$ npm install -g notify-used-or-free
Notify by email or sms of free disk space on server or when a certain amount of disk space has been used.
Suggestion: Install and run notify-used-or-free
on your server using a daily cron job that runs around lunch time, so you can fix any issues after lunch.
How to use
show help
Usage: notify-used-or-free <disk> <options>
notify-used-or-free / -a 5GB -R user@email.example -u username -p password -S sendgrid
-V, --version output the version number
-i, --info print data info
-r, --round return integer instead of floating point number eg. 1GB not 1.23GB
-d, --detect [<used>|<free>] used or free space, free by default
-m, --modifier [<less>|<more>] less or more than detected amount, less by default
-a, --amount <10GB> amount of space used or free on disk, eg. 1024MB, 1TB; 5GB by default
-t, --template <{{name}} detected {{disk}} has {{out}} {{detect}} on {{hostname}}, which is {{modifier}} than {{in}}>
-s, --subject <[LOW|HIGH] DISK SPACE> send email with this subject title
-R, --recipients [email@exam.ple, send@here.too] email addresses to send message to
-e, --sender-email <sender@exam.ple> sender email address
-n, --sender-name <NotifyUsedOrFree> sender name
-S, --service <Mailgun|Mailjet|Postmark|SendGrid|SES|SES-US-EAST-1|SES-US-WEST-2|SES-EU-WEST-1|Sparkpost> service to use, instead of using host:port
-H, --host <host.server> host of mail server, or provide service instead
-P, --port <587> port of mail server, or provide service instead
-c, --secure secure connection to send email, true by default
-u, --user <name> username on mail server
-p, --pass <word> password on mail server for username
-L, --log <logDir> save to logfile in <logDir>/.notify-used-or-free.log
-X, --debug show debug messages, false by default
-j, --json json log output, false by default
-q, --quite suppress logger output, false by default
-A, --account-sid <ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX> valid Twilio account sid
-T, --auth-token <your_auth_token> valid Twilio auth token
-O, --phones [+13105551234, +12065551234] phone numbers to send message to
-o, --sender-phone <+13105551234> valid Twilio phone number
-h, --help output usage information
run command
, no --host
and --port
params required
using sendgrid $ notify-used-or-free / -a 10GB -R -S sendgrid -u username -p password
and --port
, instead of a --service
using $ notify-used-or-free / -a 10GB -R -H smtp.mail.server -P 587 -u username -p password
$ cd notify-used-or-free/
$ npm i -g
$ npm link
$ npm test
MIT © Alex Goretoy