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NodeMDA Feathers-React

A plugin to generate a full stack SOA application using Express, Feathers, React and Material-UI.

NodeMDA is a node.js library used for generating software source code for any project or language using the Model Driven Architecture approach. This approach allows you to create large portions of code for your software projects by using a UML tool to diagram software concepts.

This package is a plugin for NodeMDA to generate large portions of your application. The code generator supports generation for database schemas, data access service objects, RESTful middle tier service interfaces, and a functioning UI in React plus Material-UI that supports user registration and sign-in, as well as CRUD on all of your database objects.


The general workflow for using NodeMDA with this plugin is as follows:

  1. Using StarUML (or any other UML modler NodeMDA has a reader for), create or modify the model of your software architecture. A UML Profile exists with pre-defined Stereotypes to quickly model database entities and services, as well as security requirements for access to both.

  2. The model is processed using NodeMDA to generate source code and other project artifacts. In general, NodeMDA generates all of the boilerplate code and stubs for things such as your services and persistence entities.

  3. Where necessary, code stubs are filled in by hand to supply the business logic or add other functionality.

  4. The resulting code is tested using the mocha unit tests that are also generated by the system. If additions or changes are required, the process returns to step #1 where the model is modified and the entire cycle is repeated.


For complete documentation on using NodeMDA, see the NodeMDA readme file

Modeling Conventions

Code generation by NodeMDA is currently based on three key UML artifacts: Classes, Datatypes, and Stereotypes. The general strategy for creating your model is as follows:

  1. Create one or more Class diagrams.

  2. Add one or more class definitions to your diagram(s) based on your design.

  3. Tag each class with one of the stereotypes found in the FeathersReactProfile. Database entities are marked with the Entity stereotype, and service interfaces are marked with the Service stereotype. You can also use POJO (Plain Old Javascript Object) and ValueObject to create generic data structures.

  4. Populate your classes with attributes and/or methods, making sure to specify a Datatype for your attributes and method parameters. Datatypes used must be one of the data types defined in the UML Profile that comes with this plugin, or another class you define in your model.

  5. There is no semantic definition for attributes on a Service class. This plugin also does not currently support methods on an Entity class. POJO and Value Object classes can have attributes and/or methods.

  6. Specify a "multiplicity" value for class Attributes and method Parameters to indicate if the value is optional or not. If the Multiplicity is not explicitly set, "0..1" is assumed, which translates to an "optional value" for most plugins. Attributes and parameters can be made "required" by setting the lower limit of the multiplicity to one (e.g. "1" or "1..*").

  7. Arrays can be modeled by specifying an upper limit of the multiplicity on an attribute or parameter to a value that is greater than one (e.g. "0..*").

  8. You can draw a "generalization" from one class to another to indicate inheritance for those classes marked as an Entity, POJO, or ValueObject, provided both classes have the same stereotype. You can not model something like a POJO inheriting from an Entity or visa versa. Inheritance is not understood at all for Service classes.

  9. You can draw an association between an Entity class and another class that is marked as an Entity, POJO, or Value Object. An association between an Entity and a non-entity (POJO) implies an embedded class (i.e. that data of the POJO is stored inside the Entity document in the database). An association between one Entity and another Entity implies a "reference" type relationship between two different database documents. The relationships can be "zero to one", "one to one", "zero to many", or "one to many." A "Many to many" relationship gets stored as an array of references in both entity documents and requires that you manually manage the array values. For this reason, using "many to many" is not recommended.

  10. As an alternative way of specifying associtations, you can use classes in your model as the data type of an Attribute in an Entity class. For example, class "Person" could have an attribute named "addresses", which is an array of "Address" POJO classes.

  11. Both "assocations" and "attributes of type another class" in practice generates the same code for Entities as they have the same semantics. It is recommended that you model "embedded" documents as "attributes of type another class", and model "references to other documents" as associations to keep the peristence method in your models clear.

  12. You can draw a dependency from a service to an entity to indicate the service would like easy access to the data access service interface of the entity. You can also draw dependencies to other services and utilize those in your implementation.

  13. You can draw a dependency to an Actor to indicate a security requirement. Two pre-defined actors exist in the default model's profile, but you can add more. The name of the required role is the name you assign to the actor (minus the suffix "Role"). That is, an actor named SubscriberRole would be assumed to represent a role named "subscriber". If you don't use the "Role" suffix, the role name is the actor's name verbatim.

Example Model

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  • joelkoz