
0.1.2 • Public • Published


Passport authentication strategy against Active Directory. This module is a Passport strategy wrapper for adauth.


$ npm install passport-adauth


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MIT. See "LICENSE" file.


var ADStrategy = require('passport-adauth');
passport.use(new ADStrategy({
  server: {
    url: 'ldaps://',
    domainDn: 'dc=example,dc=com',
    tlsOptions: {
      ca: './domain-ca.cer'
  • server: LDAP settings. These are passed directly to adauth. See its documentation for all available options.
    • url: The LDAP URL for the domain controller e.g. ldaps://
    • bindDn: A user with just enough permissions to read other users' attributes e.g. CN=LDAP User,OU=Users,OU=MyBusiness,DC=example,DC=com
    • bindCredentials: Password for bindDn
    • searchBase: The base suffix for all users to narrow results e.g. OU=Users,OU=MyBusiness,DC=example,DC=com
    • searchAttributes: Optional array of attributes to limit what attributes are fetched from AD, e.g. ['displayName', 'mail']. Defaults to undefined, i.e. fetch all attributes
    • tlsOptions: Optional object with options accepted by the Node.js tls module.
  • usernameField: Field name where the username is found, defaults to username
  • passwordField: Field name where the password is found, defaults to password
  • passReqToCallback: When true, req is the first argument to the verify callback (default: false):
passport.use(new ADStrategy(..., function(req, user, done) {
    done(null, user);

Note: you can pass a function instead of an object as options, see the example below

Authenticate requests

Use passport.authenticate(), specifying the 'adauth' strategy, to authenticate requests.

authenticate() options

In addition to default authentication options the following options are available for passport.authenticate():

  • badRequestMessage flash message for missing username/password (default: 'Missing credentials')
  • invalidCredentials flash message for InvalidCredentialsError, NoSuchObjectError, and /no such user/i LDAP errors (default: 'Invalid username/password')
  • userNotFound flash message when AD returns no error but also no user (default: 'Invalid username/password')
  • constraintViolation flash message when user account is locked (default: 'Exceeded password retry limit, account locked')

Express example

var express      = require('express'),
    passport     = require('passport'),
    bodyParser   = require('body-parser'),
    ADStrategy   = require('passport-adauth');
var adOptions = {
  server: {
    url: 'ldap://',
    bindDn: 'CN=LDAP User,OU=Users,OU=MyBusiness,DC=example,DC=com',
    bindCredentials: 'mypassword',
    searchBase: 'OU=Users,OU=MyBusiness,DC=example,DC=com'
var app = express();
passport.use(new ADStrategy(adOptions));
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
app.use(passport.initialize());'/login', passport.authenticate('adauth', { session: false }),
function(req, res) {
  res.send({ status: 'ok' });

Active Directory over SSL example

Simple example config for connecting over ldaps:// to a server requiring some internal CA certificate (often the case in corporations using Windows AD).

var opts = {
  server: {
    url: 'ldaps://',
    bindDn: 'CN=LDAP User,OU=Users,OU=MyBusiness,DC=example,DC=com',
    bindCredentials: 'mypassword',
    searchBase: 'OU=Users,OU=MyBusiness,DC=example,DC=com'
    tlsOptions: {
      ca: './domain-ca.cer'

Asynchronous configuration retrieval

Instead of providing a static configuration object, you can pass a function as options that will take care of fetching the configuration. It will be called' with the req object and a callback function having the standard (err, result) signature. Notice that the provided function will be called on every authenticate request.

var getLDAPConfiguration = function(req, callback) {
  // Fetching things from database or whatever
  process.nextTick(function() {
    var opts = {
      server: {
        url: 'ldap://',
        bindDn: 'CN=LDAP User,OU=Users,OU=MyBusiness,DC=example,DC=com',
        bindCredentials: 'mypassword',
        searchBase: 'OU=Users,OU=MyBusiness,DC=example,DC=com'
    callback(null, opts);
var ADStrategy = require('passport-adauth');
passport.use(new ADStrategy(getLDAPConfiguration,
  function(user, done) {
    return done(null, user);

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