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2.0.1 • Public • Published


A caching library for JavaScript and TypeScript that simplifies caching operations in your applications.

Table of Contents


You can install npm-cache-it via npm or yarn:

npm install npm-cache-it
# or
yarn add npm-cache-it


To use npm-cache-it in your JavaScript or TypeScript project, follow these steps:

Import the Package

const {
} = require('npm-cache-it');

Cache Data

putDataInCache(prefix: string, key: string, data: any): boolean

Cache data with an optional time-to-live (TTL) of 0 seconds.

putDataInCache('myPrefix', 'myKey', 'someData');

putDataInCacheWithTTL(prefix: string, key: string, data: any, seconds: number): boolean

Cache data with a specified time-to-live (TTL) in seconds.

putDataInCacheWithTTL('myPrefix', 'myKey', 'someData', 60);

Retrieve Cached Data

getCachedData<T>(prefix: string, key: string): T | undefined

Retrieve cached data from the cache.

const cachedData = getCachedData('myPrefix', 'myKey');

Clear Cached Data

clearCacheData(prefix: string, key: string): number

Clear cached data.

clearCacheData('myPrefix', 'myKey');

Generate a Compound Cache Key

getCompoundKey: Generate a compound cache key by combining a prefix and a key.

const prefix = 'myPrefix';
const key = 'myKey';
const compoundKey = getCompoundKey(prefix, key);
console.log(`Compound Cache Key: ${compoundKey}`);

Check Cache Expiry

checkCacheExpiry: Check if a specific key has expired in the cache.

const prefix = 'myPrefix';
const key = 'myKey';
const isExpired = checkCacheExpiry(prefix, key);
console.log(`Key ${key} has expired: ${isExpired}`);

Set Cache TTL

setCacheTTL: Set the Time-to-Live (TTL) for a specific key in the cache.

const prefix = 'myPrefix';
const key = 'myKey';
const seconds = 3600; // 1 hour
const isSet = setCacheTTL(prefix, key, seconds);
console.log(`TTL for key ${key} set: ${isSet}`);

Increment Cache Value

incrementCacheValue: Increment the value associated with a specific key in the cache by a specified delta.

const prefix = 'myPrefix';
const key = 'myKey';
const delta = 5;
const newValue = incrementCacheValue(prefix, key, delta);
console.log(`New value for key ${key}: ${newValue}`);

Decrement Cache Value

decrementCacheValue: Decrement the value associated with a specific key in the cache by a specified delta.

const prefix = 'myPrefix';
const key = 'myKey';
const delta = 2;
const newValue = decrementCacheValue(prefix, key, delta);
console.log(`New value for key ${key}: ${newValue}`);

Get Cache Keys with Prefix

getKeysWithPrefix: Get an array of cache keys that match a specified prefix pattern.

const prefix = 'myPrefix';
const matchingKeys = getKeysWithPrefix(prefix);
console.log(`Cache keys matching prefix ${prefix}: ${matchingKeys.join(', ')}`);

Flush Cache Entries with Prefix

flushCacheWithPrefix: Flush all cache entries with a specific prefix.

const prefix = 'myPrefix';
console.log(`All cache entries with prefix ${prefix} have been flushed.`);

Get All Cache Keys

getAllCacheKeys: Get an array of all cache keys.

const allKeys = getAllCacheKeys();
console.log(`All cache keys: ${allKeys.join(', ')}`);

Flush All the keys

flushAll: Deletes All the keys present in the cache.


Replace 'myPrefix' and 'myKey' with your specific cache prefix and key when using these functions. These functions allow you to easily cache and retrieve data in your JavaScript or TypeScript applications.


Add Element to Set

addElementToSet**: Add an element to a Set within the cache.

addElementToSet('myPrefix', 'mySetKey', 'someElement');

Add Muitple Elements to Set

addElementsToSet: Add multiple elements to a Set within the cache.

addElementsToSet('myPrefix', 'mySetKey', ['element1', 'element2', 'element3']);

Add Element to Set With TTL

addElementToSetWithTTL: Add an element to a Set within the cache with a Time-to-Live (TTL).

addElementToSetWithTTL('myPrefix', 'mySetKey', 'someElement', 3600); // Cache with a TTL of 1 hour

Add Multiple Elements to Set With TTL

addElementsToSetWithTTL**: Add multiple elements to a Set within the cache with a Time-To-Live (TTL).

addElementsToSetWithTTL('myPrefix', 'mySetKey', ['element1', 'element2'], 1800); // Cache with a TTL of

Remove Element From Set

removeElementFromSet: Remove a specific element from a Set within the cache.

removeElementFromSet('myPrefix', 'mySetKey', 'elementToRemove');

Remove Multiple Elements From Set

removeElementsFromSet: Remove multiple elements from a Set within the cache.

