The show itself is a series of osc actions that will be run in a loop until then end time.
var ShowScheduler = require("oscscheduler");
var show = require("./show.json");
var thisSchedule = new ShowScheduler(show);
thisSchedule.on("beforeStart", function(){
thisSchedule.on("afterEnd", function(){
var currentTime = new Date();
currentTime.setHours(19, 59, 55, 0)
"servers" : { //One or more Servers
"Server1" : {
"Host" : "",
"Port" : 9876
"startTime": "20:00", //Time to start the show
"endTime": "20:01", //Time to end the show
"schedule" : [ // The groups of commands to run when they have finished they will just loop
{"duration": 10, "commands": [ //duration is how long you want the effect to last till the next one
{"server": "Server1", "action": "/CURRENT_VISUAL", "parameters": [{"i":0}] }, //Parameters is an array of typed parameters example [{"i":1}, {"s":"some string"}]
{"server": "Server1", "action": "/CHANGE_GENERATOR_A", "parameters": [{"i":4}]},
{"server": "Server1", "action": "/CHANGE_ALL_OUTPUT_VISUAL", "parameters": [{"i":0}]}
{"duration": 20, "commands": [
{"server": "Server1", "action": "/CURRENT_VISUAL", "parameters": [{"i":1}]},
{"server": "Server1", "action": "/CHANGE_GENERATOR_A", "parameters": [{"i":2}]},
{"server": "Server1", "action": "/CHANGE_ALL_OUTPUT_VISUAL", "parameters": [{"i":1}]}
"onShowEnd" : {"commands":[ //This runs at the end Time to clean up the show
{"server": "Server1", "action": "/CURRENT_VISUAL", "parameters": [{"i":0}]},
{"server": "Server1", "action": "/CHANGE_GENERATOR_A", "parameters": [{"i":0}]},
{"server": "Server1", "action": "/CURRENT_COLORSET", "parameters": [{"i":1}]},
{"server": "Server1", "action": "/CHANGE_ALL_OUTPUT_VISUAL", "parameters": [{"i":0}]}