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PMS Pantone® Color Chart Version Badge

Find the nearest PMS color using hex or rgb colors from command line or as a dependency.

No need to use Adobe Photoshop® eye dropper tool nor swatch libraries!

PMS Pantone Color Chart RGB CMYK Hex Matching

Interested in buying a physical Pantone® color formula guide?
Pantone GP1301XR Formula Guide Solid Coated and Solid Uncoated


npm install -g pantone


Let's try to find the nearest PMS color to Teelaunch's blue in hex:

Teelaunch Logo

pantone --hex 2A70AE

Or we could use the rgb values:

pantone --rgb 42,112,174

Output in table format on command line:

│ dist  │ name            │ r  │ g   │ b   │ hex    │
│ 0     │ Your query      │ 42 │ 112 │ 174 │ 2A70AE │
│ 0.023 │ 660             │ 66 │ 107 │ 186 │ 426BBA │
│ 0.037 │ 2728            │ 51 │ 66  │ 181 │ 3342B5 │
│ 0.042 │ 285             │ 26 │ 117 │ 207 │ 1A75CF │
│ 0.046 │ 7455            │ 77 │ 89  │ 171 │ 4D59AB │
│ 0.05  │ 653             │ 54 │ 87  │ 140 │ 36578C │
│ 0.053 │ 7459            │ 71 │ 153 │ 181 │ 4799B5 │
│ 0.055 │ 641             │ 0  │ 120 │ 173 │ 0078AD │
│ 0.056 │ 307             │ 0  │ 120 │ 171 │ 0078AB │
│ 0.057 │ 647             │ 38 │ 87  │ 135 │ 265787 │
│ 0.058 │ 7462            │ 13 │ 92  │ 145 │ 0D5C91 │
│ 0.064 │ Process Blue 2X │ 0  │ 119 │ 191 │ 0077BF │
│ 0.064 │ 801 2X          │ 0  │ 137 │ 175 │ 0089AF │
│ 0.064 │ 3015            │ 0  │ 102 │ 158 │ 00669E │
│ 0.065 │ 7468            │ 0  │ 121 │ 156 │ 00789C │
│ 0.066 │ 314             │ 0  │ 133 │ 161 │ 0085A1 │
│ 0.066 │ 633             │ 0  │ 128 │ 158 │ 00809E │
│ 0.066 │ 2945            │ 0  │ 87  │ 166 │ 0057A6 │
│ 0.07  │ 7473            │ 54 │ 163 │ 145 │ 36A391 │
│ 0.071 │ 640             │ 0  │ 140 │ 186 │ 008CBA │


1. Install npm module:

cd ~/project
npm install pantone

2. Require and lookup color:

var pantone = require('pantone')
// rgb usage
pantone({ r: 42, g: 112, b: 174 }, rgbCallback)
function rgbCallback(err, results) {
  if (err) throw new Error(err)
// hex usage
pantone({ hex: '#2A70AE' }, hexCallback) // you can also use `rgb` instead of `hex`
function hexCallback(err, results) {
  if (err) throw new Error(err)

Proxy settings

For all of you who are behind a proxy server we are using the process.env property from node to take the value from HTTP_PROXY or HTTPS_PROXY in order to make the call to the server. This means that you need to set those properties as environment variables (it's a good thing anyways because lots of other apps are using this property).


  1. Right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
  2. Click the Advanced tab \ Advanced system settings.
  3. Click Environment variables.
  4. Under System variables Click New to add a new variable name and value.
  5. Variable name: http_proxy
  6. Variable value: (replace the value with your details, the general syntax is: http://username:password@proxyhost:port/)
  7. Click OK and save your changes

Now if everything went down OK you should be able to use Pantone.

Ubuntu (various Linux distributions)

Notice: I tested this on a VM locally and worked perfectly but might not work for you depending on various factors, so if you have more knowledge please submit a pull request, or let us know and we can update this readme file.

If you want to use a proxy server only once in one terminal window use this command:

export http_proxy=

If you want a more permanent solution:

Put the environment variable into the global /etc/environment file:


Execute source /etc/environment in every shell where you want the variables to be updated:

$ source /etc/environment

Check that it works:

$ echo $http_proxy

More info here:


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