
1.3.0 • Public • Published


Pasarpolis SDK for Nodejs V1.3

This repository contains SDK for integrating Pasapolis API into your Nodejs code.


Update Package on NPM

This is required only if some change is made in sdk and those changes have to be pushed on npm.

$ npm adduser

Use User : pasarpolis (Ask credentials from Amit Saraswat)

Once all the changes are done and tested execute this command to push changes and ask clients/partners to update the package.

$ npm publish


$ npm install --save pasarpolis-sdk-nodejs

Run example

$ node example/


To initialize client call below function

const sdk = require('pasarpolis-sdk-nodejs')
const client = sdk.init(<PartnerCode>, <PartnerSecret>, <Host>)



const sdk = require('pasarpolis-sdk-nodejs')
const client = sdk.init("MyDummyCode","a8516a5b-6c32-4228-907e-6f14761c61cb", "")

The above code snippet will intialize Pasarpolis client at initialization of app.


  1. Initialize client before calling any functionality of SDK else it will raise error.
  2. Please make sure you initialize client only once i.e. at start of your app else it will raise error.

1. Config Create Policy

Create policy will create a new policy and will return a Policy object having application_number, premium and reference_number.


client.configCreatePolicy(<Product>, <Params>)


  • Product(string) : Type of product for which policy is being created.
  • Params(hash) : Product specific data to be sent. Signature of every product specific data is provided here.

it will return a Policy object which contains:

  • reference_number (string): Hexadecimal number provided by Pasarpolis for future reference.
  • application_number (string): Number provided for future reference.
  • premium (interger): Premium amount for policy.


const sdk = require('pasarpolis-sdk-nodejs')
const client = sdk.init(<PartnerCode>, <PartnerSecret>, <Host>)

const packageName = 'travel-protection'
const params = {
    "note": "",
    "email_id": "",
    "phone_no": "+6200000000000",
    "reference_id": "R1",
    "make": "Apple",
    "model": "iPhone X",
    "purchase_date": "2018-12-20",
    "purchase_value": 32000.00
const configCreatePolicy = client.configCreatePolicy(packageName, params)

/** It will give response as promise */ 
    .then(response => console.log(response))
    .catch(err => console.log(err))

it will give output as

    application_no: 'APP-000001082',
    ref: 'bb078624e8c24d3629ffc6102441f42b22276daf',
    premium: 15000

2. Config Validate Policy

Validate policy will validate a new policy and will return a Policy object having message


client.configValidatePolicy(<Product>, <Params>)


  • Product(string) : Type of product for which policy is being created.
  • Params(hash) : Product specific data to be sent. Signature of every product specific data is provided here.

it will return a Policy object which contains:

  • message (string): Message containing content Valid request.


const sdk = require('pasarpolis-sdk-nodejs')
const client = sdk.init(<PartnerCode>, <PartnerSecret>, <Host>)

const packageName = 'travel-protection'
const params = {
    "note": "",
    "email_id": "",
    "phone_no": "+6200000000000",
    "reference_id": "R1",
    "make": "Apple",
    "model": "iPhone X",
    "purchase_date": "2018-12-20",
    "purchase_value": 32000.00
const configValidatePolicy = client.configValidatePolicy(packageName, params)

/** It will give response as promise */ 
    .then(response => console.log(response))
    .catch(err => console.log(err))

it will give output as

    "message": "Valid request"

3. Create Policy

Create policy will create a new policy and will return a Policy object having application_number, premium and reference_number.


client.createPolicy(<Product>, <Params>)


  • Product(string) : Type of product for which policy is being created.
  • Params(hash) : Product specific data to be sent. Signature of every product specific data is provided here.

it will return a Policy object which contains:

  • reference_number (string): Hexadecimal number provided by Pasarpolis for future reference.
  • application_number (string): Number provided for future reference.
  • premium (interger): Premium amount for policy.


const sdk = require('pasarpolis-sdk-nodejs')
const client = sdk.init(<PartnerCode>, <PartnerSecret>, <Host>)

const packageName = 'travel-protection'
const params = {
    "note": "",
    "email_id": "",
    "phone_no": "+6200000000000",
    "reference_id": "R1",
    "make": "Apple",
    "model": "iPhone X",
    "purchase_date": "2018-12-20",
    "purchase_value": 32000.00
const createPolicy = client.createPolicy(packageName, params)

/** It will give response as promise */ 
    .then(response => console.log(response))
    .catch(err => console.log(err))

it will give output as

    application_no: 'APP-000001082',
    ref: 'bb078624e8c24d3629ffc6102441f42b22276daf',
    premium: 15000

