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0.5.0 • Public • Published


nuxt3-winston-log is a Nuxt 3.x modules to add winston-powered logging to your Nuxt application


By default the following events are captured:

  1. error level
  2. info level

just simple use console.log to log info level and console.error to log error level


  1. Install npm package
$ yarn add nuxt3-winston-log # or npm i nuxt3-winston-log
  1. Edit your nuxt.config.js file to add module
  modules: ["nuxt3-winston-log"];
  1. Change options using the nuxt3WinstonLog key as needed. See Usage section for details.


  1. By default, nuxt3-winston-log exposes some basic options for common needs.

    The default values are:

    // ...
      // Maximum size of the file after which it will log
      // This can be a number of bytes, or units of kb, mb, and gb
      // If using the units, add 'k', 'm', or 'g' as the suffix. The units need to directly follow the number
      maxSize: "1024m",
      // Maximum number of logs to keep. If not set, no logs will be removed. This can be a number of files or number of days
      // If using days, add 'd' as the suffix. It uses auditFile to keep track of the log files in a json format
      // It won't delete any file not contained in it. It can be a number of files or number of days
      maxFiles: "14d",
      // Path that info log files will be created in.
      // Change this to keep things neat.
      infoLogPath: `./logs`,
      // Name of info log file.
      // Change this to keep things tidy.
      infoLogName: `%DATE%-${process.env.NODE_ENV}-info.log`,
      // Path that error log files will be created in.
      // Change this to keep things neat.
      errorLogPath: `./logs`,
      // Name of error log file.
      // Change this to keep things tidy.
      errorLogName: `%DATE%-${process.env.NODE_ENV}-error.log`,
      // Set to `true` to skip auto render:html logging (level: info).
      skipRequestMiddlewareHandler: false,
    // ...

    Example in your apps ~/nuxt.config.js file:

    export default defineNuxtConfig({
      modules: ["nuxt3-winston-log"],
      nuxt3WinstonLog: {
        maxSize: "2048m",
        maxFiles: "30d",

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  • huyujienice