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0.1.9 • Public • Published


node-xlsxwriter is a Node.js wrapper for the Rust library rust_xlsxwriter.

It allows you to create Excel files in the .xlsx format,with a high level of performance,in a simple way.


npm install node-xlsxwriter


const { Workbook, Sheet, Format, Color, Border } = require('node-xlsxwriter');
import * as xlsx from 'node-xlsxwriter';
const { Workbook, Sheet, Format, Color, Border } = xlsx;
for typescript/Es6

const workbook = new Workbook();
const sheet = new Sheet('SomeSheet');
  index: 0,
  size: {
    value: 30,
  index: 1,
  size: {
    value: 30,
const format = new Format({
  align: 'center',
  bold: true,
  backgroundColor: new Color({ red: 255 }),
  fontSize: 16,
  underline: 'double',
  fontScheme: 'minor',
  fontName: 'Arial',

format.setBorder(new Border('thin', new Color()));
// const sheet = workbook.addSheet(); if you don't care about the name
sheet.writeString(0, 0, 'Hello');
sheet.writeNumber(1, 0, 123);
sheet.writeLink(2, 0, new Link('', 'Example', 'tooltip'));
sheet.writeCell(3, 0, 'World', 'string');
sheet.writeString(0, 1, 'Hello', format);
workbook.pushSheet(sheet); // not necessary if you use addSheet

const buffer = workbook.saveToBufferSync();
const asyncBuffer = await workbook.saveToBuffer();
const path = 'path/to/file.xlsx';
const base64 = workbook.saveToBase64Sync();

You also can use the writeFromJson method to create a sheet from a JSON object.

 const objects = [
      name: 'John',
      age: 30,
      website: new Link('', 'Example', 'tooltip'),
      date: new Date(),
      name: 'Jane',
      age: 25,
      website: new Link('', 'Example', 'tooltip'),
      date: new Date(),

  const workbook = new Workbook();
  const sheet = workbook.addSheet();

  const buffer = await workbook.saveToBuffer();

Obs: The writeFromJson method trades performance for convenience, so if are only generating the JSON for the sheet and not using anywhere else, it's better to use the writeCell method instead.

More complex examples

More complex examples can be found in the javascript/docs folder.


The main goal of this project was a solution of a problem that i was having with excel4node witch and latter xlsx.

I needed to take a bunch of data (50.000 rows) and put it in a simple Excel file, but the libraries mentioned above were taking too long or blocking my Event loop, excel4node was especially slow, xlsx was faster, but still blocking the event loop and i could't find a easy way to make it non-blocking.

No hate to these libraries, they are great, and much more complete,tested and used than this one, but they were not meeting my needs.

So i decided to create this project,using Rust to do the heavy lifting,using Neon i could easily spawn an async task that was faster for my use cases and non-blocking.

So if you need to generate simple Excel files with a high level of performance, this project is for you 😄.

rust_xlsxwriter offers a lot of features, but i'm still working on the API to expose all of them, so if you need a feature that is not implemented yet, please open an issue or a PR. There are a lot of room for improvement, on the performance too,especially on the serialization of the data, but i'm getting great results with this project. But for the simple stuff, it's already working.


Every benchmark on run on a 100000ms time on this PC:

  • Linux x64
  • Node.JS: 20.12.2
  • V8:
  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor × 16
  • Memory: 16 GB

100 rows x 7 columns: alt text

1000 rows x 7 columns: alt text

10_000 rows x 7 columns: alt text

Warnings ⚠️


The installation process will automatically download the ./native/node-xlsxwriter.node binary for your system, but if you have any problems, you can download it manually from the releases page.

Work in progress

Remember that this project is still in development, so some features may not work as expected.

Also, the API may change in the future.

Any help is welcome.


Formats you can and should reuse them, because they are cached internally, so you can save memory and improve performance. The same goes for conditional formats.


don't do this

for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
  const format = new Format();
  sheet.writeString(0, i, 'Hello', format);

do this

const format = new Format();
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
  sheet.writeString(0, i, 'Hello', format);

The impact is not noticeable in small files, but it can be significant in large files.

Building from source

If you want to build the project from source, you need to have Rust installed on your machine.

git clone
cd node-xlsxwriter
npm install
npm run release:native

This will generate the ./native/node-xlsxwriter.node binary for your system.

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npm i node-xlsxwriter

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  • victor_ribeiro_lima