
2.0.55 • Public • Published

OCN Registry 2.0

This is the second version of OCN Registry originally in https://github.com/energywebfoundation/ocn-registry

Open Charging Network Registry

Decentralized Registry smart contracts for Node operators, OCPI party and Service providers. For Ethereum-based networks.

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There are a few concepts which first need to be explained. The Registry smart contracts works on Ethereum-based blockchains. That might be ganache if running a local development blockchain, or the pre-production or production chain of the Energy Web Foundation's blockchain. These chains use Etheruem's public-private key cryptography. In the OCN they are used to identify Node operators and OCPI parties on the Open Charging Network and can be generated in a variety of ways, for example by Metamask.

Signers and Spenders

The OCN Registry allows for two ways of adding and maintaining listings. It can be done directly, whereby a single keypair signs the registry data and sends a transaction to the blockchain network, paying for the transaction fee in the process. This is arguably simpler but requires each keypair to be funded. Alternatively, "raw" transactions can be used, whereby the registry data is signed by the data owner's keypair and sent to the blockchain network using a different, funded keypair.

Therefore, in "direct" transactions, the signer and spender are one, named just the "signer". In contrast, in raw transactions, the "signer" is the data owner, and the "spender" is the one paying for the transaction.

Node Operators and OCPI Parties

The principle behind the registry is that the nodes, comprising the Open Charging Network, need a way of discovering counterparties they are not directly connected to. This works in two stages: OCN Node operators (i.e. administrators) can list their node in the registry, which allows OCPI parties (i.e. Charge Point Operators or E-Mobility Service Providers) to link their services to a registered node.

Note that the registry listing must be done by the OCPI party before an OCN Node accepts their credentials registration, so that the OCN Node can ensure the party has correctly linked themselves to that node in the registry.

Party Certificates

As a goal of having an open and non-discrimanatory registry, the OCN registry supports party registration through certificates, which are issued by a trusted party that verifies off-chain that the party is not being impersonated by a malicious actor.

These certificates are based on a ECDSA signature issued by a trusty third-party which then need to be registered as valid verifiers on the registry.


This is an optional feature which manages the status of the OCPI parties registered on the node, while integrating certificates ensures that parties are valid the registry still needs a way to check if the party is valid in the future.

Oracles enable a way to constantly check if an OCPI party has a valid and active role off-chain, in this way the OCN Node can constantly check the status of the parties and act accordingly.

Example OCPI Party connection steps:
  1. Operator signs a transaction stating they run the OCN Node on domain https://node.ocn.org. The address of their wallet (0x9bC1169Ca09555bf2721A5C9eC6D69c8073bfeB4), used to sign the transaction, now points to the domain name.

  2. OCPI party signs a transaction stating they use the OCN Node of 0x9bC1169Ca09555bf2721A5C9eC6D69c8073bfeB4. The address of their wallet, (0x0B2E57DDB616175950e65dE47Ef3F5BA3bc29979) now points to the wallet address of their OCN Node operator.

  3. OCPI party does the credentials registration handshake with the OCN Node at https://node.ocn.org.

  4. Party is now able to send and receive OCPI requests from other OCPI parties on the network. Likewise, they gain access to the setting of Service permissions.


clone this repo and install dependencies:

git clone https://bitbucket.org/shareandcharge/ocn-registry.git
cd ocn-registry
yarn install


Environment variables

for development purposes rename .env-example to .env, or create yourself evm compatible wallets and insert them in a .env file or attribute straight in memory (export DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY="PRIVATE_KEY") , optionally you can insert polygonscan and etherscan api for smart contract verification (last three variables):


How to initiate hadhat local network

  • yarn localhost

How to execute local tests

  • Tests should be executed stand alone in a separate blockchain called hardhat that is built only for that: yarn hardhat test --network hardhat
  • If run-all.sh script was run over localhost network, tests could run over localhost as well: yarn hardhat test --network localhost

Fund wallet (You dont need it for Hardhat localhost)

  • For ganache, execute: yarn hardhat send-stable-coins --network ganache
  • For external blockchains (mainet or testnet) fund the wallet in .env (WALLET_ADDRESS)

Deploy Contracts

  • Deploy and setup Smart Contracts: sh run-deploy.sh <NETWORK>, example: sh run-deploy.sh localhost

Publish deployed Smart Contract Address

The deployed smart contract address are desined to be packaged inside the dist/deployment folder and published in the npmjs repolitory to be accessed publicly. Only members of the oli-systems organizations in npmjs have access to publish, to do it run:

  • yarn build-and-publish

How to get the Address of the Ocn Registry Smart Conctract

you can use the following cli command for that: yarn cli get-registry-contract-address -n <NETWORK>

