Validate & transform your props by schema.
new OhMyProps(props_description)
Creates an OhMyProps instance.
const propsInstance = new OhMyProps({
foo: {
type: String,
default: 'bar',
baz: {
type: Number,
validator: (value) => Number.isInteger(value),
Every value of props_description
is an Object describing a property. Possible options:
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
type |
any |
— | Prop of what type you expect. Built-in options: String , Number , Boolean , Symbol , Object (plain), Array and JSON . You can define type validators by yourself using createType static method. |
is_nullable |
Boolean |
false |
Set to true if you want to allow null values on that property. |
type_cast |
Boolean |
false |
Should OhMyProps cast property's value to defined type . It can be used to cast HTTP API parameters from strings or to decode data. |
default |
any |
— | Default value for undefined property. If that option is a function , OhMyProps will threat that function as a factory function. Be careful: non-primitive defaults (e.g. Object or Array ) must be returned from a factory function. |
subvalidator |
OhMyProps |
— | An OhMyProps instance that will validate a value itself if this is plain Object or every element inside Array . |
validator |
Function Array<Function>
— | Validator(s) that will be called with property's value. If any validator will return any value but true , validation will be failed. |
Class method Transforms an object props
. Any properties not defined at new OhMyProps
will be omitted.
Returns a tramsformed object or null
if transformation or validation has failed.
foo: 'hello world!',
baz: 10,
unknown_property: 42,
// => { foo: 'hello world!', baz: 10 }
propsInstance.transform({ baz: 10 });
// => { foo: 'bar', baz: 10 }
foo: [ 1, 2, 3 ], // expected String, got Array -> fail
baz: 12.34, // validation error: Number.isInteger will return false
// => null
Class method Returns true
if props
was succesfully transformed and validated.
foo: 'hello world!',
baz: 10,
unknown_property: 42,
// => true
wrap(props_description, targetFunction)
Static method Returns a function that will transform and validate properties and pass them to targetFunction
if they are valid. If they are not, an error will be throwed.
const doubleNumber = OhMyProps.wrap(
num: {
type: Number,
type_cast: true,
validator: (value) => value > 0 && Number.isInteger(value),
({ num }) => {
return num * 2;
doubleNumber({ num: 13 });
// => 26
doubleNumber({ num: '10' });
// => 20
doubleNumber({ num: 'hello' });
// => TypeError: Invalid props.
doubleNumber({ num: 1.234 });
// => TypeError: Invalid props.
// => TypeError: Invalid props.
createType({ name, transformer, validator })
Statiс method Creates a user-defined type with functions that transforms (casts) a value and validates it.
Returns an object that should be passed as type
to property description.
// create a type
const BASE64_BUFFER = OhMyProps.createType({
name: 'BASE64_BUFFER', // not necessary, but useful for logs
transformer: (value) => Buffer.from(value, 'base64'),
validator: (value) => Buffer.isBuffer(value),
// use that type at the instance
const anotherPropsInstance = new OhMyProps({
payload: {
type: BASE64_BUFFER,
type_cast: true,
// try to cast
payload: 'aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=',
// => { payload: <Buffer 68 65 6c 6c 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64> }
// it works with buffers too
payload: Buffer.from([ 0xDE, 0xAD ]),
// => { payload: <Buffer de ad> }