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1.6.0 • Public • Published


om-data-mapper is a flexible and powerful tool for object mapping in JavaScript and TypeScript, supporting simple mapping, deep mapping, and mapping through composition.


Install om-data-mapper using npm:

npm i --save om-data-mapper


om-data-mapper offers the following features:

Simple Mapping

Simple mapping allows you to easily transform one object into another by copying or transforming its properties.

const mapper = new UserMapper<User, TargeetUser>({
  name: 'firstName',
  fullName: (user) => `${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}`

const target = mapper.execute(sourceObject);

Deep Mapping

Deep mapping supports the mapping of nested objects and allows the construction of complex data structures.

const addressMapper = new AddressMapper<Address, TargetAddress>({
  fullAddress: (address) => `${}, ${address.street}, ${address.appartment}`
const mapper = new UserMapper<User, TargetUser>({
  name: 'firstName',
  addressStreet: 'address.street',
  addressCity: '',

const target = mapper.execute(sourceObject);

Mapping with Composition

Mapping with composition allows combining multiple mappers to create complex data transformations.

const addressMapper = new AddressMapper<Address, TargetAddress>({
  fullAddress: (address) => `${}, ${address.street}, ${address.appartment}`
const mapper = new UserMapper<User, TargetUser>({
  name: 'firstName',
  address: addressMapper,

const target = mapper.execute(sourceObject);

Mapping with nested config

Mapping with composition allows combining multiple mappers to create complex data transformations.

const mapper = new UserMapper<User, TargetUser>({
  name: 'firstName',
  address: {
    city: '',
    street: 'address.street',

const target = mapper.execute(sourceObject);

Array Selectors

om-data-mapper supports array selectors for iterating over arrays and selecting specific elements by index.

[] - Iterates over an array.

[0] - Selects the element at the specified index.

Example: Iterating Over an Array

const mapper = new DataMapper<Source, Target>({
  items: 'array.[]'

const source = {
  array: [1, 2, 3]

const target = mapper.execute(source);
// target.items will be [1, 2, 3]

Example: Selecting an Element by Index

const mapper = new DataMapper<Source, Target>({
  firstItem: 'array.[0]'

const source = {
  array: [1, 2, 3]

const target = mapper.execute(source);
// target.firstItem will be 1

UnSafe Mode

You can can pass config to mapper { unsafe: true } then all try/catch will be removed from compile mapper function

new Mapper(mappingConfig, defaultValues, { unsafe: true });

this will greatly improve performance, but errors inside the conversion will not be intercepted.


om-data-mapper is distributed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file in the root directory of the project for more information.

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  • isqanderm