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1.0.8 • Public • Published

OnlineProxy JS API

npm version

Wrapper for automatic reception for managing proxies from for Node.js and Vanilla JS.

🌟 Features

  • 🌐 Proxy Management: Manage and use proxies from for enhanced privacy and security.
  • 🔒 Full Typescript Support: Enjoy full Typescript support for type-safe development.
  • 🛠️ Easy Integration: Seamlessly integrate with your Node.js or Vanilla JS projects.
  • 📚 Comprehensive Documentation: Detailed documentation and examples to help you get started quickly.
  • 🐞 Bug Reporting: Easily report and track bugs through GitHub Issues.

✨ Introduction

onlineproxy JS API is a powerful and easy-to-use wrapper designed to simplify the process of integrating SMS and proxy services into your Node.js or Vanilla JS projects. With full Typescript support, you can enjoy type-safe development and efficient coding.

⚙️ Quick Setup

Install the package in your project with:

Using npm:

npm install onlineproxy-js-api

Using pnpm:

pnpm install onlineproxy-js-api

Using yarn:

yarn add onlineproxy-js-api

Then, integrate it into your project:

import OnlineProxyDriver from "onlineproxy-js-api";

const apikey = 'your_apikey_here';
const driver = new OnlineProxyDriver(apikey);

// Example usage for proxy management
driver.getProxyList().then((result) => {

🗂 Documentation

For detailed documentation and examples, please visit the Documentation.

🐞 Bugs

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please create an issue here.

🌐 Integration

The onlineproxy JS API also includes support for managing proxies from This allows you to enhance your privacy and security by using high-quality proxies for your applications.

Example Usage

import OnlineProxyDriver from "onlineproxy-js-api";

const apikey = 'your_apikey_here';
const driver = new OnlineProxyDriver(apikey);

// Example usage for proxy management
driver.getProxyList().then((result) => {

🛠️ Methods

🌍 getProxy

  • Type: (id: string) => Promise<Proxy>
  • Description: Retrieves the proxy with the specified ID.
  • docs: [ru] [de] [en].
  • Parameters:
    • id: string — The ID of the proxy.
  • Example:
const driver = new OnlineProxyAPI('APIKEY', 'en', 123);

driver.getProxy('proxy_id').then((result) => {
  // Output: { id: 'proxy_id', ip: '', port: 8080, type: 'HTTP', country: 'USA', city: 'New York', anonymity: 'High', speed: 100, uptime: 99, lastChecked: '2023-01-01', createdAt: '2023-01-01', updatedAt: '2023-01-01', comment: 'Proxy comment' }

📜 getProxyList

  • Type: () => Promise<ProxyList>
  • Description: Retrieves the list of all available proxies.
  • docs: [ru] [de] [en].
  • Example:
const driver = new OnlineProxyAPI('APIKEY', 'en', 123);

driver.getProxyList().then((result) => {
  // Output: { proxies: [{ id: 'proxy_id', ip: '', port: 8080, type: 'HTTP', country: 'USA', city: 'New York', anonymity: 'High', speed: 100, uptime: 99, lastChecked: '2023-01-01', createdAt: '2023-01-01', updatedAt: '2023-01-01', comment: 'Proxy comment' }] }

🔄 rotateProxy

  • Type: (token: string) => Promise<RotateResult>
  • Description: Rotates the IP address of the proxy.
  • docs: [ru] [de] [en].
  • Example:
const driver = new OnlineProxyAPI('APIKEY', 'en', 123);

driver.rotateProxy(token).then((result) => {
  // Output: { success: true, newIp: '' }

💬 createOrUpdateProxyComment

  • Type: (id: string, comment: string) => Promise<CommentResult>
  • Description: Creates or updates the comment for a specific proxy.
  • docs: [ru] [de] [en].
  • Parameters:
    • id: string — The ID of the proxy.
    • comment: string — The comment to create or update.
  • Example:
const driver = new OnlineProxyAPI('APIKEY', 'en', 123);

driver.createOrUpdateProxyComment('proxy_id', 'New comment').then((result) => {
  // Output: { success: true, message: 'Comment updated' }

📋 getAvailableProxiesForOrder

  • Type: () => Promise<AvailableProxies>
  • Description: Retrieves the list of proxies available for order, matching the input filtering criteria.
  • docs: [ru] [de] [en].
  • Example:
const driver = new OnlineProxyAPI('APIKEY', 'en', 123);

driver.getAvailableProxiesForOrder().then((result) => {
  // Output: { proxies: [{ id: 'proxy_id', ip: '', port: 8080, type: 'HTTP', country: 'USA', city: 'New York', anonymity: 'High', speed: 100, uptime: 99, lastChecked: '2023-01-01', createdAt: '2023-01-01', updatedAt: '2023-01-01', comment: 'Proxy comment' }] }

🛒 orderProxy

  • Type: (orderData: any) => Promise<OrderResult>
  • Description: Orders a proxy.
  • docs: [ru] [de] [en].
  • Parameters:
    • orderData: any — The data required to place an order.
  • Example:
const driver = new OnlineProxyAPI('APIKEY', 'en', 123);

const orderData = { proxyId: 'proxy_id', quantity: 1 };
driver.orderProxy(orderData).then((result) => {
  // Output: { success: true, orderId: 'order123' }

📊 getProxyTariffs

  • Type: () => Promise<Tariffs>
  • docs: [ru] [de] [en].
  • Description: Retrieves the available periods and the minimum order price of proxies, matching the input filtering criteria.
  • Example:
const driver = new OnlineProxyAPI('APIKEY', 'en', 123);

driver.getProxyTariffs().then((result) => {
  // Output: { tariffs: [{ period: '1 month', price: 10 }] }

💰 getUserBalance

  • Type: () => Promise<UserBalance>
  • Description: Retrieves the user balance.
  • docs: [ru] [de] [en].
  • Example:
const driver = new OnlineProxyAPI('APIKEY', 'en', 123);

driver.getUserBalance().then((result) => {
  // Output: { balance: 100 }


const driver = new OnlineProxyAPI('APIKEY', 'en', 123);

driver.getProxy('proxy_id').then((proxy) => {
  console.log('Proxy:', proxy);

driver.getUserBalance().then((balance) => {
  console.log('Balance:', balance);

📚 Additional Resources


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