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OAuth2 Client

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A library to help you handling OAuth2 access and request tokens. Since it is meant to be used in the browser it only includes the OAuth2 Implicit Grant flow.


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A “provider” manages your tokens and knows how to handle responses from the authorization endpoint. Create a new provider like this:

var OAuth = require('oauth2-client-js');
var google = new OAuth.Provider({
    id: 'google',   // required
    authorization_url: 'https://google.com/auth' // required

By default a provider will use the localStorage to save its tokens, but with storage you can pass anything that adheres to the Storage API.

Most of the time you will want to do two things: Request new tokens and check whether there are tokens available.

Requesting tokens

To get a new access token you have to redirect the user to the authorization endpoint. The full URI is constructed like this:

// Create a new request
var request = new OAuth.Request({
    client_id: 'my_client_id',  // required
    redirect_uri: 'http://my.server.com/auth-answer'

// Give it to the provider
var uri = google.requestToken(request);

// Later we need to check if the response was expected
// so save the request

// Do the redirect
window.location.href = uri;

The auth endpoint will redirect the user back to the redirect_uri and encode its response in the URI fragment. Since your application completely lost its state by now, you may want to pass metadata to the request. It will be stored along with the request and loaded later on. E.g. your current application route could go in there.

To parse the response out of the uri, do it like this:

var response = google.parse(window.location.href);

This will either throw an error (e.g. when the state property doesn’t match both in request and response) or return the response. It will have metadata from the request on it. Access and refresh tokens are now available on the provider.

Refresh tokens

They are not in the RFC spec, but you can use them as well (if your server supports them). To issue a refresh request:

var uri = google.refreshToken();
    .then(function(response) {
        // your tokens are now diamonds
        // ehm, up to date.

Get Tokens

google.getAccessToken() and google.getRefreshToken().


Apache 2.0 as stated in the LICENSE.



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Apache 2.0

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  • npiccolotto