
1.0.0 • Public • Published

Discord Bot Starter Code

Set up:

Before setting up, make sure you have node and npm installed.

Before working on this project, consider checking out this tutorial on using discord.js - for the time being, this tutorial is only useful until 'Commands with user inputs.' We will move further with the project at a later date. At that point, more of the tutorial will be useful so feel free to read ahead!

  1. Clone this repository onto your local machine using git CLI: git clone git@github.com:Dino-Martinez/Discord.js-Template.git
  2. CD into the project root directory
  3. Install dependencies/style guides using npm ci
  4. Create a file named .env at the root directory, and add the line BOT_TOKEN=<TOKEN GOES HERE> replacing the right hand side with your bot token.
  5. Before pushing to github, make sure you enforce styling:
    • Run npm run lint <file_path> to receive styling suggestions.
    • Run npm run fix <file_path> to automatically fix incorrect styling. Note: this will not always fix everything, you may have to fix certain things manually.

Further Documentation:

Check out discord.js for more information on everything available through the Discord API.

Check out node.js for more information on the Node runtime and environments.

Check out the Mozilla Docs for more information on JavaScript as a whole.

Expected features:

  • Dynamic command handler to make adding new commands easy.
  • Dynamic help command to allow users to learn how the bot works
  • Simple info command to receive information about the server
  • Dynamic embed creator to make pretty messages easier to build
  • Dynamic logging functionality to allow important events to be tracked
  • Dynamic cooldown handling for commands




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