TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.0 • Public • Published


Npm package version MIT license

Nuxt 3 EditorJs for @editorjs/editorjs.

Inspiration from and


  • Run npm i nuxt3-editorjs to install from NPM.

Supported Plugins

  1. Personality
  2. Header
  3. Nested List
  4. Image
  5. InlineCode
  6. Embed
  7. Quote
  8. Marker
  9. Code
  10. Link
  11. Delimiter
  12. Raw
  13. Drag Drop
  14. Table
  1. Warning
  2. Paragraph
  3. Checklist
  4. Attaches
  5. Text Variant Tune
  6. Change Case
  7. Hyperlink
  8. Undo
  9. Text Color
  10. Parse HTML
  11. Columns
  12. Text Align
  13. Text Alignment tune


  • We expose an :
    • One <NuxtEditorJs /> component.
    • Three backend for upload file and one backend for scrape meta data (Link Tool)
    • One Composables const { parse, parseBlock, parseStrict, validate } = useParseHtml(configParseHtml) to parseHtml
  <div class="editor-page">

<script setup>
// this example to import external plugin
import List from '@editorjs/list'
// this for register id component
const holder = 'nuxt-editor-js'
//  you can use another config editorjs
const config = {
  tools: {
    list: {
      class: List,
      inlineToolbar: true,
      config: {
        defaultStyle: 'unordered'
// config for onReady at this not that config
const onReady = (args) => {
  console.log('on ready')
// config for onChange at this not that config
const onChange = (args) => {
  console.log('Now I know that Editor\'s content changed!')
const data = {}
const tempData = ref(data)
// this for trigger the plugin
const onInitialized = (NuxtEditorJs) => {

function customParser (block) {
  return `<custom-tag> ${} </custom-tag>`
const configParseHtml = {
  custom: customParser
const { parse, parseBlock, parseStrict, validate } = useParseHtml(configParseHtml)

watch(tempData, (value) => {
   // using custom parse
}, { deep: true, immediate: true })


<style css>
  margin-left: 70px;
  border: 1px solid #eee;
  border-radius: 5px;
  margin-bottom: 10px;
  box-shadow: 0 6px 18px #e8edfa80;

  border: 1px solid #eee;
  border-radius: 5px;
  gap: 10px;

  box-shadow: 0 6px 18px #e8edfa80;



  • Add the module to your nuxt.config.ts file and optimise with vite:
const defaultApi = {
  ImageTool: {
    basePath: '/api/upload-file',
    imageDir: './playground/public/imagetool',
    mime: [
    maxFileSize: 1000000
  LinkTool: {
    basePath: '/api/meta-web'
  AttachesTool: {
    basePath: '/api/attachment-file',
    imageDir: './playground/public/attachmenttool',
    mime: [
    maxFileSize: 1000000
  PersonalityTool: {
    basePath: '/api/upload-personality-image',
    imageDir: './playground/public/personalitytool',
    mime: [
    maxFileSize: 1000000

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ["nuxt3-editorjs"],
  Nuxt3EditorJS: {
    EditorJsConfig: {
      autofocus: true,
      defaultBlock: 'paragraph',
      placeholder: 'Let`s write an awesome story!',
      minHeight: 300,
      logLevel: 'ERROR',
      i18n: undefined,
      inlineToolbar: ['bold', 'italic', 'underline'],
      tunes: ['textVariant', 'alligment']
    EditorJsToolsConfig: {
      HeaderConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true,
        toolsConfig: {}
      NestedListConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true,
        toolsConfig: {
          nestedlist: {
            inlineToolbar: true,
            config: {
              defaultStyle: 'unordered'
      ImageConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true,
        toolsConfig: {
          image: {
            config: {
              endpoints: {
                byFile: defaultApi.ImageTool.basePath,
                byUrl: defaultApi.ImageTool.basePath
      ChecklistConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true,
        toolsConfig: {
          checklist: {
            inlineToolbar: true
      LinkToolConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true,
        toolsConfig: {
          linkTool: {
            config: {
              endpoint: defaultApi.LinkTool.basePath
      RawConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true,
        toolsConfig: {}
      EmbedConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true,
        toolsConfig: {}
      QuoteConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true,
        toolsConfig: {
          quote: {
            inlineToolbar: true,
            shortcut: 'CMD+SHIFT+O',
            config: {
              quotePlaceholder: 'Enter a quote',
              captionPlaceholder: "Quote's author"
      ParagraphConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true,
        toolsConfig: {
          paragraph: {
            inlineToolbar: true
      TableConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true,
        toolsConfig: {
          table: {
            inlineToolbar: true,
            config: {
              rows: 2,
              cols: 3
      AttachesConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true,
        toolsConfig: {
          attaches: {
            config: {
              endpoint: defaultApi.AttachesTool.basePath
      DelimiterConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true,
        toolsConfig: {}
      MarkerConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true,
        toolsConfig: {
          Marker: {
            shortcut: 'CMD+SHIFT+M'
      ColorConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true,
        toolsConfig: {
          Color: {
            config: {
              colorCollections: [
              defaultColor: '#FF1300',
              type: 'text',
              customPicker: true
      ChangeCaseConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true,
        toolsConfig: {
          changeCase: {
            config: {
              showLocaleOption: true,
              locale: 'tr'
      HyperlinkConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true,
        toolsConfig: {
          hyperlink: {
            config: {
              shortcut: 'CMD+L',
              target: '_blank',
              rel: 'nofollow',
              availableTargets: ['_blank', '_self'],
              availableRels: ['author', 'noreferrer'],
              validate: false
      TextVariantConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true,
        toolsConfig: { }
      CodeConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true,
        toolsConfig: { }
      PersonalityConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true,
        toolsConfig: {
          personality: {
            config: {
              endpoint: defaultApi.PersonalityTool.basePath
      WarningConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true,
        toolsConfig: {
          warning: {
            inlineToolbar: true,
            shortcut: 'CMD+SHIFT+W',
            config: {
              titlePlaceholder: 'Title',
              messagePlaceholder: 'Message'
      InlineCodeConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true,
        toolsConfig: {
          inlineCode: {
            shortcut: 'CMD+SHIFT+M'
      UndoConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true,
        toolsConfig: {
          undo: 'CMD+X',
          redo: 'CMD+ALT+C'
      DragDropConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true
      ColumnsConfig: {
        isEnabled: true
      AlignmentTuneToolConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        toolsConfig: {
          alligment: {
            config: {
              default: 'left'
      TextAlignConfig: {
        isEnabled: true,
        supportInColumn: true
    Api: defaultApi
  vite: {
    optimizeDeps: {
      include: [
    // optional
    build: {
      rollupOptions: {
        output: {
          format: 'es'
  • Add the setting to your tsconfig.ts file:
// optional
  "compilerOptions": {
    "module": "ESNext",
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
    "allowJs": true,
    "noImplicitAny": false,
    "skipLibCheck": true


  • Run npm install to install required dependencies.
  • Run npm run dev:prepare to generate type stubs.
  • Use npm run dev to start playground in development mode.
  • Use npm run prepack to build the module.

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npm i nuxt3-editorjs

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  • group-fighter