Panda VCSS
Virtual CSS in JavaScript (or CoffeeScript, TypeScript, and so on).
(Examples in CoffeeScript because I like to write in CoffeeScript, but the semantics are the same as those of JavaScript.)
# Let's define a helper... = p "font-size"scale lineHeightfontSize p "line-height"lineHeight # The s and p are functions that return mixins, # functions that will modify a stylesheet. # Here we just run them with no arguments, # which will create an empty stylesheet for us. # The render function will convert that into a # string of CSS. css = render s "article" # The & will use the parent selector s "& > h1" # Unit helpers like rem and pct are built-in rhythm rem 4pct 90 s "& > p" p "font-face""Montserrat" assertequal css""" article > h1 { font-size: 3.6rem; line-height: 4rem; } article > p { font-face: Montserrat; } """
npm i -s panda-vcss