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2.0.3 • Public • Published


Package to calculate star ratings with any mod combination on osu! beatmaps Using the recently updated star rating algorithm (november 2024)


npm install osu-sr-calculator --save
yarn add osu-sr-calculator


import { calculateStarRating } from 'osu-sr-calculator';

const starRating = await calculateStarRating(mapId, options);

The calculateStarRating function accepts four parameters:

  • mapId: the map id of the beatmap (make sure you use the id from the /b url)
  • options (optional): an object with additional options:
    • path: the path to the .osu file. If omitted (or invalid), the beatmap file will be downloaded from osu!
    • checksum: only used if the path parameter is included. This checksum will be compared to the checksum of the file found and if they don't match, a new version will be downloaded from osu
    • mods: an array containing the mods you want to include in the calculation. Omitting this will default to nomod.
    • allModCombinations: if you set this to true, all unique star ratings for all possible mod combinations will be calculated. The mods parameter will be ignored

This function returns an object containing the calculated star ratings for the requested mod combination. In case of allCombinations, the object will contain all mod combinations with their corresponding star ratings.


  • Nomod star rating:
const starRating = await calculateStarRating(53);
/* Response:
    map_id: 1616712,
    star_ratings: {
        NM: {
            star_rating: 3.01,
            aim_rating: 1.22,
            speed_rating: 1.56,
            flashlight_rating: 0
  • HDDT star rating:
const starRating = await calculateStarRating(53, { mods: ["HD", "DT"] });
/* Response:
  map_id: 53,
  star_ratings: {
    DT: {
      star_rating: 2.735860220359399,
      aim_rating: 1.523548357182464,
      speed_rating: 0.9245861222096409,
      flashlight_rating: 0
  • All possible star ratings:
const starRating = await calculateStarRating(53, { allModCombinations: true });
/* Response:
  map_id: 53,
  star_ratings: {
    NM: {
      star_rating: 2.16744499506542,
      aim_rating: 1.2229963002109072,
      speed_rating: 0.6674524713948623,
      flashlight_rating: 0
    DT: {
      star_rating: 2.735860220359399,
      aim_rating: 1.523548357182464,
      speed_rating: 0.9245861222096409,
      flashlight_rating: 0
    HT: {
      star_rating: 1.8168007574947767,
      aim_rating: 1.0292870550736428,
      speed_rating: 0.5352279304274877,
      flashlight_rating: 0
    FL: {
      star_rating: 2.2551847754071184,
      aim_rating: 1.2229963002109072,
      speed_rating: 0.6674524713948623,
      flashlight_rating: 0.2250617956885513
    DTFL: {
      star_rating: 2.8484620204020183,
      aim_rating: 1.523548357182464,
      speed_rating: 0.9245861222096409,
      flashlight_rating: 0.32546995821729424
    HTFL: {
      star_rating: 1.8864928491799893,
      aim_rating: 1.0292870550736428,
      speed_rating: 0.5352279304274877,
      flashlight_rating: 0.16651754693919033
    HR: {
      star_rating: 2.531701319459565,
      aim_rating: 1.4434931163267344,
      speed_rating: 0.7107917744933737,
      flashlight_rating: 0
    HRDT: {
      star_rating: 3.174610386554348,
      aim_rating: 1.795317574069883,
      speed_rating: 0.9717464259789171,
      flashlight_rating: 0
    HRHT: {
      star_rating: 2.124093716471545,
      aim_rating: 1.2137628591775727,
      speed_rating: 0.5736284204550813,
      flashlight_rating: 0
    HRFL: {
      star_rating: 2.631850542616678,
      aim_rating: 1.4434931163267344,
      speed_rating: 0.7107917744933737,
      flashlight_rating: 0.28329496193372905
    HRDTFL: {
      star_rating: 3.305673303792074,
      aim_rating: 1.795317574069883,
      speed_rating: 0.9717464259789171,
      flashlight_rating: 0.40990716459244575
    HRHTFL: {
      star_rating: 2.203215831905636,
      aim_rating: 1.2137628591775727,
      speed_rating: 0.5736284204550813,
      flashlight_rating: 0.20963051380803988
    EZ: {
      star_rating: 1.798430035637836,
      aim_rating: 0.9910282808642945,
      speed_rating: 0.6363150364246655,
      flashlight_rating: 0
    EZDT: {
      star_rating: 2.304126953415762,
      aim_rating: 1.2430277766277935,
      speed_rating: 0.8867192569440014,
      flashlight_rating: 0
    EZHT: {
      star_rating: 1.5039819402206744,
      aim_rating: 0.8351364515076349,
      speed_rating: 0.5094607669651633,
      flashlight_rating: 0
    EZFL: {
      star_rating: 1.8664284296115408,
      aim_rating: 0.9910282808642945,
      speed_rating: 0.6363150364246655,
      flashlight_rating: 0.16276285314792546
    EZDTFL: {
      star_rating: 2.3881180649606932,
      aim_rating: 1.2430277766277935,
      speed_rating: 0.8867192569440014,
      flashlight_rating: 0.235476166689555
    EZHTFL: {
      star_rating: 1.5585352962584755,
      aim_rating: 0.8351364515076349,
      speed_rating: 0.5094607669651633,
      flashlight_rating: 0.12039957822311322


This package parses the beatmap and calculates the star rating in exactly the same way as in the official osu! source code. Due to slight difference between C# and TypeScript, a fault margin of at most 0.01 should be expected. Accuracy on "unrankable" beatmaps can be further off.

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