4. Validate Policy

Validate policy will validate a new policy and will return a Policy object having message


client.validatePolicy(<Product>, <Params>)


  • Product(string) : Type of product for which policy is being created.
  • Params(hash) : Product specific data to be sent. Signature of every product specific data is provided here.

it will return a Policy object which contains:

  • message (string): Message containing content Valid request.


const sdk = require('pasarpolis-sdk-nodejs')
const client = sdk.init(<PartnerCode>, <PartnerSecret>, <Host>)

const packageName = 'travel-protection'
const params = {
    "note": "",
    "email_id": "",
    "phone_no": "+6200000000000",
    "reference_id": "R1",
    "make": "Apple",
    "model": "iPhone X",
    "purchase_date": "2018-12-20",
    "purchase_value": 32000.00
const validatePolicy = client.validatePolicy(packageName, params)

/** It will give response as promise */ 
    .then(response => console.log(response))
    .catch(err => console.log(err))

it will give output as

    "message": "Valid request"

5. Bulk Create Policy

Bulk Create policy will create a new policies and will return a Policy object having application_number, premium and reference_number.


client.createAggregatePolicy(<Product>, <Params>)


  • Product(string) : Type of product for which policy is being created.
  • Params(expect: array) : Product specific data to be sent. Signature of every product specific data is provided here.

it will return a Policy object which contains:

  • reference_number (string): Hexadecimal number provided by Pasarpolis for future reference.
  • application_number (string): Number provided for future reference.
  • premium (interger): Premium amount for policy.


const sdk = require('pasarpolis-sdk-nodejs')
const client = sdk.init(<PartnerCode>, <PartnerSecret>, <Host>)

const packageName = 'travel-protection-ultra'
const params = [
              "name":"John Doe",
                 "departure_date":"2019-01-01 04:30:00",
                 "departure_date":"2019-01-01 13:23:00",
        }, {
              "name":"Alice Doe",
                 "departure_date":"2019-01-01 04:30:00",
                 "departure_date":"2019-01-01 14:23:00",
const createPolicy = client.createAggregatePolicy(packageName, params)

/** It will give response as promise */ 
    .then(response => {
        if (response.detail !== undefined)
    .catch(err => console.log(err))

it will give output as

{ policies:
   { '2c104b94-3705-45d2-bd1e-test1':
        application_no: 'APP-000001611',
        ref: '1647ef8e3829420918cf558be11739ad4727988c'
        application_no: 'APP-000001612',
        ref: '093120441b0c5c981be8780063d7f7899a657f8e' 

6. Bulk Validate Policy

Bulk Validate policy will validate a new policy and will return a Policy object having message.


client.validateAggregatePolicy(<Product>, <Params>)


  • Product(string) : Type of product for which policy is being created.
  • Params(expect: array) : Product specific data to be sent. Signature of every product specific data is provided here.

it will return a Policy object which contains:

  • reference_number (string): Hexadecimal number provided by Pasarpolis for future reference.
  • application_number (string): Number provided for future reference.
  • premium (interger): Premium amount for policy.


const sdk = require('pasarpolis-sdk-nodejs')
const client = sdk.init(<PartnerCode>, <PartnerSecret>, <Host>)

const packageName = 'travel-protection-ultra'
const params = [
              "name":"John Doe",
                 "departure_date":"2019-01-01 04:30:00",
                 "departure_date":"2019-01-01 13:23:00",
        }, {
              "name":"Alice Doe",
                 "departure_date":"2019-01-01 04:30:00",
                 "departure_date":"2019-01-01 14:23:00",
const createPolicy = client.validateAggregatePolicy(packageName, params)

/** It will give response as promise */ 
    .then(response => {
        if (response.detail !== undefined)
    .catch(err => console.log(err))

it will give output as

    "message": "Valid request"

7. Get Policy Status

Get policy status will give status of the policy created by providing policy reference number. It will return array of policies object being queried for.




