Pagination of results for use in a templates in node.js. With 2 simple lines of code generate a pagination object to use in a template.
npm install pagination-template
- urlOrigin: Set the url pattern
- pageAct: Actual page visit for the user
- totalResults: Number of rows
- rowsPerPage: Rows per page that we will show
- options: Object whith another options
var Pagination = require('pagination-template');
var paginator = new Pagination('search', 3, 141, 13);
var result = paginator.getPagination();
The value of variable result in this example is:
[ { url: 'search/1/13',
actualPage: false,
index: 1 },
{ url: 'search/2/13',
actualPage: false,
index: 2 },
{ url: 'search/3/13',
actualPage: true,
index: 3 },
{ url: 'search/4/13',
actualPage: false,
index: 4 },
{ url: 'search/5/13',
actualPage: false,
index: 5 },
{ url: 'search/6/13',
actualPage: false,
index: 6 },
{ url: 'search/7/13',
actualPage: false,
index: 7 },
{ url: 'search/8/13',
actualPage: false,
index: 8 },
{ url: 'search/9/13',
actualPage: false,
index: 9 },
{ url: 'search/10/13',
actualPage: false,
index: 10 },
{ url: 'search/11/13',
actualPage: false,
index: 11 } ]
The first parameter of constructor is the url path, you can indicate where is the positions of page parameters, if you send this parameter equal null the return url is a '#'
var paginator = new Pagination('search/anotherparameter/%page%/another/%rowsperpage%', 3, 141, 13);
var result = paginator.getPagination();
This return this url:
url: 'search/anotherparameter/1/another/13'
You can send optional parameters to the constructor for more customization
var parameters = {
maxPagination : 10,
showBeginingEnd: true,
domain: '',
showPreviousNext: true
var paginator = new pagination('search', 3, 141, 13, parameters);
Maximum number of indexes show. If for example we have a 20 pages and the maxPagination value is 10 the result is and the actual pages is 7 the result is 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Check if they have to show the scroll buttons start end
If this options is passed then the url will be the concatenation of domain and the urlOrigin
Show next previous button