i18n translation cli scripts
-h - help
--validate - Validates reference language against other translations
-r or --refLanguagePath - Path to root of directory with reference language
-t or --translationPaths - Paths to root of directories with translations delimited by comma
--export - Exports translation data to specified languages
-r or --refLanguagePath - Path to root of directory with reference language
-t or --translationPaths - Paths to root of directories with translations delimited by comma
-k or --keepOriginalTranslations - Determines whether original translations should be preserved or not
-o or --outputPath - Path to output directory
-i or --includeReferenceLanguage - Include reference language
--import - Imports translated data to specified directory
-i or --inputPath - Path to directory with translated files
-o or --outputPath - Path to output directory
-r or --referenceLanguage - Reference language (won't be imported)
-d or --dry - Dry run
"scripts": {
"validate-translations": "node-translation-scripts --validate -r \"./public/locales/en/\" -t \"./public/locales/cs/\"",
"validate-translations:dry": "node-translation-scripts --validate -r \"./public/locales/en/\" -t \"./public/locales/cs/\" --dry",
"export-translations": "node-translation-scripts --export -r \"./public/locales/en/\" -t \"./public/locales/cs/\" -o \"./export/translations/\" -k -i",
"import-translations": "node translation-scripts --import -i \"./export/translations\" -o \"./public/locales/\" -r \"en\""