
0.9.18Β β€’Β PublicΒ β€’Β Published

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πŸ”± A simple server for webhooks.

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OpenHooks is a command-line-based tool, available at npm registry.

Notice that a Node.js environment is required. The latest version of Node.js is supposed to 8.12 or higher. After installation, set right system variables for Node.js, and there will be two command: node amd npm.

The OpenHook installation command with npm is:

$ npm install openhooks -g

If the privileges of current user is not permitted to install a Node.js module globally (usually as binary commands), add a sudo command before. e.g.

$ sudo npm install openhooks -g

or simply as root user:

# npm install openhooks -g

which is NOT recommended.

After finishing this command, the OpenHooks will be successfully installed on your system. This program provides three commands:

  • openhooks-router
  • openhooks-key
  • openhooks-server


  • RESTFul callbacks
  • Daemonized backend server
  • CRUD hooks routers without restarting server
  • Port customization supported

Quick Start

Manage Webhooks

Use command openhooks-router to manage hooks.

The usage of this command is as below:

Usage: openhooks-router [options] [command]

  -V, --version             output the version number
  -h, --help                output usage information

  generate                  generate route for a webhook
  list                      list all webhooks of the server
  delete <index>            delete a webhook with specified index
  update [options] <index>  update a webhook
  clear                     clear all webhooks

Generate a Webhook

$ openhooks-router generate

This action will start an interactive interface:

? Authentication requirement (false) true
? The command for this webhook (null) cd /workdir/app; git pull; docker-compose up -d --build;
? The description for this webhook (null) rebuild project
There are no keys, generated a new key: 72f4203069cb11e9a734e3dd813b8fd2
Generated a webhook: /hooks/96b2804a215247d383151f59f81ce5cf

NOTICE: If there are no keys in OpenHooks configuration file, openhooks-router generate will generate an access key automatically

List Webhooks

$ openhooks-router list

It will print a table of current webhooks:

Total: 2
β”‚ (index) β”‚                   path                    β”‚    description    β”‚                          command                           β”‚ auth  β”‚      createTime       β”‚ updateTime β”‚
β”‚    0    β”‚ '/hooks/96b2804a215247d383151f59f81ce5cf' β”‚ 'rebuild project' β”‚ 'cd /workdir/app; git pull; docker-compose up -d --build;' β”‚ true  β”‚ '2019-04-28 23:36:53' β”‚    null    β”‚
β”‚    1    β”‚ '/hooks/5c5069183e884380968e28784c18f66a' β”‚    'ping test'    β”‚                 'ping -c 5'                 β”‚ false β”‚ '2019-04-28 23:38:22' β”‚    null    β”‚

Update a Webhook

Use command update to update a specified webhook. The detailed usage of update is below:

Usage: update [options] <index>

update a webhook

  -a --auth [boolean]      change the authentication requirement of the webhook
  -c --new-command [cmd]   add command when the webhook is triggered
  -d --desc [description]  add description for the webhook
  -h, --help               output usage information

NOTICE: to change the requirement of authentication, -a option must be specified, e.g. if the authentication of a webhook is supposed to be disabled, the command would be openhooks-router update <index> -a false.

Delete & Clear Webhooks

Use command delete to delete a webhook. The index option is required. delete command will remove the webhook with specified index from list output.

$ openhooks-router delete 0

Use command clear to remove all webhooks.

$ openhooks-router clear

then list will output an empty table:

Total: 0
β”‚ (index) β”‚

Manage Keys

Use command openhooks-key to manage access keys.

The usage of this command is as below:

$ openhooks-key -h
Usage: openhooks-key [options] [command]

  -V, --version   output the version number
  -h, --help      output usage information

  generate        generate an access key
  list            list all keys of the server
  delete <index>  delete a key with specified index
  clear           clear all keys

List All Keys

$ openhooks-key list
Total: 1
β”‚ (index) β”‚                key                 β”‚      createTime       β”‚
β”‚    0    β”‚ '72f4203069cb11e9a734e3dd813b8fd2' β”‚ '2019-04-28 23:36:53' β”‚

Generate a Key

$ openhooks-key generate

Delete a key

Use command delete to delete an access key. The index option is required. delete command will remove the access key with specified index from list output.

$ openhooks-key delete 0

Clear All Keys

$ openhooks-key clear

Manage Server

Use command openhooks-server. The -a, --action parameter is required and -p, --port parameter is optional.

The action parameter is enumerable, contains start|restart|stop:

Start Server

$ openhooks-server start

The server will listen at *:5000/tcp.

Start the server with port parameter:

$ openhooks-server start 6000

The server will listen at *:6000/tcp

Stop Server

$ openhooks-server stop

Restart Server

$ openhooks-server restart

Trigger a Webhook

A simple HTTP request will trigger a webhook. e.g. The webhook server is listening at localhost:5000, the path of the webhook supposed to be triggered is /hooks/c66ee59c-7a27-47d7-948c-2a5f4d229134, the following command will make it:

$ curl http://localhost:5000/hooks/b11216bc-bc90-4edd-82c3-b588ca7219f5

If it is an authentication-required webhook, the command will be:

$ curl -H "Access-Key:dda3fc50602c11e9a0833dcb0b0dbc38" http://localhost:5000/hooks/b11216bc-bc90-4edd-82c3-b588ca7219f5


Clone this repository first:

$ git clone

Be sure that the NODE_ENV path of system is not set to production, then install dependencies:

$ npm install

Run the test suit by following command:

$ npm run test


This project still has many things to do since it is a new Node.js module. For any problems and advices, please open a issue at


Thanks for your interest in this project. You are welcomed to make contributions on it. However, before you starting your contribution work, please read the following advice:

  • Read the README first
  • Understand what changes you want to make
  • Look through the issue list and check if there's an issue to solve the same problem
  • Publish or/and redistribute this project should under MIT license


As said above, before you starting your work, you should check issue list first. The issue list of this project can probably contains known bugs, problems, new demands and future development plans. If you can find an issue or many issues that solves the same problem, it would be great if you can join them to solve the problem.

Fork & Pull Requests

If you decide to write your code in this project, you can fork this project as your own repository, check out to a new branch, from the newest code at master branch. The new branch would be your work bench.

If you want to commit your changes, you are supposed to make an pull request, once you submit the request, the review process will start, if the code meets the requirements, the pull request will pass, and then your code will be in the project. If the request does not be passed, please contact or



  • Support JSON response customization
  • Better JSON reponse
  • Authorized webhooks
  • Webhooks notifications
  • Plugins support





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  • lenconda