Deobfuscate the obfuscated code from using Babel
First of all you need to install the package:
npm i obf-io-deobfuscator
Then you import the deobfuscation function into your module which takes the obfuscated code as input:
import deobfuscate from "obf-io-deobfuscator";
const code = `` // insert the obfuscated code from here
const deobfuscatedCode = deobfuscate(code)
Or if you want to use a file as input:
import deobfuscate from "obf-io-deobfuscator";
import fs from "fs";
const path = ""; // insert the file path
const code = fs.readFileSync(path, "utf-8");
const deobfuscatedCode = deobfuscate(code)
import deobfuscate from "obf-io-deobfuscator";
const code = `
function _0x11ae(_0x4b29f4, _0x2d1895) {
const _0xc5911f = _0xc591();
return (
(_0x11ae = function (_0x11aedf, _0x52dd30) {
_0x11aedf = _0x11aedf - 0x137;
let _0x23031d = _0xc5911f[_0x11aedf];
return _0x23031d;
_0x11ae(_0x4b29f4, _0x2d1895)
(function (_0x550b9d, _0x8ad72f) {
const _0x324197 = _0x11ae,
_0x547354 = _0x550b9d();
while (!![]) {
try {
const _0x4ea237 =
(-parseInt(_0x324197(0x141)) / 0x1) * (parseInt(_0x324197(0x137)) / 0x2) +
-parseInt(_0x324197(0x138)) / 0x3 +
(-parseInt(_0x324197(0x13b)) / 0x4) * (-parseInt(_0x324197(0x140)) / 0x5) +
parseInt(_0x324197(0x139)) / 0x6 +
(-parseInt(_0x324197(0x13e)) / 0x7) * (-parseInt(_0x324197(0x13a)) / 0x8) +
(-parseInt(_0x324197(0x13f)) / 0x9) * (parseInt(_0x324197(0x13c)) / 0xa) +
parseInt(_0x324197(0x13d)) / 0xb;
if (_0x4ea237 === _0x8ad72f) break;
else _0x547354["push"](_0x547354["shift"]());
} catch (_0x306a69) {
})(_0xc591, 0x808e3);
let sum = 0x0;
for (let i = 0x0; i < 0xa; i++) {
sum += i;
function _0xc591() {
const _0x14660e = [
_0xc591 = function () {
return _0x14660e;
return _0xc591();
const deobfuscatedCode = deobfuscate(code)
The result:
let sum = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
sum += i;