
1.2.4 • Public • Published


Travis npm package

React Component library for the Pannellum project.

Special thanks to Matthew Petroff

Install and Import

Install pannellum-react component

npm install pannellum-react --save

Import pannellum-react in your react component file by

import { Pannellum, PannellumVideo } from "pannellum-react";

Note: Currently only equirectangular type is supported! planning to do also multires

Note: Tours component currently is not supported but is WIP. Note: For having video tours, there is the custum hotspot which can implement the video scene changing using handleClick. In fact in can be the tour for videos and photos. Note: You can also create your tour with custom hotspot, by changing the image dynamically. Note: If you manage the props by state, you can update the component smoothly (example: updating yaw, pitch or hfov won't re-render the image and it will dynamically update)


you can also use codesandbox playground

Edit q27rq5p6

Simple Example

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { Pannellum, PannellumVideo } from "pannellum-react";
import myImage from "./images/alma.jpg";
import myVideo from "./images/video.mp4";
const PannellumReact = () => (
    <h1>Pannellum React Component</h>
        onLoad={() => {
            console.log("panorama loaded");
        text="Info Hotspot Text 3"
        text="Info Hotspot Text 4"
    {/******  for video 360 component *******/}
        handleClick={(evt , name) => this.hanldeClick(name)}
export default PannellumReact;


pannellum-react has most of the official pannellum properties (not all of them). It just needed to be passed as props of the pannellum component like example above.on

Props API

Name Type Default Description
id String Unique Generated String If you pass it, it will use it for div id, if not it would be unique string for each component
width String "100%" The width of the panorama div
height String "400px" The height of the panorama div
image String "" The 360 image path
haov Number 360 Initial horizontal angle of view
vaov Number 180 Initial vertical angle of view
vOffsect Number 0 Initial vertical offset angle
yaw Number 0 Starting yaw position in degrees
pitch Number 0 Starting pitch position in degrees
hfov Number 100 Starting horizontal field of view in degrees
maxHfov Number 150 Maximum field of view which user can zoom (in degrees)
minHfov Number 50 Minimum field of view which user can zoom (in degrees)
maxPitch Number 90 Maximum field of view pitch (in degrees)
minPitch Number -90 Minimum field of view pitch (in degrees)
maxYaw Number 180 Maximum field of view yaw (in degrees)
minYaw Number -180 Minimum field of view yaw (in degrees)
autoRotate Number 0 rotation speed in degrees per second. Positive is counter-clockwise, and negative is clockwise.
compass Boolean false Showing compass if true
title String "" Displays as the panorama’s title
author String "" Displays as the panorama’s author
preview String "" Preview image path to display
previewTitle String "" Preview title to display
previewAuthor String "" Preview Author to display
autoLoad Boolean false Load and dsplay the image automatically if true
orientationOnByDefault Boolean false If true Device orientation will work if device supported
showZoomCtrl Boolean true The zoom control display on the image
keyboardZoom Boolean true Enables zoom control from keyboard if true
disableKeyboardCtrl Boolean false Disables control from keyboard if true
mouseZoom Boolean true Enables zoom control with mouse if true
draggable Boolean true If false, mouse and touch dragging is disabled
showFullscreenCtrl Boolean true FullScreen control display
showControls Boolean true if False, no control displays
onLoad Function Callback function which fires after loading
onRender Function Callback function which fires after each render, helpful if you need to react to yaw/pitch/roll/zoom changes
onError Function Callback function which fires after error
onErrorcleared Function Callback function which calls after clearing the error
onMousedown Function Callback function which calls after mouse button press
onMouseup Function Callback function which calls after mouse button release
onTouchstart Function Callback function which calls after touch starts
onTouchend Function Callback function which calls after touch ends
hotspotDebug Boolean false For debug pupose (finding correct point for hotspot)

Additionally, by Getting refrence of the component, you can get the pannellum Viewer calling getViewer() which gives all the available functions of the viewer such as getPitch, setPitch , getyaw and etc. find here

Moreover, you can force render the component using forceRender() in case if you change a prop and didn't change constantly.(example would be hotspot: if you want to update hotspot dynamically, better to call forceRender after updating the hotspots)

example this.PanImage.current.getViewer().getPitch(), PanImage is ref of the component.

This is working also for the video component

HotSpot API


Name Type Default Description
type String info you should pass it
pitch Number 0 the pitch for hotspot
yaw Number 0 the yaw for hotspot
text String "" on mouse over hotspot shows the text box
URL String "" onClick of hotspot opens on new page


Name Type Default Description
type String custom you should pass it
pitch Number 0 the pitch for hotspot
yaw Number 0 the yaw for hotspot
tooltip Function see demo (createTooltipFunc) the function pass div element and you can append any shape or html or ...
tooltipArg Object {} (createTooltipArgs) will be passed to handleClick
handleClick Function logging the handleClickArg (clickHandlerFunc) fires onclick of hotspot
handleClickArg Object {} (clickHandlerArgs) will be passed to handleClick
cssClass String tooltipcss String is used as the CSS class for the hotspot

Video API

these are videojs configuration properties which can be used

Name Type Default Description
video String " " Path to your 360 video
loop Boolean false Looping over video
autoplay Boolean true Play the video as page loaded
controls Boolean false showing controls under
muted Boolean true making video mute

in addition there are also pannellum properties(panorama) which works on video

Name Type Default Description
width String "100%" The width of the panorama div
height String "400px" The height of the panorama div
video String "" The 360 video path
yaw Number 0 Starting yaw position in degrees
pitch Number 0 Starting pitch position in degrees
hfov Number 100 Starting horizontal field of view in degrees
maxHfov Number 150 Maximum field of view which user can zoom (in degrees)
minHfov Number 50 Minimum field of view which user can zoom (in degrees)
maxPitch Number 90 Maximum field of view pitch (in degrees)
minPitch Number -90 Minimum field of view pitch (in degrees)
maxYaw Number 180 Maximum field of view yaw (in degrees)
minYaw Number -180 Minimum field of view yaw (in degrees)
autoRotate Number 0 rotation speed in degrees per second. Positive is counter-clockwise, and negative is clockwise.
mouseZoom Boolean true Enables zoom control with mouse if true
hotspotDebug Boolean false For debug pupose (finding correct point for hotspot)

if you are using chrome, try to keep muted true for autoplay.

Example with all the available props

  onLoad={() => {
    console.log("panorama loaded");
  onError={err => {
    console.log("Error", err);
  onErrorcleared={() => {
    console.log("Error Cleared");
  onMousedown={evt => {
    console.log("Mouse Down", evt);
  onMouseup={evt => {
    console.log("Mouse Up", evt);
  onTouchstart={evt => {
    console.log("Touch Start", evt);
  onTouchend={evt => {
    console.log("Touch End", evt);
    text="Info Hotspot Text"
    handleClick={(evt , args) => console.log(}
    handleClickArg={{ "name":"test" }}
    {/* there are 3 other props. see the custom hotspot doc above*/}


pannellum-react is released under the MIT license.

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  • farminf