  • ReferenceNumbers(string[]): An array of string containing reference numbers.

it will return an array of Policy objects. Each Policy object contains:

  • reference_number (string): Hexadecimal number provided by Pasarpolis for future reference.
  • application_number (string): Number provided for future reference.
  • document_url (string): Url for policy document (if any).
  • policy_number (string): Number for policy.
  • status (string): Status of a given policy.
  • status_code (integer): Status code of a given policy.
  • issue_date (string): Issue date(YYYY-MM-DD h:mm:ss) of given policy.
  • message (string): Message/Comments on a given policy if any.
  • partner_ref (string): Unique reference of a given policy.
  • product_key (string): product name of a given policy.
  • expiry_date (string): expiry date(YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) of a given policy.
  • activation_url (string): activation url of a given policy if activation flow present for policy.


const sdk = require('pasarpolis-sdk-nodejs')
const client = sdk.init(<PartnerCode>, <PartnerSecret>, <Host>)

const getPolicyStatus = client.getPolicyStatus("48fc2801e487af79ef311621f63e4133c")

/** It will give response as promise */ 
    .then(response => console.log(response))
    .catch(err => console.log(err))

it gives output as:

        "ref": "48fc2801e487af79ef311621f63e4133c",
        "application_no": "APP-000067293",
        "document_url": "",
        "policy_no": "CIAK0000000032",
        "status_code": 5,
        "status": "COMPLETED",
        "issue_date": "2020-11-05 08:41:24",
        "message": "",
        "partner_ref": "cip-00000029",
        "product_key": "credit-insurance-protection",
        "expiry_date": "2020-12-03 08:10:00",
        "activation_url": ""

8. Cancellation

Cancellation will move an existing policy from COMPLETED state to CANCELLED and will return closure_id for reference


client.cancelPolicy(<RefID>, <Params>)


  • ReferenceNumber(string): Reference number of policy that needs to be cancelled
  • Params(map): Params Body
    • Execution Date(string): Date of cancellation
    • Reason(string): Reason for cancellation
    • User(string): User email

it will return an array of Policy objects. Each Policy object contains:

  • closure_id (string): Reference number for cancellation request


const sdk = require('pasarpolis-sdk-nodejs')
const client = sdk.init(<PartnerCode>, <PartnerSecret>, <Host>)

const refID = '456712345679876qwertg23'
const params = {
    "execution_date": "2020-09-01 14:12:12",
    "user": "",
    "reason": "wrong policy created"
const cancelPolicy = client.cancelPolicy(refID, params)

/** It will give response as promise */ 
    .then(response => console.log(response))
    .catch(err => console.log(err))

it gives output as:

    "closure_id": 1

9. Termination

Cancellation will move an existing policy from COMPLETED state to TERMINATED and will return closure_id for reference


client.terminatePolicy(<RefID>, <Params>)


  • ReferenceNumber(string): Reference number of policy that needs to be cancelled
  • Params(map): Params Body
    • Execution Date(string): Date of cancellation
    • Reason(string): Reason for cancellation
    • User(string): User email

it will return an array of Policy objects. Each Policy object contains:

  • closure_id (string): Reference number for cancellation request


const sdk = require('pasarpolis-sdk-nodejs')
const client = sdk.init(<PartnerCode>, <PartnerSecret>, <Host>)

const refID = '456712345679876qwertg23'
const params = {
    "execution_date": "2020-09-01 14:12:12",
    "user": "",
    "reason": "wrong policy created"
const terminatePolicy = client.terminatePolicy(refID, params)

/** It will give response as promise */ 
    .then(response => console.log(response))
    .catch(err => console.log(err))

it gives output as:

    "closure_id": 1

10. Create Config Aggregate Policy

Config Aggregate Policy will create aggreate policy.


clint.configCreateAggregatePolicy(<Product>, <Params>)


  • Product(string) : Type of product for which policy is being created.
  • Params(expect: array) : Product specific data to be sent. Signature of every product specific data is provided here.


const packageName = 'travel-protection-ultra'
const params = [
              "name":"John Doe",
                 "departure_date":"2019-01-01 04:30:00",
                 "departure_date":"2019-01-01 13:23:00",
        }, {
              "name":"Alice Doe",
                 "departure_date":"2019-01-01 04:30:00",
                 "departure_date":"2019-01-01 14:23:00",

const createConfigAggregatePolicy = client.configCreateAggregatePolicy(packageName, params);

			.then(response => console.log(response))
	    .catch(err => console.log(err))

it will give output as

{ policies:
   { '2c104b94-3705-45d2-bd1e-test1':
        application_no: 'APP-000001611',
        ref: '1647ef8e3829420918cf558be11739ad4727988c'
        application_no: 'APP-000001612',
        ref: '093120441b0c5c981be8780063d7f7899a657f8e' 

11. Policy Status V3

Get policy status will give status of the policy created by providing policy reference number. It will return array of policies object being queried for.




