
1.1.0 • Public • Published


An OpenHab collection of Items, Rules & Scripts that that allow you to control a BlueAir Air Purifier from OpenHAB rules and sitemaps.

As provided, the scripts allow you to adjust the fan speed, from OFF (0) to HIGH (3) and retrieve device information and settings, assigning them to OpenHAB Items as you see fit (requires Rule modifications)


v1.1.0 of this library introduced a change to the command line arguments which will be a breaking change for current users. See below for the additional argument which provides support for multiple devices.


  • OpenHAB 2.x (tested on 2.3.0/2.4.0/2.5.0M1)
  • The OpenHAB Exec Binding
  • NodeJS 8+
  • Yarn or NPM


  1. Ensure you have the requirements installed on the same server as OpenHAB
  2. Go to your OpenHAB scripts directory (on Linux this is /etc/openhab2/scripts)
  3. Install this package using yarn/npm: yarn add openhab-blueair
  4. You should now have a folder in your scripts dir for openhab-blueair
  5. Depending on your setup, you probably need to change the file ownership of the new folder chown -R openhab: node_modules/



Copy the existing config-example.json to config.json in the same folder and update the username & password to match the details you use in the BlueAir app. If you have more than one BlueAir, you can adjust the device index here (in case you have more than one BlueAir - though this script is currently limited to interacting with one device). For testing, you can also turn on debug (will break OpenHAB - see Troubleshooting below).


You need to setup two Things in OpenHAB to connect the node script to OpenHAB.

Thing Command Transform Interval Timeout Autorun
blueairInfo /usr/bin/node /etc/openhab2/scripts/node_modules/openhab-blueair/index.js <index or mac> info REGEX((.*)) 120 30 OFF
blueairFanSpeed /usr/bin/node /etc/openhab2/scripts/node_modules/openhab-blueair/index.js <index or mac> fan-speed %2$s REGEX((.*)) 0 30 OFF

You can do this via the web interface OR in the file system - however you normally do this should be fine. Replace <index or mac> with either the device number you want to return (starts at 0 - enter this if you have only one device!) OR the mac address of your device (available in the BlueAir app, or in debug mode of this script). If you have multiple devices, these are now addressable in OpenHAB - just create more Things.


Add the following Items to an existing or new file in /etc/openhab2/items folder

// BlueAir Air Purifier
String BlueairInfo {channel="exec:command:blueairInfo:output"} // Exec binding stores the JSON response from the API into this Item
Number BlueairSettings_FanSpeed "Fan Speed" // Fan Speed item
Number BlueairSettings_LEDBrightness "LED Brightness [%s]" // LED Brightness. Not currently implemented
String BlueairInfo_UUID "UUID [%s]" // Device UUID. Example of getting element from info response

Switch BlueAirFanSpeedExec {channel="exec:command:f0ad9cd4:run"} // Switch to trigger API call to change Fan Speed
String BlueAirFanSpeedArgs {channel="exec:command:f0ad9cd4:input"} // argument to supply to Fan Speed (should be 0-3)
String BlueAirFanSpeedOut {channel="exec:command:f0ad9cd4:output"} // the response from the fan speed API call


Example Sitemap entries to allow Fan Speed to be managed and example of LED switch (not implemented currently). Add this to your existing Sitemap as you see fit.

    Frame label="Air Purifier" {
        Switch item=BlueairSettings_FanSpeed label="Fan Speed" icon="fan" mappings=[0="OFF", 1="Low", 2="Med", 3="High"]
        Setpoint item=BlueairSettings_LEDBrightness label="LED" icon="slider" minValue=0 maxValue=4
        Text item=BlueairInfo_UUID label="Device ID" 


Copy the blueair.rules file from /etc/openhab2/scripts/node_modules/openhab-blueair into your rules folder (/etc/openhab2/rules/). Edit as you see fit.


To confirm the script is installed with all the pre-requisites and authentication is working, update the config.json file to debug=1 and then from the command line of your OpenHAB server, run the following:

/usr/bin/node /etc/openhab2/scripts/node_modules/openhab-blueair/index.js info

You should get some output from your router similar to the below. If not, check your steps again and make sure your login details are correct

Polled API:
Got home
Polled API:
Logged in to API
Got token: <your login token for this session>
Polled API:
[ { uuid: '<your UUID>',
    userId: 12345,
    mac: '<your mac>',
    name: 'some value' } ]
Got device ID
Polled API:<your UUID>/info/
Already have device ID
Polled API:<your UUID>/attributes/
Got device settings
{ info:
   { uuid: '<your UUID>',
     name: 'some value',
     timezone: 'Australia/Sydney',
     compatibility: 'classic_205',
     model: '1.0.9',
     mac: '<your mac>',
     firmware: '1.1.37',
     mcuFirmware: '1.0.35',
     wlanDriver: 'V10',
     lastSyncDate: 1549536167,
     installationDate: 1546495433,
     lastCalibrationDate: 1546495433,
     initUsagePeriod: 0,
     rebootPeriod: 10800,
     roomLocation: 'kitchen',
     filterusageindays: 0,
     filterlifeleft: 180,
     filterlevel: 100 },
   { auto_mode_dependency: '...',
     brightness: '0',
     child_lock: '0',
     dealerCountry: 'Australia',
     dealerName: '',
     fan_speed: '1',
     fan_usage: '186;8117;15;1631;9769;42071',
     filterType: 'cn',
     filter_status: 'OK',
     mode: 'manual',
     purchaseDate: '',
     serial: '',
     wifi_status: '1' } }

Credits & thanks

This would not have been possible without the work by @mylesagray and his blueair - homebridge code. I've borrowed plenty of his code and ideas to get this working. Thanks Myles!

There's plenty of additional methods and APIs supported in his version, particularly around air quality monitoring. My Blue Air doesn't have these features, so I haven't implemented them, but if you need them, I'll consider any reasonable PR to add them.

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  • alackmann