removeElementsFromSet('myPrefix', 'mySetKey', ['element1', 'element2']);

Clear all elememts from Set

clearSet: Remove all elements from a Set within the cache.

clearSet('myPrefix', 'mySetKey');

Retrieve all elements from Set

getAllElementsInSet: Get all elements from a Set within the cache.

const elements = getAllElementsInSet('myPrefix', 'mySetKey');

Get the Set Size

getSetSize: Get the size (number of elements) of a Set stored in the cache.

const setSize = getSetSize('myPrefix', 'mySetKey');

Element Present in Set or not

hasElementInSet: Check if an element exists in a Set within the cache.

const exists = hasElementInSet('myPrefix', 'mySetKey', 'elementToCheck');

Union of Sets

unionSets: Merge two or more sets from different keys into a new set.

unionSets('myPrefix', ['sourceKey1', 'sourceKey2'], 'mergedSetKey');

Intersection of Sets

intersectSets: Find the common elements between two or more sets.

const commonElements = intersectSets('myPrefix', ['sourceKey1', 'sourceKey2']);

Difference in Sets

differenceSets: Find the elements that are in one set but not in another.

const differingElements = differenceSets('myPrefix', 'sourceKeyA', 'sourceKeyB');


Add to HashSet

addToHashSet: Add a key-value pair to a HashSet in the cache without TTL.

addToHashSet('myPrefix', 'myHashSetKey', 'field1', 'value1');

Add to HashSet with TTL

addToHashSetWithTTL: Add a key-value pair to a HashSet in the cache with a Time-to-Live (TTL).

addToHashSetWithTTL('myPrefix', 'myHashSetKey', 'field1', 'value1', 3600); // Cache with a TTL of 1 hour

Get from HashSet

getFromHashSet: Get the value associated with a field in a HashSet.

const value = getFromHashSet('myPrefix', 'myHashSetKey', 'field1');

Get Field Names from HashSet

getFieldNamesFromHashSet: Get all field names from a HashSet in the cache.

const fieldNames = getFieldNamesFromHashSet('myPrefix', 'myHashSetKey');

Get Values from HashSet

getValuesFromHashSet: Get all values from a HashSet in the cache.

const values = getValuesFromHashSet('myPrefix', 'myHashSetKey');

Remove from HashSet

removeFromHashSet: Remove a field from a HashSet.

removeFromHashSet('myPrefix', 'myHashSetKey', 'field1');

Clear HashSet

clearHashSet: Clear a HashSet in the cache.

clearHashSet('myPrefix', 'myHashSetKey');

Get HashSet Size

getHashSetSize: Get the size (number of fields) of a HashSet in the cache.

const size = getHashSetSize('myPrefix', 'myHashSetKey');

Multiple Valued Sets

Certainly! Here's a summary of the provided cache operations with function names and one-liner descriptions:

Add key-value pairs to the cache without TTL.

madd: Add an array of key-value pairs to the cache.

madd([{ key: 'key1', val: 'value1' }, { key: 'key2', val: 'value2' }]);

Add key-value pairs to the cache with optional TTL.

maddWithTTL: Add an array of key-value pairs to the cache with an optional Time-to-Live (TTL) for each pair.

maddWithTTL([{ key: 'key1', val: 'value1', ttl: 3600 }, { key: 'key2', val: 'value2' }]);

Get the values associated with an array of keys from the cache.

mget: Retrieve an array of values corresponding to the provided keys from the cache.

mget(['key1', 'key2']);

Remove key-value pairs

mremove: Remove an array of keys and their associated values from the cache.

mremove(['key1', 'key2']);

Get the size (number of key-value pairs) in the cache.

mgetSize: Get the total number of key-value pairs currently stored in the cache.

const size = mgetSize();

Check if a key exists in the cache.

misKeyExists: Check if a specific key exists in the cache.

const exists = misKeyExists('key1');


getCachedData<T>(prefix: string, key: string): T | undefined

Retrieve cached data from the cache.

  1. prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache key.
  2. key (string): The key to identify the cached data.

putDataInCache(prefix: string, key: string, data: any): boolean

Cache data with an optional time-to-live (TTL) of 0 seconds.

  1. prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache key.
  2. key (string): The key to identify the cached data.
  3. data (any): The data to be cached.

putDataInCacheWithTTL(prefix: string, key: string, data: any, seconds: number): boolean

Cache data with a specified time-to-live (TTL) in seconds.

  1. prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache key.
  2. key (string): The key to identify the cached data.
  3. data (any): The data to be cached.
  4. seconds (number): The TTL in seconds.

clearCacheData(prefix: string, key: string): number

Clear cached data.

  1. prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache key.
  2. key (string): The key to identify the cached data.


