Passlify is a robust password validation and generation library for JavaScript and TypeScript, with built-in React components for easy integration into web applications.
npm install passlify
const Passlify = require('passlify');
const options = {
min_characters: 8,
max_characters: 30,
special_chars: true,
min_special_chars: 1,
alpha: true,
numeric: true,
min_alpha: 1,
min_numeric: 1,
uppercase: true,
lowercase: true,
min_uppercase: 1,
min_lowercase: 1,
blacklist: ['password123', 'qwerty123'],
const passlify = new Passlify(options);
// Password validation
const result = passlify.check('P@ssw0rd123!');
// Password generation
const generatedPassword = passlify.generatePassword();
console.log('Generated password:', generatedPassword);
import Passlify from 'passlify';
// ... rest of the code is the same as in the JavaScript example
import React from 'react';
import { PasswordStrengthChecker } from 'passlify';
function App() {
return (
<h1>Password Strength Checker</h1>
<PasswordStrengthChecker />
- Generate a password with default options:
const passlify = new Passlify();
const password = passlify.generatePassword();
console.log('Default generated password:', password);
- Generate a longer password:
const longPasswordOptions = {
min_characters: 16,
max_characters: 20,
special_chars: true,
min_special_chars: 2,
alpha: true,
numeric: true,
min_alpha: 8,
min_numeric: 2,
uppercase: true,
lowercase: true,
min_uppercase: 2,
min_lowercase: 2,
const passlifyLong = new Passlify(longPasswordOptions);
const longPassword = passlifyLong.generatePassword();
console.log('Long generated password:', longPassword);
- Generate a password without special characters:
const noSpecialCharsOptions = {
min_characters: 12,
max_characters: 16,
special_chars: false,
alpha: true,
numeric: true,
min_alpha: 8,
min_numeric: 2,
uppercase: true,
lowercase: true,
min_uppercase: 1,
min_lowercase: 1,
const passlifyNoSpecial = new Passlify(noSpecialCharsOptions);
const noSpecialPassword = passlifyNoSpecial.generatePassword();
console.log('Password without special characters:', noSpecialPassword);
Creates a new Passlify instance with the given options.
Checks a password against the defined rules and returns a validation result.
Generates a password that meets all the defined rules.
Asynchronously checks a password against the defined rules.
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This project is licensed under the ISC License - see the LICENSE file for details.