
2.0.4 • Public • Published


Validate & transform your props by schema.


new OhMyProps(props_description)

Creates an OhMyProps instance.

const propsInstance = new OhMyProps({
    foo: {
        type: String,
        default: 'bar',
    baz: {
        type: Number,
        validator: (value) => Number.isInteger(value),

Every value of props_description is an Object describing a property. Possible options:

Name Type Default value Description
type any Prop of what type you expect.
Built-in options: String, Number, Boolean, Symbol, Object (plain), Array and JSON.
You can define type validators by yourself using createType static method.
is_nullable Boolean false Set to true if you want to allow null values on that property.
type_cast Boolean false Should OhMyProps cast property's value to defined type.
It can be used to cast HTTP API parameters from strings or to decode data.
default any Default value for undefined property. If that option is a function, OhMyProps will threat that function as a factory function.
Be careful: non-primitive defaults (e.g. Object or Array) must be returned from a factory function.
subvalidator OhMyProps An OhMyProps instance that will validate a value itself if this is plain Object or every element inside Array.
validator Function
Validator(s) that will be called with property's value.
If any validator will return any value but true, validation will be failed.

Class method transform(props)

Transforms an object props. Any properties not defined at new OhMyProps will be omitted.

Returns a tramsformed object or null if transformation or validation has failed.

    foo: 'hello world!',
    baz: 10,
    unknown_property: 42,
// => { foo: 'hello world!', baz: 10 }

propsInstance.transform({ baz: 10 });
// => { foo: 'bar', baz: 10 }

    foo: [ 1, 2, 3 ], // expected String, got Array -> fail
    baz: 12.34,       // validation error: Number.isInteger will return false
// => null

Class method isValid(props)

Returns true if props was succesfully transformed and validated.

    foo: 'hello world!',
    baz: 10,
    unknown_property: 42,
// => true

Static method wrap(props_description, targetFunction)

Returns a function that will transform and validate properties and pass them to targetFunction if they are valid. If they are not, an error will be throwed.

const doubleNumber = OhMyProps.wrap(
        num: {
            type: Number,
            type_cast: true,
            validator: (value) => value > 0 && Number.isInteger(value),
    ({ num }) => {
        return num * 2;

doubleNumber({ num: 13 });
// => 26

doubleNumber({ num: '10' });
// => 20

doubleNumber({ num: 'hello' });
// => TypeError: Invalid props.

doubleNumber({ num: 1.234 });
// => TypeError: Invalid props.

// => TypeError: Invalid props.

Statiс method createType({ name, transformer, validator })

Creates a user-defined type with functions that transforms (casts) a value and validates it.

Returns an object that should be passed as type to property description.

// create a type
const BASE64_BUFFER = OhMyProps.createType({
    name: 'BASE64_BUFFER', // not necessary, but useful for logs
    transformer: (value) => Buffer.from(value, 'base64'),
    validator: (value) => Buffer.isBuffer(value),

// use that type at the instance
const anotherPropsInstance = new OhMyProps({
    payload: {
        type: BASE64_BUFFER,
        type_cast: true,

// try to cast
    payload: 'aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=',
// => { payload: <Buffer 68 65 6c 6c 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64> }

// it works with buffers too
    payload: Buffer.from([ 0xDE, 0xAD ]),
// => { payload: <Buffer de ad> }

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  • kirick