Generates a compound cache key by combining a prefix and a key.

  • prefix (string): The prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The specific key.
  • {string}: Return the compound cache key.


Checks if a specific key has expired in the cache.

  • prefix (string): The prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The specific key to check for expiration.*
  • {boolean}: Returns true if the key has expired, otherwise false.


Sets the Time-to-Live (TTL) for a specific key in the cache.

  • prefix (string): The prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The specific key to set TTL for.
  • seconds (number): Time-to-Live (TTL) in seconds. Use 0 for no expiration.
  • {boolean}: Returns true if the TTL was set successfully, otherwise false.


Increments the value associated with a specific key in the cache by a specified delta.

  • prefix (string): The prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The specific key to increment the value for.
  • delta (number): The amount by which to increment the value.
  • {number | undefined}: The new value associated with the key after incrementing, or undefined if the key was not found.


Decrements the value associated with a specific key in the cache by a specified delta.

  • prefix (string): The prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The specific key to decrement the value for.
  • delta (number): The amount by which to decrement the value.
  • {number | undefined}: The new value associated with the key after decrementing, or undefined if the key was not found.


Gets an array of cache keys that match a specified prefix pattern.

  • prefix (string): The prefix to search for in cache keys.
  • {string[]}: Returns an array of cache keys matching the specified prefix pattern.


Flushes all cache entries with a specific prefix.

  • prefix (string): The prefix for the cache entries to flush.


Gets an array of all cache keys.

  • {string[]}: Returns An array of all cache keys.


Flushes all cache entries .


addElementToSet<T>(prefix: string, key: string, element: T): boolean

Add a single element to a Set within the cache. If the Set does not exist, it will be created.

  • prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The key for the Set.
  • element (T): The element to add to the Set.
  • Returns boolean: Returns true if the element was added successfully, otherwise false.

addElementsToSet<T>(prefix: string, key: string, elements: T[]): boolean

Add multiple elements to a Set within the cache.

  • prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The key for the Set.
  • elements (T[]): An array of elements to add to the Set.
  • Returns boolean: Returns true if all elements were added successfully, otherwise false.

addElementToSetWithTTL<T>(prefix: string, key: string, element: T, seconds: number): boolean

Add a single element to a Set within the cache with a Time-to-Live (TTL). If the Set does not exist, it will be created.

  • prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The key for the Set.
  • element (T): The element to add to the Set.
  • seconds (number): Time-to-Live (TTL) in seconds. Use 0 for no expiration.
  • Returns boolean: Returns true if the element was added successfully, otherwise false.

addElementsToSetWithTTL<T>(prefix: string, key: string, elements: T[], ttl: number): boolean

Add multiple elements to a Set within the cache with a Time-To-Live (TTL).

  • prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The key for the Set.
  • elements (T[]): An array of elements to add to the Set.
  • ttl (number): Time-To-Live (TTL) in seconds for the cached Set.
  • Returns boolean: Returns true if all elements were added successfully, otherwise false.

removeElementFromSet<T>(prefix: string, key: string, element: T): boolean

Remove a specific element from a Set within the cache.

  • prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The key for the Set.
  • element (T): The element to remove from the Set.
  • Returns boolean: Returns true if the element was successfully removed, otherwise false.

removeElementsFromSet<T>(prefix: string, key: string, elements: T[]): boolean

Remove multiple elements from a Set within the cache.

  • prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The key for the Set.
  • elements (T[]): An array of elements to remove from the Set.
  • Returns boolean: Returns true if all elements were removed successfully, otherwise false.

clearSet(prefix: string, key: string): boolean

Clear (remove) all elements from a Set within the cache.

  • prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The key for the Set.
  • Returns boolean: Returns true if the Set was cleared successfully, otherwise false.

getAllElementsInSet<T>(prefix: string, key: string): Set<T> | undefined

Retrieve all elements from a Set within the cache.

  • prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The key for the Set.
  • Returns Set<T> | undefined: The Set containing all elements, or undefined if not found.

getSetSize(prefix: string, key: string): number

Retrieve the size (number of elements) of a Set stored in the cache.

  • prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The key for the Set.
  • Returns number: The size of the Set in the cache.

hasElementInSet<T>(prefix: string, key: string, element: T): boolean

Check if a specific element exists in a Set within the cache.

  • prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The key for the Set.
  • element (T): The element to check for existence.
  • Returns boolean: Returns true if the element exists in the Set, otherwise false.

unionSets<T>(prefix: string, sourceKeys: string[]): boolean

Merge two or more sets from different keys into a new set.

