These components are usable everywhere. other components like Sidebar, SidebarItem, Avatar, ... are not used in pages. we don't need to make them components. when we needed them, we will use it's tailwnd code directly
- [x] Alert
- [x] Badge
- [x] Button
- [x] Icon
- [x] Modal + ModalBody + ModalHeader + ModalFooter
- [x] Confirm
- [x] Tabs
- [ ] Card + CardBody + CardHeader + CardFooter
- [ ] Dropdown + DropdownMenu + DropdownItem
- [ ] Gridding System (Container, Row, Col) cols from 1 to 12 col/colMd/colLg
- [ ] Popover + PopoverBody
- [ ] Spinner
- [ ] Tooltip
- [ ] DataTable (Pagination, Filter buttons, ...)
- [ ] Form
- [ ] Checkbox
- [ ] CheckboxGroup
- [ ] Input
- [ ] Label
- [ ] RadioGroup
- [ ] Select
- [ ] Textarea
- [ ] RichTextEditor