
1.0.0 • Public • Published


A programmatic version of the npm version command which allows you to inject custom modifications into the version commit.

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npm install --save npm-version-bump


Update the package.json version property, commit it to git and tag the commit:

var bump = require('npm-version-bump')
var dir = '/path/to/module'
var version = 'patch'
bump(dir, version, function (err) {
  if (err) throw err

Update the package.json version property, perform custom modifications to files tracked by the git repository and finally commit everything in a single commit and tag it as a version commit:

var exec = require('child_process').exec
var bump = require('npm-version-bump')
var dir = '/path/to/module'
var version = '2.0.0'
bump(dir, version, precommit, function (err) {
  if (err) throw err
function precommit (callback) {
  exec('./', callback)


When you require the npm-version-bump module, the bump function is returned:

bump(dir, version, [precommit], [callback])

The bump function accepts the following arguments:

  • dir - The base directory of the npm module whos version you'd like to modify. It's expected that this directory contains a package.json file with a version property.

    If the directory is not a git repository, this module will still work as normal, except it will not commit anything.

  • version - A string representing the <newversion> part of the the npm version <newversion> command. It can be either a legal semver version or one of the following convenience bump commands:

    major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch | prerelease
  • precommit - An optional function that will be called before the actual git commit is performed. This allows you to modify any file in the git repository so they in turn will be included in the final version commit.

    The function will be called with a callback as the first argument which you must call when you are done. Calling this callback will trigger the commit.

    If this function is provided, the callback argument must also be provided.

  • callback - An optional function that will be called after the git commit has been performed.

    The callback will be parsed an Error object as the first argument in case either the commit could not be performed or the commit could not be tagged.



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  • watson