Verify Contracts (Polygon testnet only)


[Localhost Only] Propose, vote, queue and execute a proposal at once

  • sh run-governance-example.sh localhost

How to make a proposal

  • yarn hardhat propose --amount 150 --network localhost

How to vote in the last proposal (proposals.json)

  • yarn hardhat vote --network localhost

How to queue the voted proposal (proposals.json)

  • yarn hardhat queue --network localhost

How to execute the queued proposal (proposals.json)

  • yarn hardhat execute --network localhost


[Localhost Only] Make registration of node and parties at once

  • sh run-register.sh localhost


There are several ways to interact with the OCN Registry, including:

Basic Usage

To make sure your installation is correctly working, verify with the following command, which will print the version number:

$ yarn cli --version

You should see the version number, like: 2.0.0

Getting Help

The CLI and all of its sub-commands have help text relating to usage. The top-level help flag prints all possible sub-commands which can be used:

$ yarn cli --help

  cli get-node <address>               Get OCN Node operator entry by their
                                       wallet address
  cli list-nodes                       Get all OCN Nodes listed in registry


Meanwhile, using the help flag on a particular sub-command will show more detailed information:

$ yarn cli get-party --help

  --network, --net, -n  Specifies the target network.
                          [choices: "local", "volta", "prod"] [default: "local"]
  --address, -a         Wallet address of the party                     [string]
  --credentials, -c     OCPI country_code (ISO-3166 alpha-2) and party_id
                        (ISO-15118)                                      [array]

Setting the signer

The private keys of the signer (and optionally spender) are needed for each transaction (modifying state of the contract). Think of this like setting your credentials for a cloud infrastructure provider's CLI (where an environment variable like AWS_ACCESS_KEY dictates to the AWS CLI which user/role is accessing assets). Note that contract calls (i.e. reading data) do not require this as data is public.

Setting this can be done in two ways: environment variables or command line flags.

The first method allows all subsequent commands to use the same value for signer/spender. This also means that it is not necessary to state the signer with a command line flag.

Use export on Linux/MacOS to set your shell variables:

export SIGNER=0xbe367b774603c65850ee2cf479df809174f95cdb847483db2a6bcf1aad0fa5fd

If using a raw command, the spender is also required:

export SENDER=0x2f0810c5fc949c846ff64edb26b0b00ca28effaffb9ac867a7b9256c034fe849

Important: do not use these private keys outside of development! They were generated for this guide only.

Alternatively, flags allow setting the signer and spender for each command:

  --signer, -s   Data owner's private key. Required for modifying contract
                 state.                                                 [string]
  --spender, -x  Spender's private key. Required for sending raw transactions.
Choosing the network

By default, the registry will look for a local hardhat instance running on http://localhost:8545. This is the development chain which can be started with yarn localhost. This also provides 4 funded keypairs to play around, one for each kind of player we use here: deployer, node operator, cpo operator and emsp operator.

Each command can be run against additional networks on which the OCN Registry has been deployed using the -n flag. This includes Volta, for the OCN public test environment, as well as the Energy Web Chain for production.

Additionally, overrides can be provided to change default network variables. A JSON network file can be specified to tell the CLI of custom variables we want to use over defaults. A common situation where we might need this is in a local development setup using docker-compose, where we need to modify the host to point to a container's IP in our docker network.

A network file should implement the Network interface in src/types/network.ts, though it is not necessary to provide every field. For example, in the aforementioned docker-compose setup, we could override only the provider host in our JSON file:

  "provider": {
    "host": ""

We would then use the CLI by specifying our JSON file with the --network-file flag, which can be absolute or relative to the current working directory:

yarn cli list-nodes --network-file ./overrides.json

In this case, we are using the rest of the fields from the default localhost environment. We could do the same with the test (volta) network:

yarn cli list-nodes --network volta --network-file /path/to/overrides-volta.json

For a list of defaults for each network, see src/networks.ts.

Get all nodes

To return a list of all nodes and operators, use:

yarn cli list-nodes

Get an operator's node

To check the domain of a single node operator on a particular network, use:

yarn cli get-node 0xEada1b2521115e07578DBD9595B52359E9900104

Where 0xEada1b2521115e07578DBD9595B52359E9900104 is the operator's keypair address.

To choose the network to use (as outlined above), set the -n (--network) flag:

yarn cli get-node 0xEada1b2521115e07578DBD9595B52359E9900104 --network=volta
yarn cli get-node 0xEada1b2521115e07578DBD9595B52359E9900104 -n prod

Listing a node

OCN Node operators can make their node visible on the network by adding it to the OCN Registry. Creating and updating a listing can be done using the same command.

