You create a paginated embed.
- You can download
in powershell with this code.
npm install paginated.embed
- For Paginated.Embed to work, you need to use the discord.js module above @14.
npm upgrade discord.js
Below are examples for you to create a paginated embed. You cannot make customizations other than the customizations mentioned below. And if you want to do version control automatically, we have extra code.
- Code:
const { checkUpdate } = require("paginated.embed")
client.on("ready", async() => {
await checkUpdate()
- Result if the module is out of date (Automatically logs to the console.):
Paginated.Embed is out of date! Remember to use "npm update Paginated.Embed" ( Old Version -> New Version ) in powershell to take advantage of the new features.
- Code:
const { Paginator } = require("paginated.embed")
const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require("@discordjs/builders");
module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription("Generates paginated embed!"),
run: async (client, interaction) => {
await interaction.deferReply()
const paginator = new Paginator()
{author: { name: "Paginated Embed!" }, description: "This is the 1st test message."},
{author: { name: "Paginated Embed!" }, description: "This is the 2nd test message."},
{author: { name: "Paginated Embed!" }, description: "This is the 3rd test message."}
firstPage: { label: "Go First Page" },
previous: { label: "Previous", style: Discord.ButtonStyle.Success },
next: { label: "Next", style: Discord.ButtonStyle.Success },
lastPage: { label: "Go Last Page" }
await paginator.create(interaction, Paginator.Type.InteractionEditReply)
// Paginator.Type.InteractionReply | Paginator.Type.InteractionEditReply | Paginator.Type.InteractionFollowUp | Paginator.Type.InteractionChannelSend
- Code:
const { Paginator } = require("paginated.embed")
client.on("messageCreate", async(message) => {
if(message.content == "paginator") {
const paginator = new Paginator()
{author: { name: "Paginated Embed!" }, description: "This is the 1st test message."},
{author: { name: "Paginated Embed!" }, description: "This is the 2nd test message."},
{author: { name: "Paginated Embed!" }, description: "This is the 3rd test message."}
firstPage: { label: "Go First Page" },
previous: { label: "Previous", style: Discord.ButtonStyle.Success },
next: { label: "Next", style: Discord.ButtonStyle.Success },
lastPage: { label: "Go Last Page" }
await paginator.create(message, Paginator.Type.MessageChannelSend)
// Paginator.Type.Reply | Paginator.Type.MessageChannelSend
- Code:
const { Paginator } = require("paginated.embed")
client.on("messageCreate", async(message) => {
if(message.content == "paginator") {
const paginator = new Paginator()
{ author: { name: "Paginated Embed!", iconURL: `` }, description: "This is the 1st test message.", thumbnail: "", footer: { text: "Hi", iconURL: "" } },
{ author: { name: "Paginated Embed!" }, title: "Hi!", url: "", description: "This is the 2nd test message.", image: "", thumbnail: "" },
{ author: { name: "Paginated Embed!", url: "" }, description: "This is the 3rd test message.", fields: [ { name: "Test Field", value: "Hi!", inline: true } ] }
// All options in one: ([ { author: { name: string, iconURL: string }, title: string, url: string, description, fields: [ { name: string, value: string, inline: boolean } ], image: string, footer: { text: string, iconURL: string } }, {...}, {...} ])
// You can use {currentPage} or {totalPage} in the footer section.
firstPage: { label: "Go First Page", emoji: "1216013763933896804", style: Discord.ButtonStyle.Danger },
previous: { label: "Previous", emoji: "1216013763933896804", style: Discord.ButtonStyle.Primary },
next: { label: "Next", emoji: "1216013763933896804", style: Discord.ButtonStyle.Secondary },
lastPage: { label: "Go Last Page", emoji: "1216013763933896804", style: Discord.ButtonStyle.Success }
// What you can use in the setColor section when creating Discord embed is also valid here.
// Delete it or leave it, you don't need to put anything in ().
await paginator.create(message, Paginator.Type.MessageChannelSend)
// Remember to set Paginator.Type according to Interaction or Message.
You can come to our Discord server and get help and support on #npm-support channel. Or if you send a friend to my discord account, I will return as soon as possible.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.