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No longer maintained.


0.2.3 • Public • Published


Call query methods on mongoose models straight from your nunjucks templates.

##Motivation Sometimes it seems more intuitive to load database data in views from them, instead of in route handlers. I wrote this to do just that.


npm install nunjucks-mongoose

In your express app:

var MongooseExtension = require('nunjucks-mongoose');
var nunjucks = require('nunjucks');

//nunjucks.configure returns an Environment
var env = nunjucks.configure('views');
env.addExtension('MongooseExtension', new MongooseExtension(mongoose, 'get'));


Note: Version 0.2.x breaks compatibility with previous releases.

With 0.2.x ownwards, I tried to make the syntaxe fluid and easier to remember:

{% get <variable> from <model> using <method> with <arg1>,<arg2>,.. %}
{% done %}

Where <variable>(string|required) is the name of the variable to bind to (will be available in your template via {{name}} etc).

<model>(string|required) is the name of the model you should have already registered with mongoose.

<method>(string|required) is the method we will use on the model. If you want to use a custom method, you will have to ensure it returns the mongoose Query object. The extension internally calls methods by using exec.

with indicates to the parser that the rest of the block contains arguments to pass to the method. That will be <arg1>,<arg2> etc. If a method receives no args, then ommit with.


You can chain multiple method calls like limit, populate etc. Each additional method call must use a then block. This has nothing to do with promises, it's just easier to read:

{% get <variable> from <model> using <method> with <arg1>,<arg2>,.. %}
{% then <method> with <arg1>,<arg2>,.. %}
{% then <method> %}
{% done %}


Here is an example use case:

{% get 'products' from 'Product' using 'find' with {_id:false} %}
{% then 'limit' with 10 %}
{% then 'populate' %}
{% done %}
{% for product in products %}
<p>We sell {{ product.title }} in category {{product.category}}</p>
{% endfor %}


If you come across bugs or have ideas on improving this, please file an issue.

##Tests I added some basic tests, hope to bring more in the future. npm test


You just read it. If you need more infomation than this email me lmurray at quenk dot com. Or tweet me @metasansana.

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  • metasansana