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1.1.0 • Public • Published

notiflyer Library Documentation

notiflyer is a lightweight library built with RxJS for managing notifications in a reactive and type-safe manner.
It supports multiple notification statuses (SUCCESS, FAILURE, IN_PROGRESS, and IDLE) and allows you to easily integrate, handle, and evaluate notifications in your application.
Additionally, it includes support for custom states with a flexible and extensible API.


  • Reactive Design: Built on RxJS for flexible and reactive notifications.
  • Type-Safe Notifications: Strongly typed notification messages for robust development.
  • Custom Notifiers: Define and manage custom notification statuses with ease.
  • Utility Functions: Simplified creation and evaluation of notifications.


Install the library via npm:

npm install notiflyer


1. Creating and Using a Notifier

Example: Single Notifier

import { createReactiveNotifier, NotifyFactory } from 'notiflyer';

export interface MessageNotification {
  message: string;

const notifier = createReactiveNotifier<MessageNotification>();

    success: (msg) => console.log('Success:', msg),

notifier.notify(NotifyFactory.success({ message: 'Operation completed successfully!' }));

2. Creating and Managing Multiple Notifiers

Example: Notifier Group

import { createReactiveNotifierGroup, NotifyFactory, NotifyMessage } from 'notiflyer';

interface AppNotifications {
  taskNotifier: NotifyMessage<{ taskId: number }>;
  userNotifier: NotifyMessage<{ user: number }>;

const notifiers = createReactiveNotifierGroup<AppNotifications>(['taskNotifier', 'userNotifier']);

    inProgress: (msg) => console.log('Task in progress:', msg),

notifiers.taskNotifier.notify(NotifyFactory.inProgress({ taskId: '123' }));

3. Creating and Using Custom Notifiers

notiflyer supports custom states, allowing you to define custom notification statuses tailored to your application.

Example: Custom Single Notifier

import { createCustomReactiveNotifier } from 'notiflyer';

type CustomStates = 'LOADING' | 'ERROR' | 'COMPLETED';
const customStates: CustomStates[] = ['LOADING', 'ERROR', 'COMPLETED'];

export interface MessageNotification extends Record<string, unknown> {
  message: string;

const customNotifier = createCustomReactiveNotifier<MessageNotification, CustomStates>(customStates);

    LOADING: (msg) => console.log('Loading:', msg.message),
    ERROR: (msg) => console.error('Error:', msg.message),
    COMPLETED: (msg) => console.log('Completed:', msg.message),

customNotifier.notify({ status: 'LOADING', message: 'Fetching data...' });
customNotifier.notify({ status: 'COMPLETED', message: 'Data fetched successfully!' });
customNotifier.notify({ status: 'ERROR', message: 'Failed to fetch data.' });

Example: Custom Notifier Group

import { createCustomReactiveNotifierGroup, CustomNotifyMessage } from 'notiflyer';

type CustomStates = 'LOADING' | 'ERROR' | 'COMPLETED';
const customStates: CustomStates[] = ['LOADING', 'ERROR', 'COMPLETED'];

interface CustomAppNotifications {
  taskNotifier: CustomNotifyMessage<{ taskId: number }, CustomStates>;
  userNotifier: CustomNotifyMessage<{ userId: number }, CustomStates>;

const customNotifiers = createCustomReactiveNotifierGroup<CustomAppNotifications, CustomStates>(
  ['taskNotifier', 'userNotifier'],

    LOADING: (msg) => console.log('Loading Task:', msg),
    ERROR: (msg) => console.error('Error in Task:', msg),
    COMPLETED: (msg) => console.log('Task Completed:', msg),

customNotifiers.taskNotifier.notify({ status: 'LOADING', taskId: 1 });
customNotifiers.taskNotifier.notify({ status: 'COMPLETED', taskId: 1 });
customNotifiers.taskNotifier.notify({ status: 'ERROR', taskId: 1 });

4. Utility Functions

notiflyer provides utility functions for creating and evaluating notification messages:

Message Factories

  • NotifyFactory.success<T>(data: T): NotifyMessage<T> – Creates a success notification.
  • NotifyFactory.failure<T>(data: T): NotifyMessage<T> – Creates a failure notification.
  • NotifyFactory.inProgress<T>(data: T): NotifyMessage<T> – Creates an in-progress notification.
  • NotifyFactory.idle<T>(data: T): NotifyMessage<T> – Creates an idle notification.

State Checkers

  • NotifyState.isSuccess<T>(message: NotifyMessage<T>): boolean – Checks if a message is a success notification.
  • NotifyState.isFailure<T>(message: NotifyMessage<T>): boolean – Checks if a message is a failure notification.
  • NotifyState.isInProgress<T>(message: NotifyMessage<T>): boolean – Checks if a message is in progress.
  • NotifyState.isIdle<T>(message: NotifyMessage<T>): boolean – Checks if a message is idle.


import { NotifyFactory, NotifyState } from 'notiflyer';

const message = NotifyFactory.failure({ error: 'Operation failed!' });

if (NotifyState.isSuccess(message)) {
  console.log('The operation was successful!');
} else {
  console.error('The operation failed:', message);

API Reference


A generic class to manage a single stream of notifications.

  • Methods:
    • notify(message: T): void – Emits a notification to all subscribers.
    • observeNotifications(callback: NotifyCallback<T>): Observable<T> – Sets up callbacks for handling notification statuses.

CustomReactiveNotifier<T, S>

A generic class for managing a single stream of notifications with custom states.

  • Methods:
    • notify(message: CustomNotifyMessage<T, S>): void – Emits a notification to all subscribers.
    • observeNotifications(callback: CustomNotifyCallback<T, S>): Observable<CustomNotifyMessage<T, S>> – Sets up callbacks for handling custom states.

Factory Functions


Creates a new reactive notifier for managing a single notification stream.

  • Returns: ReactiveNotifier<T> – A notifier instance.


Creates a group of reactive notifiers for managing multiple notification streams.

  • Parameters:

    • keys: (keyof T)[] – List of notifier keys.
  • Returns: { [K in keyof T]: ReactiveNotifier<T[K]> } – A group of notifier instances.

createCustomReactiveNotifier<T, S>()

Creates a new reactive notifier for managing notifications with custom states.

  • Parameters:

    • states: S[] – List of custom states.
  • Returns: CustomReactiveNotifier<T, S> – A notifier instance with custom states.

createCustomReactiveNotifierGroup<T, S>()

Creates a group of reactive notifiers for managing multiple notification streams with custom states.

  • Parameters:

    • keys: (keyof T)[] – List of notifier keys.
    • states: S[] – List of custom states.
  • Returns: { [K in keyof T]: CustomReactiveNotifier<T[K], S> } – A group of notifier instances.

Example Project

This repository contains an example TypeScript project.


  • Node.js: Make sure you have Node.js installed. You can download it from Node.js official website.
  • npm: Comes with Node.js. Verify installation with:
    node -v
    npm -v


  1. Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:

    git clone
    cd notiflyer
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    npm install

Running the Example

To run the example script, use the following command:

./node_modules/.bin/ts-node examples/example.ts


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

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  • malsienk