
2.0.0 • Public • Published


A modern open source font icon library for applications.

nxyle-icon library docs

Note: We are using unicode character (UTF-8), a Private Use Area (PUA). which only support range of 6,400 code points only. Due to this imitation we can't define all webfont icon together. So we grouped icons by icon category. Each group has its own code and code points are shared with other icon font groups as well. So we can't use all group font together on a single web app, even if you already using another web font Please make sure there won't be any conflict on code points.


  1. feather icon
  2. box-icons
  3. phosphor-icons
  4. teeny-icons
  5. bootstrap-icons
  6. cryptocurrency-icons
  7. remix-icons

So Please check available icons in different groups and based on your requirement choose your icon group for your application.


import "nxtyle-icons/feather/index.css";
import "nxtyle-icons/box-icons/regular/index.css";

This may end up on conflict, if you try to use feather icon, since you loaded box-icons next to your feather icon (due to cascading of styles) your feather icon refers to box-icon code point. Anyway you can import same group icons that never share common code points. so below snippet will works fine.

import "nxtyle-icons/box-icons/regular/index.css";
import "nxtyle-icons/box-icons/solid/index.css";

Based on response from users, We can work on to group general icons like logos, crypto icons as unique code point across all icon group. those code points will never used with other group icons.


Using NPM Package

npm i nxtyle-icons

Feather Icons usage

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/feather/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/feather/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-fe-airplay" />

view all available feather icons.

Box Icons Icons usage

Box Icons has three types of icon variants. Namely

  1. regular icons
  2. solid icons
  3. logo icons

Regular Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/box-icons/regular/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/box-icons/regular/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-bx-alarm-add" />

view all available Box Regular icons.

Solid Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/box-icons/solid/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/box-icons/solid/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-bxs-alarm-add" />

view all available Box Solid icons.

Box Logo Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/box-icons/logos/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/box-icons/logos/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-bxl-github" />

view all available Box logo icons.

Phosphor Icons usage

Phosphor Icons has six types of icon variants. Namely

  1. regular icons
  2. bold icons
  3. fill icons
  4. light icons
  5. thin icons
  6. duotone icons

Regular Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/phosphor-icons/regular/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/phosphor-icons/regular/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-pp-address-book" />

view all available Phosphor regular icons.

Bold Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/phosphor-icons/bold/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/phosphor-icons/bold/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-pp-address-book-bold" />

view all available Phosphor bold icons.

Fill Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/phosphor-icons/fill/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/phosphor-icons/fill/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-pp-address-book-fill" />

view all available Phosphor fill icons.

Light Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/phosphor-icons/light/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/phosphor-icons/light/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-pp-address-book-light" />

view all available Phosphor light icons.

Thin Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/phosphor-icons/thin/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/phosphor-icons/thin/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-pp-address-book-thin" />

view all available Phosphor thin icons.

Duotone Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/phosphor-icons/duotone/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/phosphor-icons/duotone/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-pp-address-book-duotone" />

view all available Phosphor duotone icons.

Teeny Icons usage

Teeny Icons has two types of icon variants. Namely

  1. outline icons
  2. solid icons

Outline Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/teeny-icons/outline/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/teeny-icons/outline/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-tny-outline-360" />

view all available Teeny outline icons.

Solid Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/teeny-icons/solid/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/teeny-icons/solid/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-tny-solid-360" />

view all available Teeny solid icons.

Bootstrap Icons usage

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/bootstrap-icons/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/bootstrap-icons/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-bi-award-fill" />

view all available bootstrap icons.

Cryptocurrency Icons usage

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/cryptocurrency-icons/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/cryptocurrency-icons/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-crp-btc" />

view all available cryptocurrency icons.

Remix Icons usage

Remix Icons categorized by different icon variants based on use cases. Namely

  1. arrows
  2. buildings
  3. business
  4. communication
  5. design
  6. development
  7. device
  8. document
  9. editor
  10. finance
  11. health-medical
  12. logos
  13. map
  14. media
  15. others
  16. system
  17. user-faces
  18. weather

Arrows Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/arrows/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/arrows/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-rmx-arrows-arrow-down-circle-fill" />

view all available remix arrows icons.

buildings Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/buildings/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/buildings/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-rmx-buildings-bank-fill" />

view all available remix buildings icons.

business Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/business/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/business/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-rmx-business-presentation-fill" />

view all available remix business icons.

communication Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/communication/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/communication/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-rmx-communication-chat-1-line" />

view all available remix communication icons.

Design Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/design/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/design/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-rmx-design-brush-fill" />

view all available remix design icons.

Development Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/development/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/development/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-rmx-development-bug-2-line" />

view all available remix development icons.

Device Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/device/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/device/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-rmx-device-battery-2-charge-line" />

view all available remix device icons.

Document Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/document/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/document/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-rmx-document-contacts-book-upload-fill" />

view all available remix document icons.

Editor Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/editor/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/editor/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-rmx-editor-emphasis-cn" />

view all available remix editor icons.

Finance Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/finance/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/finance/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-rmx-finance-24-hours-fill" />

view all available remix finance icons.

Health-medical Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/health-medical/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/health-medical/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-rmx-health-medical-brain-fill" />

view all available remix health-medical icons.

Logos Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/logos/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/logos/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-rmx-logos-alipay-fill" />

view all available remix logos icons.

Map Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/map/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/map/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-rmx-map-anchor-fill" />

view all available remix map icons.

Media Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/media/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/media/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-rmx-media-4k-line" />

view all available remix media icons.

Others Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/others/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/others/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-rmx-others-basketball-fill" />

view all available remix others icons.

System Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/system/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/system/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-rmx-system-add-box-line" />

view all available remix system icons.

User-faces Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/user-faces/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/user-faces/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-rmx-user-faces-account-box-fill" />

view all available remix user-faces icons.

Weather Icons

If you want to include in Web application JS file

import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/weather/index.css";

If you want to include using sass

@import "nxtyle-icons/remix-icons/weather/index.css";

That's it. you can now use icons

<i class="nxi nxi-rmx-weather-blaze-line" />

view all available remix weather icons.



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npm i nxtyle-icons

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  • maheitdev