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Library to manipulate javascript object


npm i obj-tweaks
import 'obj-tweaks';


  • {Object}.new().{Commands} => Create a deep copy of your object
  • {Object}.find(conditions)
  • {Object}.merge(data)
  • {Object}.update(conditions, data)
  • {Object}.add(position, data)
  • {Object}.delete(conditions)
  • {Object}.swap(conditions, position)
  • {Object}.exist(position)


// Working Object

const state = {
  data: {
    users: {
      123456: {
        _id: 123456,
        active: true,
        status: true,
        info: {
          name: 'Alessandro',
          age: 24,
          links: {
            blog: 'https://aloisio.work',
    favourites: {
      234567: {
        _id: 234567,
        active: true,
        status: true,
        info: {
          name: 'Alicia',
          age: 24,
  loading: false,
  error: null,

1. Find

* Simple find

state.find({ active: true })

// output
    _id: 123456,
    active: true,
    _id: 234567,
    active: true,

* If you want information about users who have 24 years

state.find({ age: 24 })

// output
    name: 'Alessandro',
    age: 24,
    links: { blog: 'https://aloisio.work' }
    name: 'Alicia',
    age: 24

* But if you want the previous object, just add the parent property

state.find({ 'info.age': 24 })

// output
    _id: 123456,
    active: true,
    status: true,
    info: { name: 'Alessandro', age: 24, links: [Object] }
    _id: 234567,
    active: true,
    status: true,
    info: { name: 'Alicia', age: 24 }

2. Merge

* Simple merge

state.merge({ 'info.age': 18 })

// output
  data: { 
    users: {
      '123456': {
        info: { age: 18, ... }
    favourites: {
      '234567': {
        info: { age: 18, ... }
  loading: false,
  error: null

2'. Combine

* Combine find and merge

state.find({ _id: 123456 }).merge({ 'info.age': 18 })

// output
    _id: 123456,
    active: true,
    status: true,
    info: { name: 'Alessandro', age: 18, links: [Object] }

3. Update

* Update the working Object

state.update({ _id: 123456 }, { status: false, 'info.age': 18 })

// output
  data: { 
    users: {
      '123456': {
        _id: 123456,
        active: true,
        status: false,
        info: { name: 'Alessandro', age: 18, links: [Object] }
    favourites: { '234567': [Object] } },
  loading: false,
  error: null

Of course, you can also add more conditions on find option and how many you want of depth for sub properties.

4. Add

* Add an element

state.add('users', {
  987665: {
    _id: 987665,
    active: true,
    status: true,
    info: {
      name: 'Serge',
      age: 40,

// output
  data: {
    favourites: {
      234567: {
        _id: 234567, active: true, info: { age: 24, links: { blog: 'https://atraversleslivres.be' }, name: 'Alicia' }, status: true,
    users: {
      123456: {
        _id: 123456, active: true, info: { age: 24, links: { blog: 'https://aloisio.work' }, name: 'Alessandro' }, status: true,
      987665: {
        _id: 987665, active: true, info: { age: 40, name: 'Serge' }, status: true,
  error: null,
  loading: false,

5. Delete

* Delete an element

state.delete({ _id: 123456 })

// output
  data: {
    favourites: {
      234567: {
        _id: 234567, active: true, info: { age: 24, links: { blog: 'https://atraversleslivres.be' }, name: 'Alicia' }, status: true,
    users: {},
  error: null,
  loading: false,

6. Swap

* Swap an element

state.swap({ _id: 123456 }, 'favourites')

// output
  data: {
    favourites: {
      123456: {
        _id: 123456, active: true, info: { age: 24, links: { blog: 'https://aloisio.work' }, name: 'Alessandro' }, status: true,
      234567: {
        _id: 234567, active: true, info: { age: 24, links: { blog: 'https://atraversleslivres.be' }, name: 'Alicia' }, status: true,
    users: {},
  error: null,
  loading: false,

7. Exist

* Determine if an element exist

// output

// output


MIT © Aloisio Alessandro

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