  • ReferenceNumbers(string[]): An array of string containing reference numbers.

it will return an array of Policy objects. Each Policy object contains:

  • reference_number (string): Hexadecimal number provided by Pasarpolis for future reference.
  • application_number (string): Number provided for future reference.
  • document_url (string): Url for policy document (if any).
  • policy_number (string): Number for policy.
  • status (string): Status of a given policy.
  • status_code (integer): Status code of a given policy.
  • issue_date (string): Issue date(YYYY-MM-DD h:mm:ss) of given policy.
  • message (string): Message/Comments on a given policy if any.
  • partner_ref (string): Unique reference of a given policy.
  • product_key (string): product name of a given policy.
  • expiry_date (string): expiry date(YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) of a given policy.
  • activation_url (string): activation url of a given policy if activation flow present for policy.


const sdk = require('pasarpolis-sdk-nodejs')
const client = sdk.init(<PartnerCode>, <PartnerSecret>, <Host>)

const getPolicyStatusV3 = client.getPolicyStatusV3("48fc2801e487af79ef311621f63e4133c")

/** It will give response as promise */ 
    .then(response => console.log(response))
    .catch(err => console.log(err))

it gives output as:

        "ref": "48fc2801e487af79ef311621f63e4133c",
        "application_no": "APP-000067293",
        "document_url": "",
        "policy_no": "CIAK0000000032",
        "status_code": 5,
        "status": "COMPLETED",
        "issue_date": "2020-11-05 08:41:24",
        "message": "",
        "partner_ref": "cip-00000029",
        "product_key": "credit-insurance-protection",
        "expiry_date": "2020-12-03 08:10:00",
        "activation_url": ""

12. Termination V3

Cancellation will move an existing policy from COMPLETED state to TERMINATED and will return closure_id for reference in V3


client.terminatePolicyV3(<RefID>, <Params>)


  • ReferenceNumber(string): Reference number of policy that needs to be cancelled
  • Params(map): Params Body
    • Execution Date(string): Date of cancellation
    • Reason(string): Reason for cancellation
    • User(string): User email

it will return an array of Policy objects. Each Policy object contains:

  • closure_id (string): Reference number for cancellation request


const sdk = require('pasarpolis-sdk-nodejs')
const client = sdk.init(<PartnerCode>, <PartnerSecret>, <Host>)

const refID = '456712345679876qwertg23'
const params = {
    "execution_date": "2020-09-01 14:12:12",
    "user": "",
    "reason": "wrong policy created"
const terminatePolicyV3 = client.terminatePolicyV3(refID, params)

/** It will give response as promise */ 
    .then(response => console.log(response))
    .catch(err => console.log(err))

it gives output as:

    "closure_id": 1

13. Cancellation V3

Cancellation will move an existing policy from COMPLETED state to TERMINATED and will return closure_id for reference


client.cancelPolicyV3(<RefID>, <Params>)


  • ReferenceNumber(string): Reference number of policy that needs to be cancelled
  • Params(map): Params Body
    • Execution Date(string): Date of cancellation
    • Reason(string): Reason for cancellation
    • User(string): User email

it will return an array of Policy objects. Each Policy object contains:

  • closure_id (string): Reference number for cancellation request


const sdk = require('pasarpolis-sdk-nodejs')
const client = sdk.init(<PartnerCode>, <PartnerSecret>, <Host>)

const refID = '456712345679876qwertg23'
const params = {
    "execution_date": "2020-09-01 14:12:12",
    "user": "",
    "reason": "wrong policy created"
const cancelPolicyV3 = client.cancelPolicyV3(refID, params)

/** It will give response as promise */ 
    .then(response => console.log(response))
    .catch(err => console.log(err))

it gives output as:

    "closure_id": 1

14. Validate Config Aggregate Policy

Config Aggregate Policy will validate the request payload for the aggreate policy.


clint.configValidateAggregatePolicy(<Product>, <Params>)


  • Product(string) : Type of product for which policy is being created.
  • Params(expect: array) : Product specific data to be sent. Signature of every product specific data is provided here.


const packageName = 'travel-protection-ultra'
const params = [
              "name":"John Doe",
                 "departure_date":"2019-01-01 04:30:00",
                 "departure_date":"2019-01-01 13:23:00",
        }, {
              "name":"Alice Doe",
                 "departure_date":"2019-01-01 04:30:00",
                 "departure_date":"2019-01-01 14:23:00",

const validateConfigAggregatePolicy = client.configValidateAggregatePolicy(packageName, params);

			.then(response => console.log(response))
	    .catch(err => console.log(err))

it will give output as

    "message": "Valid request"


To run testcases for sdk simply go to root of sdk and run following command

$ npm run test

it should pass all testcases as follows

Test Suites: 3 passed, 3 total
Tests:       8 passed, 8 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        2.782s, estimated 4s




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npm i pasarpolis-sdk-nodejs

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  • pasarpolis
  • ankush13.bansal