This demo Web Component was generated with nutmeg new grilled-cheese cheese:string[] pickles:boolean quantity:number
followed by a minimal amount of feature and test changes.
Polyfill tags if you need them. This will include ShadowDOM and Custom Elements support.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs@latest/webcomponents-sd-ce.js"></script>
Loading this component. It would be a good idea to use a specific version instead of latest
<script src="https://unpkg.com/grilled-cheese@latest/dist/grilled-cheese.min.js"></script>
Grilled cheese sandwiches default to a quantity of 1 with cheddar. You can get pickles on them (I know...that's technically a melt) and change the types of cheese to include.
<grilled-cheese pickles></grilled-cheese>
<grilled-cheese quantity="5"></grilled-cheese>
document.querySelector('grilled-cheese').cheese = ['cheddar', 'blue'];
GrilledCheese is released under an MIT license.
Built, tested, and published with Nutmeg.