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Object Ninja

Object Ninja is a powerful npm package designed to make managing complex nested objects a breeze. Whether you need to update, delete, add, or compare deeply nested objects, Object Ninja has got you covered.

πŸ₯· Why Object Ninja?

Managing nested objects in JavaScript can be tricky and time-consuming. Object Ninja aims to simplify this process, offering a suite of functions to manipulate nested objects effortlessly.

Table of Contents


  • πŸ›  Update Nested Objects: Easily modify values within deeply nested objects with just one function call.

  • πŸ—‘ Delete Keys: Effortlessly remove keys from nested objects without breaking a sweat.

  • βž• Add Keys: Add new keys to your nested objects in a breeze, no hassle involved.

  • πŸ” Compare Deeply Nested Objects: Get detailed insights by comparing two nested objects, identifying missing keys and value changes.

  • πŸ“¦ Object Serialization and Deserialization: Serialize and deserialize objects seamlessly, making data storage and retrieval a cinch.

  • πŸ”‘ Collect All Keys: Iterate through nested objects to collect all keys, simplifying key management and analysis.


You can install object-ninja via npm:

npm install object-ninja
import { clone ,compareObjectsWrapper ,getAllKeys ,addPropertyToObject, removePropertyFromObject ,serializeToJSON, deserializeFromJSON  } from "object-ninja";

Function Details



  • obj: The target object to which the property will be added.
  • keys: An array of strings representing the keys to traverse in the object hierarchy. The last key in the array will be used to add the property.
  • value: The value to be assigned to the property.
  • mutate (optional): A boolean flag indicating whether to mutate the original object (true) or return a new mutated object (false). Default is false.

Return Value

  • If mutate is true, the function returns the mutated original object with the property added.
  • If mutate is false or not provided, the function returns a new object with the property added.

Example Usage

const originalObj = { a: { b: { c: 5 } } };
const keys = ['a', 'b', 'd']; // Adding 'd' to the object hierarchy
const value = 10;

// Example 1: Mutate the original object
const mutatedObj = addPropertyToObject(originalObj, keys, value, true);
console.log(mutatedObj); // Output: { a: { b: { c: 5, d: 10 } } }
console.log(originalObj === mutatedObj); // Output: true (original object mutated)

// Example 2: Create a new mutated object
const newMutatedObj = addPropertyToObject(originalObj, keys, value);
console.log(newMutatedObj); // Output: { a: { b: { c: 5, d: 10 } } }
console.log(originalObj === newMutatedObj); // Output: false (new object created)



  • obj: The target object from which the property will be removed.
  • keys: An array of strings representing the keys to traverse in the object hierarchy. The last key in the array will be used to remove the property.
  • mutate (optional): A boolean flag indicating whether to mutate the original object (true) or return a new object with the property removed (false). Default is false.

Return Value

  • If mutate is true, the function returns the original object with the specified property removed.
  • If mutate is false or not provided, the function returns a new object with the specified property removed.

Example Usage

const originalObj = { a: { b: { c: 5, d: 10 } } };
const keys = ['a', 'b', 'd']; // Removing 'd' from the object hierarchy

// Example 1: Mutate the original object
const mutatedObj = removePropertyFromObject(originalObj, keys, true);
console.log(mutatedObj); // Output: { a: { b: { c: 5 } } }
console.log(originalObj === mutatedObj); // Output: true (original object mutated)

// Example 2: Create a new object with property removed
const newObj = removePropertyFromObject(originalObj, keys);
console.log(newObj); // Output: { a: { b: { c: 5 } } }
console.log(originalObj === newObj); // Output: false (new object created)



  • obj: The object to be cloned.
  • deep (optional): A boolean flag indicating whether to perform a deep clone (true) or a shallow clone (false). Default is false.

Return Value Returns a shallow or deep clone of the input object based on the deep parameter.

Example Usage

const originalObj = { a: 1, b: { c: 2 } };

// Shallow clone
const shallowClonedObj = clone(originalObj);
console.log(shallowClonedObj); // Output: { a: 1, b: { c: 2 } }
console.log(originalObj === shallowClonedObj); // Output: false (new object created)

// Deep clone
const deepClonedObj = clone(originalObj, true);
console.log(deepClonedObj); // Output: { a: 1, b: { c: 2 } }
console.log(originalObj === deepClonedObj); // Output: false (new object created)



  • obj1: The first object to compare.
  • obj2: The second object to compare.
  • config (optional): An optional configuration object with the following properties:
    • ignoreKeys: An array of keys to ignore during the comparison.

Return Value Returns an object containing the following properties:

  • status: A boolean indicating whether the two objects are identical (true) or not (false).
  • differentKeys: An array containing the keys that have different values in the two objects.
  • differentValues: An object containing the different values along with their corresponding keys.

Example Usage

const obj1 = { a: 1, b: { c: 2 }, d: { e: 3 } };
const obj2 = { a: 1, b: { c: 2 }, d: { e: 4 } };
const result = compareObjectsWrapper(obj1, obj2, { ignoreKeys: ['d'] });
console.log(result.status); // Output: false (objects are not identical)
console.log(result.differentKeys); // Output: ["d.e"]
console.log(result.differentValues); // Output: { "d.e": { obj1Value: 3, obj2Value: 4 } }



  • obj: The object for which keys will be retrieved.
  • prefix (optional): A string to be prefixed to each key. Default is an empty string.
  • separator (optional): A string used to separate the prefix and the keys. Default is "_".

Return Value Returns an array of strings representing all keys in the object and its nested objects, with optional prefixes.

Example Usage

const obj = { a: 1, b: { c: 2, d: { e: 3 } }, f: { g: 4 } };
const keys = getAllKeys(obj, "prefix", ".");
console.log(keys); // Output: ["prefix.a", "prefix.b.c", "prefix.b.d.e", "prefix.f.g"]



  • obj: The object to be serialized to JSON.

Return Value

  • Returns a string representing the JSON serialization of the input object.

Example Usage

const obj = { key: 'value', nested: { inner: 'data' } };
const jsonString = serializeToJSON(obj);
console.log(jsonString); // Output: '{"key":"value","nested":{"inner":"data"}}'



  • json: The JSON string to be deserialized.

Return Value

  • Returns an object representing the deserialized JSON string.

Example Usage

const jsonString = '{"key":"value","nested":{"inner":"data"}}';
const obj = deserializeFromJSON(jsonString);
console.log(obj); // Output: { key: 'value', nested: { inner: 'data' } }


For any hiccups with the package, drop an email to Kumarashish87998@gmail.com with "Error || Object-Ninja-Npm" as the subject. πŸ“§

Check out these other fantastic packages developed by Me:

  • Debounce Throttling πŸ•’ - Smooth out your application's performance by managing function calls with debouncing and throttling techniques.

  • LocalSafe πŸ”’ - Securely store sensitive data locally in the user's browser with encryption and other protective measures.

  • Online Status JS 🌐 - Keep track of your user's online status and enhance your application's real-time capabilities.

🌟 Made with ❀️ by Ashish

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