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Low-level parse5 node manipulation utilities.


const utils = require('parse5-utils')

let document = utils.parse(html, [smart])

Parse an HTML string, If smart, returns a document or documentFragment, appropriately. Otherwise, always parses it as a document.

let fragment = utils.parseFragment(html)

Parses HTML as a fragment.

let html = utils.serialize(document || fragment)

Converts an AST into an HTML string.

let attributes = utils.attributesOf(node)

Get the attributes of a node as an object.

setAttribute(node, key, value)

Set an attribute of a node.

getAttribute(node, key)

Get the attribute of a node.

node.attrs = utils.toAttrs(attributes)

Set a node's attributes from an object.

let node = utils.createNode(tagName)

Create a node with a specific tag name.

let textNode = utils.createTextNode(text)

Create a text node.

node = utils.prepend(parent, node)

Add a child to a node, making it the first child.

node = utils.append(parent, node)

Add a child to a node, making it the last child.

node = utils.replace(originalNode, newNode)

Replace a node with another node.

node = utils.remove(node)

Remove a node.

nodes = utils.flatten(node || [nodes])

Get all the nodes in a tree as a flat array.

let text = utils.textOf(node)

Get the text of a node.

utils.setText(node, text)

Set the text of a node.

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  • jongleberry