  • prefix (string): A string prefix for the new cache key.
  • sourceKeys (string[]): An array of source keys to merge sets from.
  • Returns boolean: Returns true if the merge operation was successful, otherwise false.

intersectSets<T>(prefix: string, sourceKeys: string[]): Set<T> | undefined

Find the common elements between two or more sets.

  • prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache keys.
  • sourceKeys (string[]): An array of source keys to find the intersection of sets.
  • Returns Set<T> | undefined: The set containing common elements, or undefined if not found.

differenceSets<T>(prefix: string, sourceKeyA: string, sourceKeyB: string): Set<T> | undefined

Find the elements that are in one set but not in another.

  • prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache keys.
  • sourceKeyA (string): The source key for the first set.
  • sourceKeyB (string): The source key for the second set.
  • Returns Set<T> | undefined: The set containing elements that are in set A but not in set B, or undefined if not found.


addToHashSet(prefix: string, key: string, field: string, value: any): boolean

Add a key-value pair to a HashSet in the cache without Time-to-Live (TTL).

  • prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The key for the HashSet.
  • field (string): The field name within the HashSet.
  • value (any): The value associated with the field.
  • Returns boolean: Returns true if the key-value pair was added successfully, otherwise false.

addToHashSetWithTTL(prefix: string, key: string, field: string, value: any, seconds: number): boolean

Add a key-value pair to a HashSet in the cache with Time-to-Live (TTL).

  • prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The key for the HashSet.
  • field (string): The field name within the HashSet.
  • value (any): The value associated with the field.
  • seconds (number): Time-to-Live (TTL) in seconds. Use 0 for no expiration.
  • Returns boolean: Returns true if the key-value pair was added successfully, otherwise false.

getFromHashSet(prefix: string, key: string, field: string): any

Get the value associated with a field in a HashSet.

  • prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The key for the HashSet.
  • field (string): The field name within the HashSet.
  • Returns any: The value associated with the field, or undefined if not found.

getFieldNamesFromHashSet(prefix: string, key: string): string[]

Get all field names from a HashSet in the cache.

  • prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The key for the HashSet.
  • Returns string[]: An array of all field names in the HashSet.

getValuesFromHashSet(prefix: string, key: string): any[]

Get all values from a HashSet in the cache.

  • prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The key for the HashSet.
  • Returns any[]: An array of all values in the HashSet.

removeFromHashSet(prefix: string, key: string, field: string): boolean

Remove a field from a HashSet.

  • prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The key for the HashSet.
  • field (string): The field name within the HashSet to remove.
  • Returns boolean: Returns true if the field was removed successfully, otherwise false.

clearHashSet(prefix: string, key: string): boolean

Clear (remove) all fields from a HashSet in the cache.

  • prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The key for the HashSet.
  • Returns boolean: Returns true if the HashSet was cleared successfully, otherwise false.

getHashSetSize(prefix: string, key: string): number

Get the size (number of fields) of a HashSet in the cache.

  • prefix (string): A string prefix for the cache key.
  • key (string): The key for the HashSet.
  • Returns number: The size (number of fields) of the HashSet.

Multivalued Sets

madd(items: Array<{ key: string, val: any }>): boolean

Add key-value pairs to the cache without Time-to-Live (TTL).

  • items (Array<{ key: string, val: any }>): An array of objects with key-value pairs to add to the cache.
  • Returns boolean: Returns true if all key-value pairs were added successfully.

maddWithTTL(items: Array<{ key: string, val: any, ttl?: number }>): boolean

Add key-value pairs to the cache with optional Time-to-Live (TTL).

  • items (Array<{ key: string, val: any, ttl?: number }>): An array of objects with key-value pairs to add to the cache. Each object can optionally specify a ttl property for Time-to-Live in seconds.
  • Returns boolean: Returns true if all key-value pairs were added successfully.

mget(keys: Array<string>): Array<any>

Get the values associated with an array of keys from the cache.

  • keys (Array<string>): An array of keys to retrieve values from the cache.
  • Returns Array<any>: An array of values corresponding to the keys.

mremove(keys: Array<string>): boolean

Remove key-value pairs from the cache.

  • keys (Array<string>): An array of keys to remove from the cache.
  • Returns boolean: Returns true if all keys were removed successfully.

mgetSize(): number

Get the size (number of key-value pairs) in the cache.

  • Returns number: The size (number of key-value pairs) in the cache.

misKeyExists(key: string): boolean

Check if a key exists in the cache.

  • key (string): The key to check for existence in the cache.
  • Returns boolean: Returns true if the key exists in the cache, otherwise false.


Contributions to npm-cache-it are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix: git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name.
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m "Add your feature or fix".
  4. Push your branch to your fork: git push origin feature/your-feature-name.
  5. Create a pull request on the original repository.

Please follow the Code of Conduct and Contributing Guidelines when contributing.

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