This is a fork of node-twitter-api.
- Remove OOP
- Promisify methods
- Fix broken functionality (due to changes in Twitter API)
Simple module for using Twitter's API in node.js
npm install node-twitter-api
const twitterAPI = require('node-twitter-api');
const twitter = new twitterAPI({
consumerKey: 'your consumer Key',
consumerSecret: 'your consumer secret',
callback: 'http://yoururl.tld/something'
Optionally you can add x_auth_access_type: "read"
or x_auth_access_type: "write"
twitter.getRequestToken((error, requestToken, requestTokenSecret, results) => {
if (error) {
console.log("Error getting OAuth request token : " + error);
} else {
//store token and tokenSecret somewhere, you'll need them later; redirect user
If no error has occured, you now have a requestToken
and a requestTokenSecret
. You should store them somewhere (e.g. in a session, if you are using express), because you will need them later to get the current user's access token, which is used for authentication.
Redirect the user to[requestToken]
. twitter.getAuthUrl(requestToken, options)
also returns that URL (the options parameter is optional and may contain a boolean force_login
and a String screen_name
- see the Twitter API Documentation for more information on these parameters).
If he allows your app to access his data, Twitter will redirect him to your callback-URL (defined in Step 1) containing the get-parameters: oauth_token
and oauth_verifier
. You can use oauth_token
(which is the requestToken
in Step 2) to find the associated requestTokenSecret
. You will need requestToken
, requestTokenSecret
and oauth_verifier
to get an Access Token.
twitter.getAccessToken(requestToken, requestTokenSecret, oauth_verifier, (error, accessToken, accessTokenSecret, results) => {
if (error) {
} else {
//store accessToken and accessTokenSecret somewhere (associated to the user)
//Step 4: Verify Credentials belongs here
If no error occured, you now have an accessToken
and an accessTokenSecret
. You need them to authenticate later API-calls.
twitter.verifyCredentials(accessToken, accessTokenSecret, params, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
//something was wrong with either accessToken or accessTokenSecret
//start over with Step 1
} else {
//accessToken and accessTokenSecret can now be used to make api-calls (not yet implemented)
//data contains the user-data described in the official Twitter-API-docs
//you could e.g. display his screen_name
In the above example, params
is an optional object containing extra parameters to be sent to the Twitter endpoint (see
(Allmost) all function names replicate the endpoints of the Twitter API 1.1. If you want to post a status e. g. - which is done by posting data to statuses/update - you can just do the following:
twitter.statuses("update", {
status: "Hello world!"
(error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
// something went wrong
} else {
// data contains the data sent by twitter
Most of the functions use the scheme:
twitter.[namespace]([type], [params], [accessToken], [accessTokenSecret]);
- namespace is the word before the slash (e.g. "statuses", "search", "direct_messages" etc.)
- type is the word after the slash (e.g. "create", "update", "show" etc.)
- params is an object containing the parameters you want to give to twitter (refer to the Twitter API Documentation for more information)
- accessToken and accessTokenSecret are the token and secret of the authenticated user
For Timelines you can also use the function getTimeline which has the following types:
(Note that you need to either specify user_id or screen_name when using this timeline) -
For more information on the different types of timelines see (analog for the other types)
For Streams you must use getStream which has two instead of just one callback: a dataCallback and an endCallback. (c.f. data and end events of node's http response)
To upload media to Twitter, call twitter.uploadMedia(params, accessToken, accessTokenSecret)
with params containing the following:
- media: Either the raw binary content of the image, the binary base64 encoded (see isBase64 below) or the path to the file containing the image.
- isBase64: Set to true, if media contains base64 encoded data For a example result see You can pass multiple media_ids to the statuses/update endpoint by seperating them with commas (e.g. "[id1],[id2],[id3],[id4]").
To upload video to Twitter, call twitter.uploadVideo(params, accessToken, accessTokenSecret)
with params containing the following:
- media: Path to the file containing the video.
You can pass media_id to the statuses/update endpoint and video will be uploaded to twitter. Please note that video should be less than 15mb or 30 sec in length.