A simple, small library to convert JavaScript objects into a csv string.
- Small (~5kB unpacked)
- No dependencies
- Uses modern JavaScript (ES7)
- Automatic field detection
- Default value for missing fields
- Custom & automatic quotation (can be disabled)
- Custom csv separator, line separator and escape sequence
- Excludable fields
npm install objects2csv
const convert = require('objects2csv');
const data = [
{type: "car", model: "BMW", year: 2019, maxPassengers: 5, doors: 5},
{type: "car", model: "VW", year: 2003, doors: 3},
{type: "bus", model: "Mercedes", year: 2019, maxPassengers: 50},
const csv = convert(data);
"car";"VW";"2003";" ";"3"
"bus";"Mercedes";"2019";"50";" "
This will use the default values for all options. In order to customize the generated csv, the following options exist:
// These options represent the default values
const options = {
header: true, // If false, the header won't be included in the converted string
unavailable: " ", // If the value does not exist, this is the string that will be used instead
separator: ";", // This is the sequence that will be used as a separator (between each value)
quote: "\"", // This is the sequence that will be used to quote the values, for example: "myValue"
escape: "\\", // This is the sequence that will be used to escape a sequence in the value, if it is equal to the quote, for example: "And then he said \"Hello\""
lineSeparator: "\n", // This is the sequence that will be used at the end of a line (after each object)
excludeKeys: [] // If you don't want a field to be in the final csv string, exclude it here. For example the ccnumber and cvv field: ["ccnumber", "cvv"]
Usage of the custom options:
const csv = convert(data, { excludeKeys: ["maxPassengers", "doors"], quote: null }); // quote: "" can also be used