repository
[options] object Options object
[callback] function Complete callback

date(repoPath, [options], [callback])

Print the datestamp of a revision or transaction in a repository.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
repoPath string Path to repository
[options] object Options object
[callback] function Complete callback

diff(repoPath, [options], [callback])

Print GNU-style differences of changed files and properties in a repository.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
repoPath string Path to repository
[options] object Options object
[callback] function Complete callback

dirsChanged(repoPath, [options], [callback])

Print the directories that were themselves changed (property edits) or whose file children were changed.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
repoPath string Path to repository
[options] object Options object
[callback] function Complete callback

filesize(repoPath, target, [options], [callback])

Print the size (in bytes) of a versioned file.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
repoPath string Path to repository
target string Path in repo to target
[options] object Options object
[callback] function Complete callback

history(repoPath, target, [options], [callback])

Print information about the history of a path in the repository (or the root directory if no path is supplied).

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
repoPath string Path to repository
target string Path in repo to target
[options] object Options object
[callback] function Complete callback

info(repoPath, [options], [callback])

Returns object with the author, date, log message size, and log message.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
repoPath string Path to repository
[options] object Options object
[callback] function Complete callback

lock(repoPath, target, [options], [callback])

If a lock exists on a path in the repository, describe it.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
repoPath string Path to repository
target string Path in repo to target
[options] object Options object
[callback] function Complete callback

log(repoPath, [options], [callback])

Print the log message.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
repoPath string Path to repository
[options] object Options object
[callback] function Complete callback

propget(propName, repoPath, target, [options], [callback])

List the value of a property on a path in the repository.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
propName string Property name
repoPath string Path to repository
target string Path in repo to target
[options] object Options object
[callback] function Complete callback

proplist(repoPath, target, [options], [callback])

List the properties of a path in the repository.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
repoPath string Path to repository
target string Path in repo to target
[options] object Options object
[callback] function Complete callback

tree(repoPath, target, [options], [callback])

Print the tree.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
repoPath string Path to repository
target string Path in repo to target
[options] object Options object
[callback] function Complete callback

uuid(repoPath, [options], [callback])

Print the repository's UUID.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
repoPath string Path to repository
[options] object Options object
[callback] function Complete callback

youngest(repoPath, [options], [callback])

Print the youngest revision number.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
repoPath string Path to repository
[options] object Options object
[callback] function Complete callback


This project relied heavily on the design of node-svn-ultimate.



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  • jdrickerd