Nodejs based Command Line tool to use the Open-Calais API
Open-Calais is a tool to send text document to the Open Calais Server and to get tagged data.
A Note about Output
The CSV file output by the tool follows the same order as in Input.txt and Names may repeat depending upon if Name is recognized by different Tags.
npm i Open-Calais
Your Open-Calais API Key or API Token
You have to register on Open Calais website to get an API for autorized access. When you get an API, you have to have to add it in the code in the first line of oc.js like this:-
Test command
node oc -i ./Input.txt -o ./Output.csv
This tool is a command line Tool. Here is the Usage :-
Usage: node oc [Options]
-i, --In File path to input text file.
Use './' for current folder path [required]
-o, --Out File path to output csv file with .csv extension.
[required] [default: "./output.csv"]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
Copyright 2015 Vikas Gautam
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