A Parcel 2 plugin that generates a manifest for precaching assets
In .parcelrc
"extends": ["@parcel/config-default", "parcel-config-precache-manifest"]
This will inject a precache manifest similar to the following into all service workers:
self.__precacheManifest = [
{ url: '/index.fe3a45.js', revision: 'fe3a45' },
{ url: '/my-custom-icon.svg', revision: '3b68dc' },
To use the manifest with Workbox, write the following in your service worker:
import workbox from 'workbox-sw';
To use the manifest manually and precache yourself:
const precacheVersion = self.__precacheManifest
.map(p => p.revision)
const precacheFiles = => p.url);
self.addEventListener('install', ev => {
// Do not finish installing until every file in the app has been cached
cache => cache.addAll(precacheFiles)
// Optionally, to clear previous precaches, also use the following:
self.addEventListener('activate', ev => {
caches.keys().then(keys => Promise.all(
keys.filter(k => k !== precacheVersion).map(
k => caches.delete(k)
Please note that this plugin supports Parcel 2 only. See parcel-plugin-precache-manifest
for a plugin that supports Parcel 1.
Precaching is a fundamental part of any PWA. When offline, the browser cannot make any network requests, so every file crucial to your app must be stored in a persistent cache. However, it's impossible to know which files to cache during the 'install'
event without some sort of manifest, which is what this plugin allows you to generate.
This plugin can be thought of as a port of workbox-webpack-plugin
's InjectManifest
to Parcel.
Advanced: Filters
By default, service workers will not be precached, since they are automatically cached by the browser until a new service worker is discovered. To prevent the caching of a specific type of file (say all .png
files), you can filter the items in self.__precacheManifest
at the top of the service worker itself:
self.__precacheManifest = self.__precacheManifest.filter(
item => !/\.png$/.test(item.url)
// Rest of your service worker code