Note: If changing the domain of an existing operator, call delete-node before set-node

yarn cli set-node https://node.provider.net

Alternatively, using a raw transaction:

yarn cli set-node-raw https://node.provider.net

Remember to set the signer AND spender for the raw transaction. If not using environment variables, set with the following flags:

yarn cli set-node-raw https://node.provider.net \
        --signer=0xbe367b774603c65850ee2cf479df809174f95cdb847483db2a6bcf1aad0fa5fd \

De-listing a node

If an operator decides not to provide a node any longer, they can remove it from the registry:

yarn cli delete-node

Or as a raw transaction:

yarn cli delete-node-raw

Get all parties

List all registered parties on the network:

yarn cli list-parties

Get party information

Check the registered information of a given party using their address or OCPI credentials (country_code and party_id):

yarn cli get-party --address 0x0B2E57DDB616175950e65dE47Ef3F5BA3bc29979
yarn cli get-party --credentials CH CPO

Listing a party

To list a party, the following information is required:

  • country_code and party_id
  • role details (role with certificate metadata)
  • OCN Node operator wallet address
  • name
  • url of the sercice

Role Details

In order to register into the ocn-registry the party needs a valid certificate signed by a allowed verifier, this certificate can be generated following the instructions on: https://github.com/olisystems/banula-provider-credentials

The following commands can be used to both create and update the party information.

Scenario 1: party_id with single role

Using a direct transaction:

yarn cli set-party --credentials CH CPO \
    --roles CPO \
    --operator 0x9bC1169Ca09555bf2721A5C9eC6D69c8073bfeB4
    --name 'local cpo exp1'
    --url http://cpo.example.com

Using a raw transaction:

SPENDER=d6ca2410370821633d05f95a2856afadea95e07b8242b5c1aa0cb7196da1e0a3 \
yarn cli set-party-raw --credentials CH CPO
    --roles CPO \
    --operator 0x9bC1169Ca09555bf2721A5C9eC6D69c8073bfeB4
    --name 'local cpo example'
    --url http://cpo.example.com
Scenario 2: party_id with multiple roles
SPENDER=d6ca2410370821633d05f95a2856afadea95e07b8242b5c1aa0cb7196da1e0a3 \
yarn cli set-party --credentials CH ABC \
    -roles CPO EMSP \
    --operator 0x9bC1169Ca09555bf2721A5C9eC6D69c8073bfeB4
    --name 'local cpo and emsp example'
    --url http://cpo_emsp.example.com
Scenario 3: platform with multiple roles under different party_ids

In this case, the platform must use different wallets for each party_id:

yarn cli set-party --credentials CH CPO \
    --roles CPO \
    --operator 0xB43253229b9d16cE16e9c836B472D84269338808 \
    --name 'local cpo exp1' \
    --url http://cpo.example.com \
    --signer 379a602e6068f313de54bf118d38071b22ed15caf854d1050c3fed455ab75f50
yarn cli set-party --credentials CH MSP \
    --roles EMSP \
    --operator 0xB43253229b9d16cE16e9c836B472D84269338808 \
    --name 'local emsp exp1' \
    --url http://emsp.example.com \
    --signer 379a602e6068f313de54bf118d38071b22ed15caf854d1050c3fed455ab75f50

De-listing a party

Use the following command to remove a party listing from the registry:

yarn cli delete-party -s PARTY_PRIVATE_KEY

And with raw transaction (setting including signer and spender PKs):

SIGNER=2881dee3e96e383a222c39687dee395d5ba70965fd9caa7a1d686c4d78adc93d \
SPENDER=d6ca2410370821633d05f95a2856afadea95e07b8242b5c1aa0cb7196da1e0a3 \
yarn cli delete-party-raw

How To Generate Java classes from Smart Contracts to be used by OCN Node

Compile smart contracts

  • install solc select: brew install solc-select
  • install right solidity compiler version: solc-select install 0.8.24
  • generate bin and abi files: solc --abi --bin -o wrapped-java-classes/build --base-path . --include-path ./node_modules contracts/OcnRegistry.sol

Generata Java files

  • install sdkman: curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash
  • source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh"
  • cd wrapped-java-classes
  • set java version using sdkman: sdk use java 17.0.10-amzn
  • generate files:sh web3j-1.6.1/bin/web3j generate solidity -a build/OcnRegistry.abi -b build/OcnRegistry.bin -o src/main/java -p com.oli-systems.ocn-registry-v2.0
  • verify a file OcnRegistry.java was created in wrapped-java-classes/src/main/java/com/oli-systems/ocn-registry-v2/0

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  • matheusroad
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